DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-96-106
Introduction. Rapidly growing amount of crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies, which has been observed lately both in Russia and all over the world determines the need in internal affairs employees capable of solving professional tasks with the help of modern software and hardware within minimal period of time, mastering new skills and abilities promptly and finding nonstandard solutions. Aim and objectives. Basing on statistical data analysis, opinions of scientific community, current internal affairs employees and cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (the MIA of Russia) the purpose is to analyze and reveal pedagogical contradictions in field in question in order to suggest possible ways of removing them in future. Material and methods. Material of research was statistical data on the results of internal affairs bodies of Russian Federation counteraction to crimes committed with the use of information and telecommunication technologies (ITT), domestic and foreign publications on cybercrime and educating specialists in the field of countering it, and also the results of interview with current internal affairs employees and cadets of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia. The research methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of statistical data, content-analysis, comparison and generalization of data and documents of theme in question, ranging of interviewing results, and also method of expert evaluations. Results and discussion. As a result of analysis for statistical data from the Main Information and Analytical Center of the MIA of Russia the thesis about negative dynamic of amount of crimes committed using ITT was confirmed, unsatisfactory results of counteraction cybercrimes were marked. The reasons of indicated situation are revealed, including insufficient competence in the field of information technology, both for current internal affairs employees and graduates of educational institutions of the MIA of Russia. The representatives of scientific community agree that problems exist in the system of educating specialists in the field of information security, and that a “platform” must be created for the successful development of special knowledge in the field of ITT and their implementation in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies. Pedagogical contradictions in the field of educating specialists in cybercrime counteraction are revealed and formulated in this work. As one of possible ways to overcome these contradictions, Omsk Academy of the MIA of Russia experience in integrating modern problem-oriented software tools into the educational process, and in developing a methodology for their application is examined. Conclusion. The revealed pedagogical contradictions indicate existing problems in the sphere of educating future specialists in crimes counteraction in the field of ITT. Software tools reviewed in the article and the proposed method of their use in the educational process are aimed at developing competencies in cadets, thus letting the cybercrime counteraction activity to be the most effective and to overcome revealed issues and contradictions.
Keywords: cybercrimes, informatization of education, information and analytical support system for the activities of the MIA of Russia, specialized problem-oriented software, professional competencies of future internal affairs employees
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 96 — 106
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