DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-58-68
Introduction. The appearance of a new specialty “Architectural environment design” in universities made it necessary to systematize the terminological apparatus of this field. The purpose of this article is to create a logical and conceptual model of the terminological field “Interior Design” as a component of the terminological macro field “Architectural environment design”. Material and methods. The material for the study is architectural and design terms (more than 620 categories), taken from the academic and research literature, lexicographical sources, professional Internet communication, electronic journals, websites of design studios and design webstores, data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The descriptive and the comparative methods of linguistic research, techniques of modeling, definition and component analysis are used in the paper. Results and discussion. A brief background of the issue and the interpretation of terminological field adopted in the work is presented: “Terminological field is a systemically standardized multi-level classification structure that combines the terms of the sphere of homogeneous professional activity” (L.A. Morozova). The logical-conceptual model of the terminological field “Interior design” is a model construction of a system of interrelated concepts classified around the central concept of the sphere of interior design based on the classification of concepts. In order to identify the boundaries and hierarchical organization of the term system the conceptual (logical-conceptual, thematic) aspect of the analysis of it is mainly associated with the onomasiological approach, and in this case the terminological field is intended to reflect the scope of special use of this field of knowledge. As a result of the analysis of professional texts, the boundaries of the terminological macro field “Architectural environment design”, consisted of the terminological fields “Interior design” and “Open architectural space design”, are determined. The framework of professional vocabulary included in the terminological field “Interior Design” is formed, its definition and systematization are carried out. Conclusion. The multi-level branched hierarchical organization of the terminological field “Interior design”, consisting of two subfields (“Residential interior design” and “Public interior design”) is revealed, the subfields are divided into terminological microfields, thematic groups, thematic subgroups and thematic microgroups (11 term groupings of different levels). Thus, the conceptual model of the terminological field “Interior design”, which is a fragment of the terminological macro field “Architectural environment design”, is constructed. The results of the work are relevant to linguists, specialists in the field of architectural environment design, as well as students of the specialty “Architectural environment design”.
Keywords: terminology, terminology field, architectural environment design, interior design, architectural and design terminology, the Russian language
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 58 — 68
Downloads: 698