Constructing developmental educational texts as a factor in the development of methodical thinking
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-34-43
The problem of organizing mathematics teaching that promotes understanding of information, particularly mathematical information, has always been in the focus of attention of specialists from different fields of knowledge. There are different types of understanding: understanding-recognition, understanding-hypothesis, understandingunification. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of understanding include motivation to understand information; active position of the subject in working with information; taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of notional thinking; the presence of context to convey the semantic load of information; the use of different ways of coding information, including subject experience and metaphors; actualization and development of general intellectual skills. Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of understanding learning information significantly increases the methodical culture of the teacher, allows him to think methodically, constructing the content of education and selecting teaching methods. When training a future teacher of mathematics, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem of constructing developmental educational texts that promote understanding of mathematical information. Constructing developmental educational texts is an integral methodological unit, which allows to demonstrate such methodological skills as understanding the problems arising in the study of educational material, identifying the psychological and pedagogical reasons for their occurrence, predicting possible ways of preventing arising difficulties, realizing the need to improve existing approaches to teaching,the search for psychological and pedagogical foundations of methodological activity, analysis of existing practices of constructing educational texts from the point of view of their possibility in the formation of learning actions that promote understanding, development of author’s materials, analysis and discussion of the obtained results, adjustment of methodical activity. The results of the conducted research with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics have shown that the development of methodical thinking is influenced by the actualization, reconstruction and enrichment of professional experience of working with mathematical information from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching learning material, as well as familiarization of future teachers with productive teaching practices aimed at understanding learning information. The conducted research allows us to conclude that purposeful teaching of general problems of teaching mathematics from the point of view of psychodidactic approach increases methodical culture of future teachers of mathematics and contributes to the development of methodical thinking.
Keywords: methodical thinking, understanding of educational material, psychodidactic approach to teaching mathematics, developing educational texts
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 34 — 43
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