The target component of the methodological system for preparing the future teacher for individualized teaching of mathematics
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-16-24
The article represents the selected results of the research aimed at the actualisation of the system of the future mathematics teacher’s preparation in the system of the higher pedagogical education and designing a methodological system for training a future subject teacher in the context of the development of individualization of teaching mathematics.The presented methodological system of training students studying in specialized pedagogical programs of bachelor’s and master’s programs is a subsystem of the general system of training a teacher of mathematics at a university, has a complete structure, includes target, content, methodological, effective-evaluative and motivationalpersonal components. The target component is considered to be a backbone in the constructed methodological system of training a future mathematics teacher, and it is the component that determines the result of mastering the educational program in its entity as the target competency model of the graduate. Under the current regulations for the design of higher education educational programs, there are uniform requirements in terms of competencies (UC and GPC) corresponding to the level of education in general or to an enlarged group of training areas. The selection of specialized professional standards and the determination of the corresponding professional competencies, on the formation of which the educational program should be focused, assumes the author’s approach of the developers of educational programs and falls within the competence of the educational organization exclusively. Universities that train teachers have the right to include professional competencies aimed at individualizing mathematics education for students in special educational categories, including schoolchildren with high-level mathematical abilities in the graduate competency model. Such a target structural element corresponds to a special labor function established by the professional standard of aneducator, aimed at the developmental activities of the teacher. In the course of the study, the goals of methodological preparation of a future mathematics teacher to work in non-standard conditions with special categories of students requiring the organization of individualized training were determined. Approaches to the formation of a target competency model of a graduate in the constructed methodological system for training a future mathematics teacher are substantiated. The article presents the results of approbation of the proposed target competence model on the basis of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev (hereinafter referred to as OSU named after I.S. Turgenev) within the framework of a two-level (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree) teacher training system. The approaches to building the target component of the methodological system for preparing a future mathematics teacher proposed in the paper are based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education and are determined by the request of the modern school for the teacher who knows the methods and technologies of individualized mathematics teaching. The constructed methodological system is designed to solve the objective contradiction between the need for such teachers and the generally accepted methodology for preparing a mathematics teacher in a university, the reference point of which is the “ordinary, average” student.
Keywords: individualization of teaching mathematics, goals of training a future mathematics teacher, professional competencies, methodological competence, competency-based model of a graduate
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 16 — 24
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