Representation of the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence in the linguistic consciousness of Chinese native speakers
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-7-15
The article is devoted to the analysis of the associative-verbal field of the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence. The object of the study is the actualization of the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence in the consciousness of modern native Chinese speakers. The purpose of the study is to determine the key elements of the concept representation and model its associative-verbal field. The material of the study was the associates to the stimulus word 人工智能 / artificial intelligence, obtained as a result of a psycholinguistic experiment. The article uses the methods of free associative experiment, quantitative analysis, and classification technique. The study generalizes approaches to the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence and expands knowledge about its national and cultural features. The results of the study can be successfully applied in the process of teaching Russian and Chinese as foreign languages, in courses on psycholinguistics and cognitive lin-guistics, and also have practical value for all those interested in the culture of China. The associates obtained as a result of the free associative experiment are distributed among semantic modules based on the commonality of the features they express. Semantic modules, in turn, can include micromodules. The constructed model of the associative-verbal field of the concept under study includes the core, intermediate and peripheral layers, in which the most frequent reactions reflect a positive attitude towards the capabilities of artificial intelligence and represent the rapid pace of development, efficiency and continuous improvement of its technologies. As a result of the analysis of the model of the associative-verbal field of the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence, the structure of the meaning of this concept was revealed among representatives of various social groups, confirming their optimistic attitude towards the potential of artificial intelligence. The data of the associative experiment expand and complement the existing understanding of the representation of the concept 人工智能 / artificial intelligence in the mental lexicon of Chinese speakers; they must be taken into account when compiling explanatory dictionaries and dictionary entries.
Keywords: concept, artificial intelligence, linguistic consciousness, semantic module, associative-verbal field
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 7 — 15
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