Functioning of comparative adverbs (the study of statements with military adverbials)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-60-67
The study is carried out within the framework of functional grammar and is aimed at studying Russian comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes. The aim of the work is to conduct a comprehensive study of the functioning of comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes taking into account explicit and implicit semantic features, to determine the composition of this thematic group and to identify word-formation features and types of combinability. The research is based on the works of Russian linguists treating comparative adverbs from different points of view and applying different scientific approaches, as well as on the works of linguists studying lexical-semantic groups of words of the “war” thematic group. The illustrative material was taken from statements from the National Corpus of the Russian language and from a free selection from the Internet. The work was carried out within the framework of A.V. Bondarko’s theory of categorical situations of functional grammar, and elements of contextual and component analysis were also applied. During the research, the composition of this group of adverbs was distributed into semantic subgroups describing the behaviour of persons belonging to different types and divisions of troops, conditions of military service, military ranks and positions. In dividing into word-formation types, a special type with a qualitative-substantive connotation was distinguished, with the meaning of places of location and dislocation of military operations. The division of military adverbs into compatibility types was carried out taking into account the connective, adversative, qualifying and explanatory relations with the main word and as the result both general (according to appearance and speech, character and behaviour, situation and living conditions) and individual semes were identified. As a result of the study, it was found that to represent the behaviour of persons, objects and phenomena of military subjects, comparative-suggestive adverbs actualize in the minds of native speakers either a well-known image in the form of background knowledge, or one of the nuclear or peripheral features.
Keywords: comparative and assimilative adverbs, military thematic group, compatibility, functional grammar
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 60 — 67
Downloads: 929