Conventional-reflexive system of teaching methods for training a professionally mobile teacher in a digital educational environment
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-7-15
When highlighting the concept of “personal activity” as an indicator of professional mobility, which is interpreted as readiness and adaptability to work under changing conditions based on the development of new forms and types of actions, the article describes a conventionally reflexive system of teaching methods of a modern teacher, which guarantees the formation of a teacher’s skills independently compose and evaluate teaching methods in a changing digital educational environment. The features of the proposed system of teaching methods are highlighted using a paradigm approach, taking into account the study of the status of the “teaching method” as a learning goal in the “Modern” educational paradigm. This status of the method in the context of teacher training allows us to indicate two classes of methods: methods of teaching and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity. The essence of the specification of the methods of each class in the system of teacher training is determined by the property of autologicality (that is, the need to describe oneself). For the considered property, four main signs (characteristics) of manifestation have been established: the presence of an autological goal, fixing cause-and-effect relationships for using the method in a specific methodological system, studying cause-and-effect relationships for using the method when transforming the model of a specific methodological system, formulating a value judgment about the appropriateness of applying method in a certain methodological system or pedagogical situation. Endowing the property of autologicality with the selected characteristics of the content and procedural essence determines the link between knowledge and methods of activity, which is key for professional pedagogical education, allowing to activate professional (functional) literacy, qualitative characteristics of the personality, as well as the positive psychophysical mood of students. These competency components are included in the profile of “ability to understand and act”, considered as the basis of professional mobility. Achieving the didactic completeness of the presented conventional-reflexive system of teaching methods is determined by the formation of the teacher’s ability to independently compose teaching methods and methods for organizing educational and cognitive activities in a digital educational environment. As a means of forming this skill, a “learning-cognitive expert system” is proposed, which contains software support – a generator for disaggregating teaching methods and an expert block filled with methods of conventional role-playing reflection. Within the framework of using the proposed system, the formation of a selected skill can be carried out in three stages. In the paradigm terminology, the “educational-cognitive expert system” is, in fact, an element of the “value setting” of a particular “Modern” paradigm. The metaphysical part of this paradigm is given by the digital educational environment.
Keywords: paradigm approach, disciplinary matrix, conventionally reflexive system of teaching methods, autological teaching method, professional mobility, ability to understand and act, educational and cognitive expert system, digital educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 7 — 15
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