DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-7-16
Introduction. The paper presents the stories about Harbin told by Russian re-emigrants from China to Australia in the speech genre “Reminiscences”. The need to analyse these texts arises from the interest of modern linguistics in the speaking personality and the texts this personality produces. The texts reflect the unique personal and historical experience. In this case study they reflect the experiences of Russian re-emigrants from China to Australia. The purpose of the article is to describe the reminiscence genre and its linguistic implementation in the speech of Russian re-emigrants, who came from China to Australia in the 20th century. Material and methods. The research is based on the study of the recorded interviews with Russian re-emigrants from China to Australia (10 interviews). The method of linguistic description of the «Reminiscences» genre was used as the main method to analyse their speech from the point of view of its thematic and linguistic distinctiveness. Results and discussion. The paper presents the thematic originality of stories about Harbin, determined by the particular lifestyle of Russian eastern emigration. A number of micro-themes have been identified in the framework of the study: The Russian appearance of Harbin, resettlement to Harbin, Russians and Chinese, Japanese occupation of Harbin. Genre features and linguistic specificities have been determined. The analysis of the Russian re-emigrants’ stories about Harbin made it possible to identify some typical and specific features. Among the typical features are: the use of past-tense verbs, the use of spoken and neutral vocabulary and metatext lexical units. The specific features of the stories about Harbin, embodied in the «Reminiscences» genre, have been determined. They include the use of syntactic means and structures characteristic of written speech, the use of bookish, high-flown and obsolete vocabulary, as well as Harbin vocabulary and borrowings from the Chinese language. Conclusion. Recorded reminiscence-stories of Russian re-emigrants about Harbin, demonstrate thematic originality, determined by the particular lifestyle of Russian eastern emigration, genre features and linguistic specifics.
Keywords: The Russian language, the Russian language abroad, eastern branch of the Russian emigration, speech genres, reminiscence genre, Harbin vocabulary proper
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 7 — 16
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