Logical-content lines between physics and mathematics as a basis for professional teacher training in a modern pedagogical university
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-43-53
The article deals with the problem of formation of professional competencies related to applied and functional aspects of the respective disciplines in a modern teacher of mathematics and physics. Justifications of the necessity to take into account the interrelation between mathematics and physics are given. The authors, emphasizing the logical and substantive interdisciplinary links between physics and mathematics, offer to solve methodological problems, which are illustrated by the example of considering such concepts as «function» and «motion». In accordance with the theoretical analysis of logical and substantive interdisciplinary lines between mathematics and physics, the necessity of coordinated formation of mathematical and physical concepts in the process of teaching students in accordance with specially developed organizational and methodological conditions is substantiated, and the developed program model for mechanics and the levels of its implementation in the practice of teaching students of a pedagogical university are proposed. In this case, the logical and content interdisciplinary lines are determined, first of all, by the presence of common fundamental and applied areas. The development of logical and content lines of interdisciplinary links between mathematics and physics was carried out on the basis of the methodology of systematic review, which allows to exclude subjective approach in interpreting data on the relationship between mathematics and physics, to identify trends in the development of the problem under study and to determine its significant theoretical and applied aspects. This methodology implies the use of a set of complementary methods: qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to identify the relationship between the program content of mathematics and physics; system analysis to identify structural and functional elements in describing the relationship between mathematics and physics; analytical grouping of programmatic teaching material and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mathematics and physics sections. Implementation of the design of logical and content lines of interdisciplinary links between mathematics and physics was carried out on the basis of the logical approach. At the first stage, based on the practice of teaching students at the pedagogical university, an evidence-based approach to the problem under study was formulated. The selection of program material was carried out on the basis of a special model, for the implementation of which the logical and content lines of interdisciplinary links between mathematics and physics were developed. The systemstructural approach made it possible to develop the levels of program model implementation and develop a system of individual calculation and graphic tasks for training future teachers in a modern pedagogical university.
Keywords: teacher, mathematics, physics, teacher professional training, logical and content lines, interdisciplinary links, program model, organizational and methodological conditions, equations of motion of a pointt
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 43 — 53
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