DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-56-66
Introduction. The article aims at indicating and describing generic characteristics of the editorial. Aim. The aim of the article is to reveal specifics of the editorial as a separate genre. For this socio-cultural environment of the genre was described as well as the main function and generic characteristic. Material and methods. The materials of the study are 50 editorial texts published in English broadsheets the Economist, the Independent, the Washington Post, the Guardian from 2016 to 2021. A complex of methods was used to analyze the material, namely tools of discursive, stylistic, lexical, grammatical and syntax analysis. Results and discussion. The editorial plays a significant role in socio-political sphere, as the positions stated in the text can affect public values and opinion; the editorial enables to preserve balance of opinion, essential for mass media. As a result of the analysis we concluded that the editorial can be characterized as a separate genre based on the unity of theme, style and composition. We indicated the following generic characteristics of the editorial: 1) unified structure, which consists of the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. The latter plays a significant role and includes recommendations (the most common one – 75% cases), forecast (23% cases), evaluation (the least common one – 4 % cases) or a combination of the abovementioned conclusions; 2) from the stylistic perspective informal speech, argumentation, authorial nominations and intertextuality are distinctive for the editorial; 3) characterized by a variety of topics, the editorial is aimed at analyzing a narrow specialized issue.
Keywords: editorial, mass media, broadsheets, genre
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 56 — 66
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