DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-114-121
Introduction. The use of poetic texts as didactic materials is an effective method of teaching Russian as a foreign language. This study aims to describe the methodological and linguistic aspects of interpreting perceptual semantics in poetic works by Marina Tsvetaeva. The interpretation of literary works in perceptual terms facilitates understanding these works’ messages and provides an opportunity for studying and applying units with the meaning of perception in communicative practice. Material and methods. The material for the study was poems by Marina Tsvetaeva with a pronounced semantics of perception (270 poems, 547 contexts). The main research methods were the linguo-stylistic analysis of the texts, the conceptual and semantic analysis of the keywords, and a linguocultural commentary. Results and discussion. When selecting poems for lessons in a foreign-language audience, it is essential to take into account the students’ cognitive interest, the principle of accessibility, and the principle of the methodological value of the poems for studying. When interpreting texts and analyzing perceptual images, foreign students encounter lexical, grammatical, stylistic, and linguocultorological difficulties. By successfully overcoming the difficulties, students perceive the messages and the emotional tonalities of the poems. The titles of certain poems set “perceptual dominants” conceptually expressed in the further semantic development of the text (“V Sumerkakh” [At Dusk], “Luch Serebristyy” [Ray of Silver], “Nochnye Shepota: Shelka . . .” [Night Whispers: Silk . . .], etc.). Tasks on the analysis of perceptual images and the linguo-poetic analysis of poems must be formulated in accordance with the main stages of the lesson. The actualization of skills and abilities involves the use of individual perceptual experience and information available to students about literary texts. Pre-reading tasks aim to capture the readers’ interest and encourage them to be creative (conceptual guess and comparison). Reading tasks aim to analyze the means of expressing perceptual images at the lexical, grammatical, and stylistic levels of the poem. The focus is on keywords with perceptual semantics. Post-reading tasks aim to generalize and interpret the material. Conclusion. The linguo-stylistic analysis of poems by Marina Tsvetaeva in terms of perception allows foreign students to present one of the options for interpreting the texts using their linguistic and sensory experience. The students understand the functions perceptual units perform, observe the implementation of direct and figurative meanings of keywords, and see how the author expresses her intention at all the levels of the texts.
Keywords: poetic text, Russian as a foreign language, perceptual semantics, linguistic analysis
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 114 — 121
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