The methodological constructor as a tool for organizing the professional training of future foreign language teachers (in terms of developing methodological competence)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-144-152
This article is devoted to the consideration of the possibilities of using a methodological designer in the process of professional training of future teachers of a foreign language at a university. The review of the existing definitions of the concept of “professional competence” is made, its structure is revealed, three main components are distinguished: linguistic, pedagogical and methodological. Methodological competence is understood as the ability to effectively plan, organize and implement the educational process, includes the ability of a teacher to choose and apply various approaches and teaching methods, as well as evaluate and adjust their activities taking into account the goals and needs of students. An attempt is made to apply such a tool as a methodological constructor to organize work on the formation of methodological competence of undergraduate students. It is the methodological designer, as a system designed to create and organize educational materials, curricula, that allows you to plan and model the educational process for the formation of methodological competence and bring it closer to the needs of the real professional activities of future teachers. The proposed methodological constructor includes two blocks: classroom and extracurricular activities. The first block contains the following components: 1) interactive lectures; 2) seminars; 3) project practice; 4) production practice and research. The block of the methodological designer related to the extracurricular activities of students includes: 1) participation of students in methodological competitions”; 2) participation in interuniversity and all-Russian Olympiads on pedagogy and theory of teaching and learning; 3) participation in student scientific and practical conferences. When implementing all the blocks of the methodological designer, it is recommended to use interactive and digital resources in order for the training to be of an active nature. Examples of the use of various digital materials in lectures and seminars on the discipline “Methods of teaching foreign languages” are given; a project carried out by sophomores in the framework of project practice is described; the All-Russian video tutorial competition on the methodology of teaching foreign languages is briefly described; the results of the All-Russian student scientific and practical conference “New technologies in teaching foreign languages”, which is annually held by teachers of the department, are analyzed theories and methods of teaching at the Moscow State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky. It is concluded that the methodological constructor allows teachers to comprehensively and flexibly approach the implementation of all requirements for the professional standard of a future foreign language teacher.
Keywords: professional competence, methodological competence, methodical constructor, professional standard of a future foreign language teacher, methods of teaching a foreign language
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 144 — 152
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