Xenogenicity in Russian architectural and design terminology
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-43-51
The need of society to train the qualified specialists in the field of architectural environment design serves to form thisThe need of society to train the qualified specialists in the field of architectural environment design serves to form this sphere as a professional one in 21st century. The emergence of the latest technologies and materials leads to the fact that many naming units of this field are borrowed with the culture-bound term and experience of foreign designers. The relevance of the work is the need of studying the foreign language terminology due to the professionals’ necessity to unify it. The purpose of this work is to describe the phenomenon of xenogenicity in the terminology of “Design of architectural environment”. Xenogenicity refers to the presence of a language unit of formal and/or semantic correlation with the equivalent of a foreign language. The material for the study was the foreign-language namings of the field “Design of architectural environment”, selected from such sources as terminological and encyclopedic dictionaries, educational and scientific literature, and professional Internet resources. The methodological basis of the article is the general scientific and linguistic means of descriptive and lexicographic methods. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that terminological units of foreign language origin that are not recorded in lexicographic sources have been identified and analyzed, current materials of professional Internet discourse have been introduced into scholarly discourse. In the course of the study, there were analyzed architectural and design terms containing foreign-language components located at different language levels: phonetic-graphic, morphemic, lexical, syntactic. Terms with foreign language elements of the phonetic-graphic and lexical levels of the language demonstrate full explicit xenogenicity. The phonetic-graphic level of xenogenicity is represented by foreign-language inclusions, lexical borrowings represent xenogenicity at the lexical level. At the morphemic level incomplete xenogenicity is demonstrated in borrowings with partial morphemic substitution and in hybrids (words consisting of the elements of different origin) as well as in derivatives formed on the basis of the foreign-language units. Implicit xenogenicity is found in non-original architectural and design terms, which appeared as a result of loan translations at the lexical level and phraseological calques at the syntactic level. Complex (explicit-implicit) xenogenicity is characteristic of word-formation and phraseological half-calques, respectively, at the lexical and syntactic levels. Dictionary entries of professional terms for sphere “Architectural environment design” are given as exemplification of the various types of xenogenicity. It is found out that the lexical units of architectural and design terminology have xenogenicity of different degrees: full and incomplete explicit xenogenicity as well as implicit and combined explicit and implicit xenogenicity. The largest number of lexical units express xenogenicity explicitly. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of using its materials in lexicographic practice.
Keywords: architectural and design terminology, architectural environment design, borrowing, xenogenicity, the Russian language
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 43 — 51
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