Experience in the implementation of the program for accompanying preschoolers with special educational needs
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-5-25-33
The article analyzes the current state of municipal preschool organizations. State legislative documentary framework defining priority tasks of preschool education is indicated. A social order for introduction of inclusive education in preschool and general education organizations is defined. There are increasing trends in children`s kindergartens with physical and mental health problems, contributing to the special educational needs of these children. Deficits of relevant inclusive competencies of teaching staff have been identified. Such social problems as the obvious rejection by educators and parents of the idea of a joint stay in kindergarten of normotypic children with limited health opportunities (HIA) are considered. The necessity of creating preschool groups of combined orientation and providing effective pedagogical support for children with special educational needs is emphasized. The analysis of existing problems and deficits led to the creation of a special program for accompanying children with special educational needs. The study of the experience of pedagogical support made it possible to identify the main professional and personal difficulties of educators of combined groups. Personnel shortages of such necessary narrow specialists as: speech therapists, oligofrenopedagogues, neurophychologists and social educators are also among the hindering factors. It becomes obvious that the existing insufficient level of inclusive competencies of educators, the lack of clear planning and timely pedagogical decisions does not contribute to the modernization of mass preschool organizations with combined inclusive groups. An educator in such mixed groups needs a kind of «constructor» as a special program with a set of appropriate technologies. The program will allow to plan a productive support and effective interaction with parents and narrow specialists. The technological complex of the program should identify effective forms and methods of speech therapy correction, a set of inclusive methods and technologies of pedagogical support for children. The author`s program for educators in combined groups is presented based on technologies which generally recognized by pedagogical science. This article analyzes the effectiveness of the technology of joint activities of children, educators, parents and the public.
Keywords: Technology of pedagogical accompanying, children with special educational needs, groups of combined orientation, inclusive education
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 25 — 33
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