DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-33-39
Introduction. The article considers typology and functional potential of precedent phenomena in song`s texts by N.A. O`Shea – a leader of the folk-rock group «Melnitsa». Aim and objectives. The aim of research is the identification of types of precedent phenomena used in the song`s texts by N. A. O’Shea and analysis of their functional features. The object of research is precedent phenomena of different types. Material and methods. Material of research is the song texts of which N.A. O`Shea is the author (personally or coauthored). The source of factual material is the albums of the rock group “Melnitsa” of different years. Empirical base of research is a result of usage of continuous sampling technique. During the study the author of the article the descriptive method and method of contextual analysis. Results and discussion. In the analysed texts N. A. O’Shea uses precedent phenomena of different types. The precedent names are frequency. They represent proper nouns of mythological creature (Scandinavian deity Odin), historical persons (warlord Tamerlane, musicians Freddy Mercury and Elvis Presley, writer and pilot A. de Saint-Exupéry) and literary characters (Tristan and Isolde). Such factors as a theme of the compositions or concept of the song or album, author`s interest in certain personality and respect for one’s dictate appeal to one or another precedent phenomenon. Precedent statements are the parts of cultural experience of poetess, she organically incorporates quotes from different sources (in their original form or transformed) in the song texts, makes them work for implementation of author`s idea. Precedent texts are the basis for creation of author`s legend. Some precedent titles induce particular associations by listeners; give cultural significance to the compositions. Conclusion. Precedent phenomena have two main functions in the song texts authorship of N. A. O’Shea: a function of creation of text modeling and meaning-forming function.
Keywords: rock poetry, precedent phenomena, N. A. O’Shea
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 33 — 39
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