Organizational forms and content specifics of learning Russian in the Islamic Republic of Iran
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-135-143
The article analyzes the current state and existing progressive trends in the development of the Russian language teaching system in Iran. The appeal to this topic is determined by the need for a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in learning the Russian language and in receiving education in Russian by young people. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of Russian language learning, the conditions for its further promotion and, on this basis, to propose a methodology for studying the basic course of the Russian language (substantive and methodological content) within the framework of the general development program “Starting to Learn Russian”. The following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific sources on the research problem to determine its initial provisions, systematization of data for the analysis and development of organizational and substantive conditions for studying the Russian language in educational institutions of Iran; direct observation, collection of information through purposeful perception and registration of organizational forms of studying the Russian language, analysis and generalization of the pedagogical experience of teachers of the Open Education Center in Tehran. The material for the study was analytical reports on the results of the events held in Iran, as well as the experience of teaching Russian within the framework of the general development program “Starting to Learn Russian”. The conducted analysis of the study of the Russian language in Iran showed that the most popular organizational forms are the course and university formats. In the school education system, the study of the Russian language has not yet received official status, but thanks to the interaction and joint efforts of Russianists of Iran and Russia, preparatory work is being carried out in this direction, in particular, schoolchildren interested in the Russian language are offered optional subjects and general development programs. It seems promising to continue studying the practice of teaching the Russian language at the Center for Open Education in Tehran and transfer this experience to educational organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian, Russian as a foreign language, organizational forms of learning of the Russian language, introductory phonetic and grammatical course, the initial stage
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 135 — 143
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