Value dominants and means of their representation in the media discourse of the program «Very personal» on the channel «Open Television of Russia»
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-54-62
The study of axiological sphere and means of its representation is one of the up-to-date problems of linguistics. This is especially true for the study of media communication in view of the communicative-cognitive scientific paradigm and the media vector of Russian studies’ development. The interpretation of value dominants in the discourses of public personalities is of interest as an object of perception of the mass addressee and influence on him. The aim of the article is to define language representation of value dominants of the participants of the author program "Very personal" on the channel "Open Television of Russia", taking into account the structure, content and pragmatics of the media discourse of the program. The study of discursive practices of the guest and the host is based on the theory of regulation, developed in the communicative stylistics of the text. This study includes the use of discursive and semantic-stylistic analysis. The material of the study is the release of the program "Very personal" on the channel "OTR" with the participation of People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Vasiliev. The means of representing the value picture of the world of a person are the following: explicit and implicit, linguistic and extralinguistic, including nonverbal behavior. The characteristic linguistic regulatory means and structures of the discourse of the participants of the "Very Personal" program, which have a communicative-pragmatic impact, include: melioration evaluative vocabulary, stylistic devices of repetition, gradation, antithesis, syntactic parallelism, rhetorical questions and exclamations, making clear the value picture of the world of the guest and the journalist. The guest’s discourse is characterized by the usage of semantic text paradigms of the synonymous type, actualizing the value dominants of the personality, first of all, complete dedication in creative work. The explicit regulatory strategy of the intensifying-convergent type in the discourses of Vladimir Vasiliev and the host of the author’s program allows the recipient to form an integral idea of their values and preferences. Gestures and facial expressions, look, appearance and communication environment of the program participants as the extralinguistic means of representing the value picture of the world are considered. We interpret value dominants in the discourse of a language personality as the conjugation of various linguistic and non-linguistic signals that directly or indirectly intensify value meanings that are important to the personality and characteristic of it. It was determined that the regulatory means and structures represent the value meanings of the program guest: complete dedication to creative work, service to society, loyalty to a lifework, honesty, modesty, love, sincerity, the desire to give joy, etc. Numerous comments from listeners and viewers of the program confirm that these value dominants were perceived by the audience. The regulatory theory’s use allows to specify the peculiarities of the representation of the value picture of the world of media communication participants, which was demonstrated using the example of the author’s program "Very Personal" by Viktor Loshak on Public Television of Russia. The results of analysis are of interest for axiological linguistics, media linguistics, theory and practice of speech communication.
Keywords: value picture of the world, value dominants, communicative stylistics, regulatory means, regulatory structures, regulatory strategy, media discourse, Viktor Loshak, Vladimir Vasiliev
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 54 — 62
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