DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-40-48
Introduction. The relevance of this study, carried out within the framework of a new cognitive-discursive linguistic paradigm, which is characterized by the principle of anthropocentrism, is due to the insufficient study of the poetic picture of the world by M. A. Voloshin. Analysis of the concept «path» in the poet’s work makes it possible to examine in detail and describe the important features of the author’s worldview; allows to establish the characteristic features and means of representation of this concept in its poetic picture of the world. The aim of the study is to identify the features of the content and lexical embodiment of one of the key concepts in the work of M. A. Voloshin – the concept “path”. Material and methods. The article provides data on the analysis of M. Voloshin’s poetic texts of different years, containing the concept of «path», based on the spatial parameters of the path identified by V. N. Toporov. The choice of this concept is due to its special significance for understanding the author’s worldview and his place in it. The research includes the use of methods of conceptual, contextological and semantic-stylistic analysis. Results and discussion. Consideration of some of the features of the verbalization of the concept «path» made it possible to conclude that the artistic space of M. Voloshin’s poetic texts is an individual author’s understanding of being and his place in it. This statement is substantiated by the types of analysis carried out: – the definition of the intertext associative-semantic field of the concept «path» in the texts of M. Voloshin, its ramification due to units that are both traditional and individual-author’s character (wandering spirit, wandering wanderings); – identifying directions of association (path-life, path-search, path-direction, path-destination, path-choice, pathknowledge, path-wandering), the analysis of which showed the presence of a synthesizing character of the path of the lyrical hero (earthly and cosmic paths), the dynamics of its development from existence within the spatial framework to going beyond the limits of time and space; – a detailed analysis of the lexical structure of the author’s poetic texts, in which the concept under consideration is reflected. Conclusion. The study allows us to conclude that in the representation of the concept “path” in the lyrics of M. A. Voloshin reflected the multidimensionality of his personality as a philosopher, thinker, poet. The significance of this research lies in the concretization of the author’s idiostyle and his poetic picture of the world.
Keywords: poetic picture of the world, concept, linguistic personality, M. A. Voloshin
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 40 — 48
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