Analysis of insufficient learnability in English language learning
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-77-84
The article analyzes the issue of insufficient learnability in foreign language acquisition. Despite substantial research in pedagogy and psychology, a comprehensive understanding of the causes and mechanisms leading to difficulties in mastering a second language remains underdeveloped. Students at higher technical institutions often encounter challenges in learning English, significantly limiting their professional and academic prospects. These difficulties can be attributed to various factors such as cognitive traits, hemispheric interaction, cultural differences, lack of motivation and time, as well as the influence of traditional educational methodologies, which do not always consider individual student needs. Lateralization of language function in adults significantly affects the processes of perception and processing of linguistic information. Changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain during the learning of foreign languages reflect the division of activity between hemispheres. Cultural barriers, differences in teaching styles, and the perception of social interactions between cultures act as deep aspects that influence successful learning. The lack of a holistic approach to identifying and eliminating the causes of insufficient teachability leads to a decline in education quality, loss of interest in language study, and, consequently, limits students’ professional opportunities. In the context of globalization and the increasing role of English in international profes sional communication, addressing this issue becomes critically important. This study aims to identify key factors affecting insufficient teachability and to develop recommendations for adapting educational programs to enhance students’ success in learning English and strengthen their international competitiveness.
Keywords: learning difficulties, insufficient learnability, success, psychophysiological features, hemispheric interaction, cultural differences
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 77 — 84
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