Implementation of the University 4.0 in the Siberian Federal District
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-82-90
The transition to Industry 4.0 is one of the central objectives of the economic and social policy in Russia. This new form of the economy expands the field of human activity, which influences requirements for the competence of a specialist. Adapting to the new requirements of the labor market, universities are already beginning to introduce changes in various areas of their activities. The aim of this study is to identify the main activities of the universities of the Siberian Federal District (SFD) in the field of university transformation into University 4.0.To achieve the aim, the authors analyzed the works of Russian and foreign researchers devoted to the content of the university transformation into University 4.0. In addition, there is an investigation into open information resources of the leading universities of the SFD to establish the main activities for the transformation into University 4.0. The article reveals the essence and characteristic features of the University 4.0. The idea of University 4.0 refers to the transformation of education taking into account the needs and challenges of the digital society. Such transformation implies the introduction and development of individualized hybrid learning, not limited by time and space, in which the student has a sufficient degree of autonomy and participates in the formation of theirlearning plan. The authors note the importance of the project approach in teaching, the development of mentoring and an open educational environment. The analysis of the activities of the universities of the Siberian Federal District allowed to establish that currently research projects are actively developing in Siberian universities related to solving urgent global and regional problems, digitalization, informatization; involving students in research activities within the framework of these projects. The universities carry out the activities on these projects with the participation of industrial partners, state authorities and within the framework of international cooperation. Universities are developing digital environment that allows access to scientific, educational and infrastructural resources, as well as developing digital tools for mastering professional competencies. Despite the fact that many researchers consider University 4.0 a project of the future, we can already see serious changes in the activities of universities, which allow us to conclude that the transformation is taking place at an accelerated pace.
Keywords: University 4.0, Industry 4.0, digitalization of education, digital university, higher education
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 82 — 90
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