Special military operation as a trigger of derivational processes in the Russian language
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-26-35
In modern linguistics, the study of the language of war is in the focus of attention of many scientists and it has developed a new complex research direction. Our article is a part of a multivariate study of the language of modern media discourse. We intend to describe derivational processes and analyze certain aspects of the Telegram channels linguistic content. Turning to the language of a special military operation allows us to study the peculiarities of mediacommunicative aggression, which we interpret as a set of lexical means of negative evaluation to express an unpleasant or hostile attitude. The work scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time we have made an attempt to analyze the vectors of the phraseological units linguocreative potential realization in the context of the war language as well as the derivational features of linguistic units resulting from contamination have been considered. The methodological basis for studying the language of a special military operation was a synthesis of methods of derivatology, lexicology, stylistics and linguocognitive approach. Of great importance is the method of quantitative analysis, we have used it to determine the frequency of new forms usage and thus to ensure the study objectivity. The material for the study was the nominative units presented by the author’s card formed on the basis of telegram channels analyzing the events of a special military operation. We have considered linguocreativity as the lexical unit linguistic potential aimed at achieving the given communicative goals. The material for the study was provided with the nominative units extracted by continuous sampling means from the most popular Telegram channels covering the events of the special military operation. We considered linguocreativity as transformation of the words and word combinations meaning available in the language in order to achieve an emotional or pragmatic effect. The result of word formation is nominative units that affect the consciousness and perception of reality by a person. The derivational characteristics of these units and the main directions of the implementation of hybrid words in the language of popular Telegram channels are studied in the context of compressive word formation. Contamination is an important linguistic phenomenon used in speech as a way of expressing the addressee’s thought. It gives expressiveness to an utterance or text and emphasizes the necessary semantic accents. Linguistic units contamination is one of the main sources of expanding the language lexical level and it serves to increase the expressiveness of media texts, as well as attracting the attention to the most urgent social problems, including the special military operation events.
Keywords: derivation, compression, contamination, linguocreative potential, speech aggression, phraseologism, war language
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 26 — 35
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