Tutor support of different groups of novice teachers in implementing the project “Professionalitet” to secondary vocational education institutions
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-2-64-76
The importance of this study is determined by the need to understand the problem of filling the identified deficits of professional activity among novice teachers of secondary vocational education institutions (SVE) in the context of tutor support, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the federal project “Professionalitet”. The aim of the article is to consider the content of the components of the professional development of novice teachers of SVE and their formation in the context of the implementation of the new educational technology “Professionalitet” through the tutor support technology. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the concept of the new educational technology “Professionalitet”, which is based on an activity-based approach that ensures the formation of a highly qualified specialist who meets the requirements of the relevant industry. Research methods: analysis of the difficulties of the professional activity of novice teachers based on observation, the method of expert assessments, diagnostic interview, questionnaire. The author suggests the following components of the professional development of a novice teacher: motivation and value, reflexive and evaluative, methodological, and a component of the developing interaction between the teacher and students. The content of these components is based on the competencies necessary for the performance of professional pedagogical activity such as subject, communicative, methodological, psychological and pedagogical. Their content is connected with the fulfillment of the requirements of the federal state educational standards of vocational education and the new educational technology “Professionalitet”. The components of professional development are formed while tutoring different groups of novice teachers: specialists from various industries, young professionals with and without pedagogical education. The professional deficits of different groups of novice teachers and the forms of their tutoring are described in the article. The practical significance of this study is related to the possibility of filling the deficits of professional activity of heterogeneous groups of novice teachers of secondary vocational education institutions (SVE) through tutor support of their professional development. The results presented in this article reveal the possibilities of tutor support as a mechanism that ensures not only the transition of teachers to a qualitatively higher level of professional development, but also as a general technological toolkit of the new educational technology “Professionalitet”.
Keywords: Federal project “Professionalitet”, new educational technology “Professionalitet”, components of professional development, novice teachers of secondary vocational education institutions (SVE), tutor support
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Issue: 2, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 64 — 76
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