DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-17-24
Introduction. The purpose of this research is to develop the concept of a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary, which reflects the concepts of male and female in the Middle Ob region dialects. The study is novel in that it shows the creation of a dictionary that reflects the male and female spheres in their complex sociocultural interaction and regional specifics for the first time in Russian lexicography. The dictionary includes dynamic parameters of gender vocabulary, and as a result their informative capabilities are expanded. The applicabiliry of creating a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary is coming from the nesessity to form a source study base for studying Siberia as a structure of steadfast development. At the same time, it can be used to identify factors contributing to the preservation of the traditional Siberian culture. Material and methods. Autobiographical texts recorded from 1946 to 2016 on the territory of century-old traditional dialects distribution in the Middle Ob region are used as the source. The study is carried out using the lexicographical method, the advantage of which is that one can study in detail the objects of lexicography, as well as their features and functioning in the language. Results and discussion. The dictionary includes gender lexical units that are part of the gender conceptual sphere. The dictionary includes both direct nominations of concepts (the core of the nominative field) and the nominations of individual cognitive features of a concept (periphery of the nominative field). The dictionary is formed according to the thematic principle and contains the following groups of gender-marked vocabulary: general denomination of a person depending on gender; nominations indicating age and marital status; units reflecting family hierarchy status; denominations representing biological features that are specific only to a certain gender individuals; nominations reflecting traits of character, appearance; ones that call men and women by professional activities, labor processes; ceremonial words; nominations, characterizing the female and male spheres. The structure of the dictionary entry consists of three main parts: headword part, interpretation part of the capital lexical unit, illustrative part. Conclusion. The dictionary supplements the multifaceted description of the Middle Ob dialects. At the same time, it contributes to the new aspects’ identification in gender analysis. The concept of the dictionary is based on the theoretical provisions of gender dialectology and dialect lexicography. All components of a dictionary entry (headword, definitions, notes, illustrative material) reflect the richness of folk speech, testify to a more fragmented division of the world, carried out on other grounds than in the literary language, and reflecting the specifics of rural society and traditional culture.
Keywords: dictionary, dialect, gender, gender dialectology
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 17 — 24
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