Professional identity of the individual in the context of Industrialization 2.0 in the Russian Federation: pedagogical aspects and innovative methodological approaches
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-15-24
The transition to industrialization 2.0 – a modern technological mode in conditions of an acute shortage of personnel, a low level of their qualifications, negative competition changes the paradigm of employment and actualizes the professional identity of the individual with a focus on high-tech spheres, primarily industrial production, supported by artificial intelligence, digitalization and automation. In these conditions, the demand for a new nomenclature and content of competencies increases, which represents the guidelines for methodological innovation and determines the initial principles of such work – consistency, individual approach, gamification, design of the educational and professional route of the optant. On the example of SibGIU, the possibilities of the vocational orientation system are shown. The analysis, synthesis and generalization of theoretical research in the field of professional definition and orientation, the Doctrine of Industry, the Unified Model of Vocational Orientation of the Population, the leading provisions of the anthropological and convergent approaches made it possible to formulate contradictions between the current state of the labor market and the possibilities of education to reproduce personnel of the necessary qualification and nomenclature. Institutional opportunities for overcoming the axiological heterogeneity of representatives of individualistic and collectivist Russia in the management of employees are revealed, the principles of a human-centric society are formed, representing an acmeological and civilizational turn in public consciousness, which can be implemented on the basis of the mental concept of professional orientation at the pre-professional, professional and post-professional levels. The author reveals an actual mechanism of professional definition, relevant to the needs of the labor market, but also representing the contract between citizens and the state as mutual obligations in relation to employment and satisfaction of the hierarchy of personal needs. The content of the processes of professional identification, immanently representing the quantitative and qualitative transformation of the personality, as a transition from sociality to professionalism and in a modified form again to sociality, is determined. The targets at the individual and public levels are indicated, representing clusters of tasks implemented in the stratagems of the country’s socio-economic development, which are essentially a civilizational turn in mentality. The initial foundations of mental conceptualization are determined.
Keywords: professional identity, industrialization, human-centric society, employment paradigm, mechanism of professional definition, individualization, project approach, system approach
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 15 — 24
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