Developing Musical Thinking with Multimedia Lectures: Research Results
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-54-63
The modern labor market requires graduates of professional educational institutions to have certain competencies in their field of specialization. The development of musical thinking, which includes a whole range of professional competencies in the field of musical art, including the field of music and computer technologies, becomes a priority goal in the process of professional training of music teachers. Musical thinking, as a type of specific thinking of a music teacher, allows you to quickly solve various professional problems and understand musical processes. A teacher with a high level of development of musical thinking is able to adapt teaching methods to the individual characteristics of students, promptly identify and respond to their needs and capabilities in the process of educational musical activity, fill the educational process with creative content, thereby arousing interest and maintaining a high level of motivation for students to master educational programs, promoting further professional self-realization. There is an obvious need to introduce innovative teaching methods that contribute to the effective and accessible acquisition of the necessary educational material during the learning process. Due to the fact that musical thinking has many manifestations, methods of activation, as well as assessing the level of its development in students, create a problematic situation in the learning process. As one of these methods, the study will consider the use of multimedia lectures aimed at developing musical thinking in future music teachers, since it is this ability that combines several competency characteristics of a specialist in the field of music and computer technologies. In this regard, this article will be one of the first to present the experience of using multimedia lectures in professional music education to develop students’ musical thinking, as well as the results confirming the effectiveness of this digital didactic technology. As part of the study, criteria and indicators of the presence of musical thinking among future music teachers were determined. An assessment was made of the level of development of musical thinking among students of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (n=28). The results of a study of the effectiveness of using multimedia lectures in the process of training future music teachers are presented.
Keywords: digital technologies, multimedia lecture, musical thinking, professional competencies, music teachers
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 54 — 63
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