Pedagogical system of adaptive physical culture in the professional activities of military personnel with disabilities
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-85-93
The article thoroughly examines the development and scientific substantiation of a military-pedagogical system of adaptive physical culture (APC) aimed at the rehabilitation, professional training, and effective integration of military personnel with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as MPwD) into professional activities within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the context of contemporary challenges and demands placed on the defense and security system, emphasis is placed on the necessity of modernizing professional education, improving the qualifications of personnel, and enhancing the preparation of specialists working with MPwD. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of scientific-theoretical foundations and practical approaches to building pedagogical systems, enabling consideration of the specificities of military service and the unique needs of MPwD. Special attention is given to the integration of innovative technologies such as functional state monitoring systems, virtual simulators, digital platforms, and software that facilitate the adaptation and development of military personnel with disabilities. An essential element of the development is the consideration of regulatory requirements and the implementation of individualized training methods that align with modern educational standards and international recommendations. The primary goal of the research is to form a comprehensive pedagogical system aimed at enhancing the physical, psychological, and professional readiness of MPwD to fulfill assigned service tasks, including their successful integration into military unit teams. The analysis of identified contradictions in theory and practice allowed the determination of key issues related to the integration of rehabilitative and educational components, as well as the development of personalized professional growth trajectories. The proposed methodological approaches are based on the principles of systemic, person-centered, innovative development, and axiological justification. The application of these principles facilitates the creation of a multifunctional pedagogical system that harmoniously combines the objectives of combat training and rehabilitation, adapting MPwD to fulfill their service duties, which in turn ensures the enhancement of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: professional education, adaptive physical culture, servicemen with disabilities, professional training, rehabilitation, military-pedagogical system
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 85 — 93
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