DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-3-96-10
Introduction. Meta-language narratives are the most indicative material to study how the dialect speakers perceive their own speech and the speech of others, as well as peculiarities of their linguistic reflection. The study of this phenomenon revealed the set of peculiarities of dialect speakers’ language consciousness. But dynamic aspects of dialect speakers’ language consciousness haven’t been examined until present. The purpose of the article is to reveal the types (degrees) of meta-language reflection and to determine the factors of its heterogeneity in the speech of dialect speakers. Material and methods. The material for analysis includes contexts with meta-language topics; the subject of the research is the character of meta-language topic development in the speech of a dialect speaker, as well as his ability for metalanguage reflection; the main research method is probabilistic object modeling. Results and discussion. Records of dialect speech represent different degrees of awareness of dialect speakers of their speech – from almost complete inability to concentrate their attention on a word itself, in distraction from objects and situations denoted by this word, to the active meta-language reflection. The attention of dialect speakers is usually drawn to the language and speech in those communicative situations, when the communicants belong to different social groups and have visibly different language and/or culture codes. But there are also transitional, intermediate degrees of speech awareness. These are the cases of effortful, gradual transition from the situational reflection to the linguistic one, the cases of switching from meta-language topic to the reflection on the corresponding facts or things, as well as the cases of meta-language reflection in situations, untypical for literary language speakers. Conclusion. Unwritten traditional culture is characterized by the weak speech awareness, by the interfusion of the word itself and situations it represents. These features are consequences of such general distinguishing characteristics of traditional folk life culture bearers as the priority of trivial consciousness in contrast with rational (theoretical) consciousness, which is formed by specially organized cognitive activity. The strengthening of meta-language reflection is associated with the growth of literacy among the dialect speakers. Familiarization with written culture leads to greater speech awareness, to shifting the balance between trivial and rational consciousness. The scale of the degrees of speech awareness in dialect speech is the result and the evidence of changes in dialect communication. The specificity of socio-cultural situations in the dialects supports and promotes the tendency to the expansion of meta-language reflection.
Keywords: dialect, language consciousness, meta-language introspection
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 96 — 103
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