Grammatical transformations in translating texts of information genre from Russian into English (analysis based on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-16-25
This research is devoted to the identification of the most frequent grammatical transformations used in translating texts of information genres from Russian into English. The material of the study is the texts posted on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and their translations into English. The total volume of the study is 94 sentences in English and Russian. The research has been conducted using general scientific methods, namely: analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, quantitative method, as well as linguistic methods: descriptive, comparative, method of contextual analysis of translation. The relevance of the research is defined by the need to study ap proaches to the translation of texts posted on websites as a modern form of communication, as well as grammatical transformations when translating from Russian into English in view of the limited number of studies devoted to this aspect. The author has attempted to analyze the ways of translating texts of information genres at the two upper levels of language – the level of text and the level of utterance. In the course of the study, the author has found that the summary translation is used for texts of such genres. The type of translation is selective. The analysis of the utterance level is structured according to the classification of grammatical transformations used in translation. The research identifies the main grammatical transformations used in translating texts of information genres at the syntactic level. The most frequent are grammatical substitutions (change of a sentence member, change of a part of speech, change of a word form). Syntactic assimilation or literal translation is used less frequently. The rarest grammatical transformations include: sentence partitioning (both external and internal) and sentence integration. Grammatical substitutions are often accompanied by other transformations (both grammatical and lexical). This study does not only identify the most frequent grammatical transformations, but also analyzes the reasons for their use and provides theoretical explanations of the specifics of the identified grammatical transformations.
Keywords: grammatical transformations, syntactic assimilation, sentence partitioning, sentence integration, grammatical substitutions, translation transformations, informational genres
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 16 — 25
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