DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-38-48
Introduction. The study of verbal and cognitive activity of an author and an addressee in the process of co-creation based on the text as a form of communication remains an urgent problem. The modern cognitive-discursive paradigm of scientific knowledge and development of communicative theory of text offer the challenge in the study of text as an object of perception, interpretation and understanding. The aim of the article is the detection of some linguo-cognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept forming as a result of interpretative activity by a subject perceiving the text relying on the regulative theory as one of the directions of the communicative stylistics of the text. Material and methods. The research is examined on the analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on the theory and history of the issue, on the use of the methodology and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the regulative theory, on the application of conceptual, linguistic, semantic and stylistic analysis. The material for the study was the poems of famous Russian poets F. I. Tyutchev, I. A. Bunin, Z. N. Gippius, N. A. Zabolotsky. Results and discussion. The starting point is the following: the interpretation of the text by the addressee depends on linguo-cognitive mechanisms – verbal and cognitive processes that form the generalized meaning of the text (hyperconcept), stimulated by the general system of the text, including the cognitive operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis based on associative activity and an experience of a person. In identifying the hyperconcept, the regulatory strategy of the text, the methods of regulation, the regulatory means and structures which the author used in the text with an orientation towards co-creation with the addressee, “control” of his cognitive activity are important. The lexical system of the text stimulating its associative and semantic deployment in the mind of the reader is especially significant. Interpretive activity presupposes the interconnection of the concepts actualized in the text within the limits of its general conceptual structure based on the relations of complement, enhancement, contrast, inclusion, comparison, generalization. Taking this into account, relying on the regulative theory, the following linguocognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept formation were identified: 1) through amplifying-convergent mechanism, associated with the sequential strengthening of the key concept by various regulatory means and structures in the context of the inductive-deductive lexical macrostructure of the text; with repetition as a way of regulation and a regulatory strategy for the stepwise enhancement of the semantic features of the key concept; 2) closed sequentialadditional, manifested in a phased artistic-figurative concretization of various signs of a hyperconcept based on the use of a strong regulatory strategy of a homogeneous explicit type and repetition as the main way of regulation; 3) comparative-paradoxical, stimulated by the regulatory strategy of the paradoxical-contrastive type; contrast as the main method of regulation and textual paradigms of the antonymic type as a regulatory dominant; 4) comparativesynthesizing, reflecting synthesis (generalization) on the basis of parallel comparative associative-semantic deployment of different facets (features) of the key concept, stimulated by a stepped lexical macrostructure of the inductive-deductive type. Conclusion. The use of the regulative theory and its conceptual and terminological apparatus makes it possible to determine some of the patterns organized by the interpretive activity of the addressee and the linguo-cognitive mechanisms of the formation of the general meaning of the text given in the poetic text. Obtained observations are of interest for further development of the problem of notional interpretation and methods of semantic analysis of the text.
Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, interpretation, linguo-cognitive mechanism, hyperconcept, poetic text
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 38 — 48
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