The history of the formation and importance of German sports and gymnastics societies in the patriotic education of young people
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-36-42
The study of the accumulated experience of national physical education systems in the context of their patriotic education of young people, the study of "mistakes" and the most effective practices of organizing sports and patriotic education, is a key factor in the process of solving the tasks set by the President of the country and the government. The relevance of the study is emphasized in a number of government documents and reflects the objective request of the state to restructure the existing system of patriotic education of young people. The article examines the history of the formation of sports and gymnastic societies in Germany in the XIX-early XX centuries, identifies German teachers who stand at the origins of the use of physical culture and sports activities for the purpose of patriotic education of young people. The purpose of the study is a retrospective analysis of the formation of sports and gymnastics societies in Germany and their role in the patriotic education of German youth in the XIX-early XX centuries. Materials and methods of research. In the process of research, we used theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization, abstraction. The main research materials were digitized works of the creators of the German gymnastic system, the works of the founders of the national history of physical culture, scientific publications considering the features of the militarization of the younger generation in Germany in the late XIX – early XX century. As the results of the study, 4 stages in the history of sports and gymnastic societies in Germany of the XIX – XX century and their functions in the patriotic education of young people were identified: the period of the origin of gymnastic schools associated with the activities of Fit and Guts–Mouts, the introduction of gymnastic training in general education organizations, the prerequisites for the use of the educational function of physical culture; the period of strengthening associated with the activities of F. Jan, the development of the gymnastic movement and the strong relationship between physical fitness and patriotic education; the period of "struggle" associated with the imposition of state control in matters of nationalist education of German youth and the response of society in the form of organizations of "Migratory Birds"; the period of nationalization, complete subordination to the state of sports and gymnastics societies, the implementation of ideological "processing" of the population with their help.
Keywords: patriotic education, militarization of physical education, youth, sports and gymnastics societies, turkunst
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 36 — 42
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