Linguistic representation of the perceptual image of Siberia in the works of Tomsk poet M. V. Andreev
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-36-44
The article analyzes the linguistic means of expressing the sensual perception of Siberia in the regional poetic text. The material for the research is the poems by M. V. Andreev that make up the collection "On the Mother’s Side", the contexts tied to the Siberian region and the city of Tomsk were selected by the method of continuous sampling. The work was carried out within the framework of the sociocultural approach to the study of regional art texts; the analysis of the linguistic material, its systematization and interpretation were carried out on the basis of the main provisions of perceptual linguistics, lexical semantics and functional text stylistics. In the process of research, the methods of contextual, semantic and stylistic analysis of the poetic text were used. The lexical-semantic groups forming the perceptual image of Siberia in M. V. Andreev’s poems were identified and the pictorial and expressive means used by the author were analyzed. In the process of linguistic modeling of the image, the author implements a wide range of linguistic means with perceptual semantics, characterizing the corresponding fragment of the author’s individual poetic worldview. The perceptual image of Siberia can be defined as a "macro-image" including various "micro-images": "silence", "darkness", "cold" and their "interaction" in the process of textual deployment. The research has shown that perceptual units realize certain author’s tasks: the poet seeks to describe the reality around him and convey his worldview. Synesthetic combinations found in M. V. Andreev’s poetic texts demonstrate a high degree of interpenetration of different types of perception. Somatisms play an important role in the process of linguistic modeling. The analysis of words that have the meaning of color, showed the dominance of green color, which indicates the life-affirming nature of perception of Siberian nature and is associated with spring, life and youth. As a result of the research it was determined that personifications, comparisons and metaphors are regularly used to create sensory tension. Among perceptual metaphors, the most popular are word combinations having visual, auditory and tactile bases, metaphorical images of perception are often constructed on antithesis. The linguistic analysis of M. V. Andreev’s imagery system in the perceptual aspect allowed us to reveal both traditional characteristics and individual features of the author’s poetic worldview.
Keywords: perception, perceptual imagery, regional poetic text, poetic worldview
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 36 — 44
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