A. S. Pushkin’s Ode “To the Slanderers of Russia” in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-138-147
The purpose of the article is to trace the act of communication of A. S. Pushkin’s poetic text in its pragmatic orientation; an act of emotive influence of the Russian language, Russian culture and manifestation of the Russian mentality in Pushkin’s works. The task is to find out: 1) the linguistic essence of the text; 2) extralinguistic orientations, taking into account: the author; the addressee (who are they – “To the Slanderers of Russia”); correlation with the historical, social and cultural context (Pushkin’s attitude to the Polish-Russian issue; Russian-French context (in particular); relations between Russia and the West (in general); provocativeness of the text in relation to liberal-minded compatriots. The article presents the text in linguodidactic consideration during classes on Russian as a foreign language with philology students; educational material has been developed for a practical course on intercultural communication, including co-study of the Russian language, history, literature and culture. Work on the text is carried out in the context of a communicative approach, revealing the informative, semantic and pragmatic essence of a literary text; Not only the “language technique” is studied, but also the culture of the country. In the process of working on a literary text, students get acquainted with the history of Russia, the mentality of the Russian people, reflect on problematic issues and communicative tasks – the desire and ability to “think for themselves” (critical thinking) is gradually formed, and the need arises to share thoughts in Russian. Philology students (3–4 years), analyzing the text, reflecting on it, learn to understand the processes taking place today in modern society - in the year of the 225th anniversary of the great Russian poet. Pushkin’s ingenious prophetic text, problematic issues, communicative tasks and line-by-line analysis of the text “To the Slanderers of Russia” help foreign students understand historical realities, teach them (“while their hearts are alive for honor”) to think critically, and therefore to prevent problems intercultural communication. The research materials were the theoretical works of scientists (linguists, methodologists, historians), reflection of many years of teaching experience at the university. Methods of complex analysis of text and discourse were used, as a result of which the pragmatic orientation of A. S. Pushkin’s ode was revealed – the “spirit” of the great Pushkin text and the “spirit” (albeit not strong in the knowledge of the history and culture of Russia, but searching, thinking) - the “spirit” of the reader. The emotive impact on the contemporaries of A. S. Pushkin, and us, reading these poems in the year of the 225th anniversary of the genius, is equally strong and provocative.
Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, ode to “Slanderers of Russia” by A. S. Pushkin, educational material for a practical course on intercultural communication, co-study of the Russian language, history, literature and culture
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 138 — 147
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