DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-58-68
Introduction. Enriching vocabulary is one of the cross-cutting tasks of teaching the Russian language and one of the key factors in mastering the native language. A rich vocabulary plays an important role in the ability to communicate freely and effectively, to accurately and adequately express thoughts, and achieve understanding as the goal of communication. The completeness of the vocabulary in one way or another is associated with the full refraction in the speech activity of the individual of all functions of the language (communicative, cognitive, thought-forming, emotionally expressive, self-expressing, aesthetic, etc.). Purpose of the study ‒ to investigate the problem of enriching the vocabulary of secondary school students within the framework of the linguo-methodological approach and to offer practical options for its solution based on the use of gaming technologies in teaching the Russian language. Material and methods. In this paper, the problem of enriching the vocabulary of students is considered on the example of teaching the Russian language in the middle grades of a comprehensive school. Taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of adolescents, game technologies are used as an illustrative material. The research methodological base includes scientific description, modeling, pedagogical observation, analytical commentary. Results and discussion. The importance of the task of enriching vocabulary in educational activities in secondary school is due to the role of the lexical level of the language in communication, the intellectual development of the child and knowledge of the world, as well as the need to form and improve the competence base of students (in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). To solve the problem of expanding the vocabulary, it is important to take into account such specific features of the adolescent period as an increase in cognitive initiative, the transition to the cognitive nature of speech, activation and development of thinking, expanding the spectrum of interests and hobbies, strengthening communicative activity. In this regard, game technologies are named as key pedagogical technologies. In the game, memorizing words is supported by positive emotions, as the educational process becomes more exciting and interesting; there is an opportunity to work with vocabulary through images, emotions; you can successfully form the conditions for joint activities; a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere of the educational process is created. Conclusion. It is important to introduce the task of expanding the vocabulary in school education, because it is at this time that the replenishment of the thesaurus is effective both for the development of the level of language training and for the general development of students in secondary schools, the formation of a set of competencies, the ability to implement the universal educational actions prescribed by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Keywords: active vocabulary, passive vocabulary, potential vocabulary, learning technology, game pedagogical technologies
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 58 — 68
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