On translator' and interpreter’s professional competences in the era of artificial intelligence
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-148-156
The subject of modern professional competencies of translators and interpreters and relevancy of them adjustment in the era of the progress in machine translation and artificial intelligence are discussed. The problem of correlation of translation and MT-editing is defined; the question of changing the status of the translator and the authorship of the products is also raised. The point of the requirement to notice that translation/ interpreting was made by artificial intelligence is debatable. The ethical and confidential considerations of translation when using artificial intelligence technology are the important aspects considered in the article. Under present conditions of increased competition in the market of higher education, when words about the disappearance of the translators are becoming more insistent and a post-editor of ma chine translation, who will only need to learn how to use machine translation tools in simple professional training or additional education courses, is the most likely successor, the problem of translators’/ interpreters’ studies is strongly focused. Thus situated the key criteria for measuring of effectiveness of performance is the competence of a MT-post-editor to evaluate how accurate an AI-assisted translation is. Particularly notes that there are a number of areas in which artificial intelligence does not outperform human intelligence, therefore not be able in the near future to replace a human translator: for example, literary translation, namely translation of poetry, translation from ancient languages (Latin, ancient Greek) and medieval literature translation. In the case of literary translation, weak productivity of artificial intelligence relates to the problem of transfer of the pragmatic component, and in the context of ancient texts – the lack of database for teaching artificial intelligence. Thus, the importance of union of classical training in translation and acquisition of modern translation technologies for the successful integration of graduates into the professional sphere is emphasized.
Keywords: occupational standards, didactics of translation, professional competences, post-MT editing
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 148 — 156
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