Model of development of readiness of undergraduate students of psychological and pedagogical education to make strategic decisions
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-125-134
The author studies the problem of modeling the process of developing readiness of students in the field of psychological and pedagogical education to make strategic decisions in the changing cultural and educational space. The purpose of the article is to develop and present a conceptual model of developing readiness of students in the field of psychological and pedagogical education to make strategic decisions, taking into account the features of modeling in the higher education system. The study uses systemic, informational, axiological, activity-based, process-based, cognitive, cultural, neural network approaches. According to the object of the study the author generalizes philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and psychological theorethical ideas. To solve the research problem, the methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, induction, deduction, analysis of schematic representations of models in education, modeling were used. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is shown that the process of developing students’ readiness to make strategic decisions in the changing cultural and educational space at this stage of higher education development has been practically not studied, although it is an important psychological, pedagogical and social problem. Taking into account innovative trends in higher education, the goals of modeling have been defined: coordinating expert data and recording internal ideas about the object of research, which is affected by the flow of information revealed through the changing cultural and educational space. It is important that due to these goals, measurable and measured behavior of the individual will be presented. It is suggested that the level of students’ readiness to make strategic decisions in the changing cultural and educational space will qualitatively improve due to the introduction of psychological and pedagogical conditions (development of students’ motivation to accumulate a fund of knowledge about strategic decisions for professional and personal spheres of life, the use of educational influences aimed at harmonizing the individual in achieving success, accumulation of initial experience in making strategic decisions in the changing cultural and educational space). Practical application of this model for bachelor students of psychological and pedagogical education is possible in centers of personal development, organization of educational work of universities. The content of the model of development of readiness of bachelor students of psychological and pedagogical education to make strategic decisions in the changing cultural and educational space is summarized taking into account the features of its formalized description. The model is presented in a schematic form.
Keywords: strategic decisions, content of education, forms and methods of education, social processes, modeling in the system of higher education, cultural and educational space
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 125 — 134
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