V. A. Zhukovsky in the newspaper Russky Invalid (1813–1825): reception of his personality and works
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-80-91
The subject of research is reception of V. A. Zhukovsky’s personality and works in a military newspaper Russky Invalid (1813–1825). The author discovers 45 materials related to Zhukovsky and divides them into 5 groups: 1) biographical materials; 2) works by the poet, fragments from the works, announcements; 3) materials about collections, almanacs, anthologies containing the poet’s works; 4) parallels with works by other authors; 5) critical articles. The largest group is the third, because various communities, almanacs, magazines expressing different aesthetic positions were in the center of literary process in the 1800s – 1830s. The smallest group is the fifth: Russky Invalid did not focus on literature and rarely published critical articles. In addition, most of materials dedicated to Zhukovsky (except for one note) are complimentary: he is not an object of criticism, but a canon, a recognized genius. However, the newspaper contains some attempts to analyze the poet’s works: the ballade Eolova Arfa (The Harp of Aeolus), the translation of the poem The Prisoner of Chillon by G. G. Byron. The newspaper appreciates Zhukovsky’s translations from Byron, F. Schiller, T. Moore, ancient authors. Russky Invalid publishes his ballade Lesnoy Tsar (The Forest King), fragments from patriotic works; two little-known authors dedicate their works to his poem Pevets v Stane Russkikh Voinov (The Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors), which gives to Zhukovsky the nomination “Russian Tyrtaeus”. There are some characteristics of Zhukovsky’s poetics: according to the newspaper, his poetry is dreamy, “abstract”, attentive to soul and emotional world, mystic, metaphysical, close to German romanticists. The newspaper notes some Zhukovsky’s biographical facts: his promotions at the court, awarding of a pension and orders, acceptance into the Imperial Russian Academy, education of Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich. In conclusion, although the newspaper Russky Invalid is far from literature, it reflects Zhukovsky as a personality, poet, and translator. The newspaper represents his works as an example, a national treasure; however, materials of that period are far from a real criticism and text analysis.
Keywords: V. A. Zhukovsky, Russky Invalid, reception, Romanticism, criticism
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 80 — 91
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