Classification of information sources according to the nature of its presentation from the perspective of teaching mathematics
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-116-124
Mathematical activity is the exchange of information and its processing. Typically the focus is on learning to process information. For example, we highlight information processing at the level of: 1) standard algorithms; 2) standard activity strategies; 3) methodology. But working with information begins with its presentation, which is characterized by the language used, the pace and style of transmitting information, etc. But the influence of the level of fixation of the order of presentation of information units has not been studied enough. The purpose is to study different models of presentation of information units and their impact on the process of learning mathematics. The authors developed different models of presentation and primary perception of information units and built an axiomatic theory that helped to systematize and study the influence of different approaches to the presentation of information on teaching mathematics. The article presents a new approach to studying the influence of the order of information presentation on mathematics learning. This has both theoretical and practical significance, since the results of the study can be used to develop more effective methods of teaching mathematics, as well as to improve educational programs. During the study, three options for the presentation of information units and their primary perception were identified: sequential presentation of information units (oral speech), one-time presentation of all units of information with a fixed priority order of their analysis (text message), one-time presentation of all units of information with arbitrary order of their analysis (table, drawing). Each option has a different impact on the effectiveness of teaching mathematics. The authors came to the conclusion that it is important to take into account the order in which information is presented when developing educational programs and methods for teaching mathematics. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the educational process.
Keywords: teaching mathematics, information, presentation of information, axiomatic theory
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 116 — 124
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