DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-21-27
Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of verbalization of maidenhood concepts in traditional culture. The materials of the study are dialect dictionaries, as well as the materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Tomsk State University linguists from 1947 to nowadays in the dialects distribution territory of the Middle Ob Region. The use of this material allows us to explore the concept of maidenhood, taking into account the changes taking place in the dialect culture and caused by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Results. Concepts of maidenhood are objectified in the lexical and phraseological dialect units, nominating maidens and characterizing their behavior. In peasant culture, marriage was considered as the fulfillment of the main female life purpose. Therefore, society demonstrated the importance attached to the preservation of maiden honor. It was reflected in a number of stable combinations that denominate a virgin. Noncompliance with this form was a great disgrace for a girl and her parents. The loss of virginity and the birth of a child before marriage are characterized by units containing seme `shame‘. Zoomorphic metaphors are also used in dialect speech, indicating the comparison of extramarital relations with the animal world, in which the rules of human society do not operate. Marriage for a girl in traditional culture is perceived as a necessity, this fact is evidenced by the analysis of ritual lyrics. In dialectal folklore ditties are recorded with the intention of warning or recommendations not to marry. The use of a large number of verbs, the grammatical form of which reflects the lack of participation of the girl in the decision to marry is also characteristic. The analysis of the units nominating wedding ceremonies confirms the idea that marriage was economically beneficial and did not depend on emotional attachment. The wedding is treated as a ritual transition, initiating a girl to the status of a woman. At the same time, the transformation of the concept of maidenhood is shown due to social, historical and economic factors. Dialect speakers note a change of social norms. They condemn the behavior of modern girls, in relationships with the opposite sex before marriage, and the lack of a sense of shame for that matter. Dialect speakers also mention the disappearance or simplification of the wedding rite and the absence of legal relations between the spouses.
Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 21 — 27
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