Training project and training research: typical errors and their analysis
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-94-104
The article is devoted to one of the key areas of modern education – project and research activities of schoolchildren. The authors note that in modern pedagogy, research work is defined both as a method of cognition and as the level of mastery of educational material by students. As a consequence, there is a change in the place and role of design and research activities in the Russian education system from an element of extracurricular activities to an integral component of the educational process. In this regard, the authors of the article drew attention to the considerable experience accumulated by schools and various types of educational organizations in the development and implementation of project and research activities. It requires reflection and evaluation. In the article, the authors attempted to give a balanced assessment of the existing experience in research and project activities. First of all, attention is drawn to the reasons for the actualization of design and research activities in Russian education and to the abundance of works devoted to various aspects of the design and research activities of schoolchildren at different stages of education (from the initial stage of school education to high school). At the same time, the authors of the article identified a number of important works that had the greatest impact on solving the problems of organizing students’ design and research activities. The authors of the article focused on typical mistakes that students make when performing research and design work. Based on an analysis of 437 works of students from different regions of Russia, the article presents an analysis of typical errors, a classification of errors is given, and their causes are identified. In the process of analysis, the authors relied on the criteria they developed for evaluating research and design work. The authors of the article do not claim to have a holistic picture, but the classification of errors they propose reflects key deficiencies in the formulation and implementation of design and research activities. The identified typical mistakes that are made by students, and therefore by teachers as work managers, are an opportunity to identify deficiencies in the education system itself. The presented classification of errors can help build a system of work with both students and teachers to eliminate the most common errors.
Keywords: educational research, educational project, assessment criteria, classification of errors, key deficits, work system
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 94 — 104
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