DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-107-115
Introduction. The training of a new generation of highly educated personnel capable of acquiring and reproducing knowledge requires fundamental changes in the assessment of cadet learning outcomes. Knowledge control involves assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by cadets, while quality control aims at determining the level and enhancing the professional skills of teachers. These areas of control are used to assess the extent to which the learning objectives have been achieved; to identify problems that cadets encounter in the learning process; to stimulate cadets’ independent work; to determine the professionalism of the teacher; to obtain information necessary for the improvement of teaching, research and methodological work. As there are no specific unified models for implementing the assessment of cadet learning achievements, the methods and means of assessment are determined by the internal regulations of the military higher education institution. In this regard, there is a need to substantiate the theoretical basis and practical experience of training methodology for controlling the learning activities of military school teachers as a factor in improving the quality of evaluating the learning achievements of cadets of the Military Institute of the National Guard Troops. This problem can be solved by using a multifunctional control of the professional training of a competence-oriented specialist. The aim is to develop and implement in educational practice a multifunctional control in assessing the development of military-professional competences of cadets, aimed at improving the quality of their theoretical training and competences. Material and methods. Source analysis, testing of cadets and teachers, pedagogical experiment, mathematical method of evaluating the achievements of cadets’ learning success. Results and discussion. The essence of different approaches to evaluating the learning outcomes of cadets in military higher education institutions is revealed. The main types of evaluation of the results of their educational activities are revealed: diagnostic, current, periodic (thematic), and final evaluation, and their corresponding functions – diagnostic, controlling, managerial, educational, analytical-informational, motivational, and educational – are identified. The necessity of development and implementation in educational practice of multifunctional control in evaluating the development of military-professional competences of cadets, aimed at improving the quality of their theoretical and professional training, was substantiated. The study has shown that the set of control functions in the educational process is a system of multifunctional control of professional training of a competent specialist, which is characterised by the integrated use of various forms and methods of control on the basis of complementarity. The didactic multifunctionality of control is ensured by the realisation of its main functions, the level of provision of which in the educational process has an impact on the growth of cadet learning efficiency. The multifunctional quality control of cadet knowledge is a holistic management tool that includes diagnosis, investigation, control and evaluation. Conclusion. This study has shown that one of the promising ways to assess the quality of training is to develop and implement in educational practice a multifunctional control in assessing the development of military-professional competences of cadets, aimed at improving the quality of their theoretical training and practical skills. It is based on adequate psychological and pedagogical approaches, the use of pedagogical modelling and the selection of the most effective organisational and pedagogical conditions that will ensure the effectiveness of multifunctional control of future officers’ professional training.
Keywords: military professional education, military professional training, types of assessment and control functions, multifunctional control, quality of knowledge, formation of professional competences
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 107 — 115
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