Dynamics of Russian publicistic picture of the world (Comparative analysis of heading complexes of the Tomsk newspapers of the 60-s of the XX century and 2007 of the XXI century) Yuliya Anatolevna Khomchenko
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-138-145
The journalistic picture of the world is changing rapidly, reflecting the dynamics in the life of society. The purpose of this article is to identify the dynamics of the journalistic picture of the world using the example of headline complexes of various texts in Tomsk newspapers of the 60s of the XX century and 2007 of the XXI century. The research material is 150 header sets of texts from Tomsk newspapers of different themes, structure, genre features, and functions. The study was carried out on the material of the periodicals “Red Banner” (1962), “Young Leninist” (1965), “Pravda Ilyicha” (1962), “Tomsk News” (2007), “Tomsky Vestnik” (2007). A comparative and contrastive analysis of the titles in publications of Tomsk newspapers of different years and the use of semanticstylistic and contextual research methods make it possible to judge the dynamics of the journalistic picture of the world. The analysis showed that the titles of texts in Soviet-era newspapers were always associated with the propaganda of the party’s ideology. This reflected the communist pathos of all publications, regardless of the topic. The titles were examined in terms of their structure, genre features, themes and functions. First of all, the dynamics are observed in the topics of publications. The social system, social environment, ideology, and the needs of the audience cannot but influence the content and form of newspaper and journalistic texts, which is reflected in the titles. The changes are especially noticeable at the lexical level. In the past, ideologemes were actively used, the language of newspapers was standardized, normalized, and journalists used only literary vocabulary. Journalism in 2007 is full of occasional words, colloquialism, jargon, slang, etc. The dynamics are also noticeable at the functional level. In Soviet times, the main functions of headlines in newspaper texts were information and propaganda. The titles of the publications fully fulfilled their functions. The ideology of the Communist Party did not allow the others to be fully realized. They existed, but were poorly represented. Journalism at the beginning of the 21st century is characterized by the dominance of the advertising function. The 2007 header complexes contain a large number of elements indicating an advertising function. It is worth noting that the identification of the functions of heading complexes is directly related to the features of the journalistic style, such as information content, open evaluation, expressiveness, advertising and propaganda (in periodicals of the Soviet era).
Keywords: journalistic picture of the world, discourse, media discourse, heading complex, Tomsk press
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 138 — 145
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