DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-107-114
Introduction. One of the main semantic features of a state situation is perceptivity, which can appear in the text as an independent event proposition, and as a property of an emotional state. The presence of a sign of perceptivity in research of fiction makes it possible to distinguish between the types of subjects of perception, the key of which is the narrator (observer). Aim and objectives. The main purpose is to determine the connection between the perceptual attribute and the key differential-semantic attributes of the state and the influence on the semantics of the statement as a whole. The tasks of the research include the analysis of images of sensory perception. Material and methods. The material for the study was the stories of L. Petrushevskaya from the collections “Two Kingdoms”, “Stories about love”, “Black Butterfly”. More than 800 statements with the semantics of the emotional state are highlighted. The work uses the method of scientific description, including the collection of material, observation and systematization, semantic analysis of the statement and linguistic analysis of the text. Results and discussion. Based on the analysis, it was found that the perceptual sign is characteristic of most statements with the semantics of the emotional state. The main subject of perception in a literary text is the narrator (observer). The position of the observer makes it possible to interpret the emotional state both in terms of external signs (external perception) and internal (internal perception). Conclusion. The perceptual feature affects other semantic features, including the statement that represents the situation of the emotional state. The representation of perception within the framework of an emotional state emphasizes the specificity of L. Petrushevskaya’s work.
Keywords: semantics of the state, Petrushevskaya, emotional states, perceptivity, semantic attribute of the state
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 107 — 114
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