Creative writing assignments based on imitation of speech genres in teaching Russian as a foreign language to medical and biological students
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-119-127
The main goal of creative tasks in linguodidactics is productive writing that transforms objects and situations or presents them in a new quality to solve real or imaginary problematic tasks related to verbal communication. The conditions of the creative task simulate a situation that requires the writer to imagine himself as a participant in communication in a certain role, and this can stimulate creative productive activity. Creative tasks that imply the need to create a productive text focused on a certain speech genre are appropriate for the task of teaching students of the medical and biological profile Russian as a foreign language. To set educational tasks on creative imitation of speech genres for foreign students of the medical and biological profile, one can use educational and popular science genres of medical discourse (calendars, booklets, infographics, posters); journalistic genres (publication in a blog or social network in the genre of “notes of a young doctor/scientist”, creation of aphorisms/captions for memes on medical topics, expansion of quotes and creation of comics on medical topics, etc.) and everyday genres (diary, leisure board games on medical topics, etc.). Unlike the genres of medical documentation, which imply a formally organized structure, the above-mentioned genres allow a free combination of genre parameters together with an individual author’s composition of information elements. Using the method of systemic modeling of the logical-semantic and compositional structure of the text, a model of a speech genre was developed, which participated in a sociological and pedagogical experiment, which made it possible to determine the linguodidactic potential of tasks based on creative writing aimed at mastering Russian as a foreign language in the field of educational medical communication. As a result, it was revealed that when performing creative tasks based on creative writing, independent identification of problems occurs in situations requiring the work of search, heuristic thinking. The linguodidactic potential of tasks based on creative imitation of the speech genre is that it develops flexibility and originality of thinking, the ability to generate hypotheses is formed, and the communicative competence of the future professional in the field of medicine develops.
Keywords: creative tasks, genre writing, creative writing, Russian as a foreign language, medical and biological profile, educational and professional communication, medical Russian language, language for special purposes
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 119 — 127
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