The use of artificial intelligence technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-105-115
Technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to enhance different elements of the English as a Foreign Language educational process and streamline the daily tasks of a foreign language teacher in higher education settings. The objective of the article is to examine the educational value, benefits, and drawbacks of utilizing AI in teaching English as a Foreign Language within higher education contexts. Theoretical analysis methods were employed, including reviewing and examining scientific-methodological literature, along with Internet resources related to the research problem. Additionally, the educational practices of the author of this article were reflected upon. The educational value of AI technologies within the framework of EFL teaching are highlighted: creating personalized educational trajectories, ensuring interactivity of the educational process, facilitating independent work of students, automating control and evaluation procedures, increasing involvement in the educational process. The utilization of various AI platforms (including image generation platforms, chatbots, and specialized platforms for foreign language instructors) is outlined. A survey was carried out among educators at SPbPU to assess their attitudes and willingness to incorporate AI technologies into the teaching process. The conclusion drawn is that implementing artificial intelligence-based applications and tools within EFL education enhances the interactivity of the learning process, boosts student engagement, and streamlines the tasks of a foreign language educator. However, it is highlighted that enhancing the digital skills of educators is crucial for the effective and systemic incorporation of artificial intelligence into educational methodologies.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, neural network, chat bot, foreign languages, higher education
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 105 — 115
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