DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-3-104-113
Introduction. The words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) have become a kind of indicators of social, economic and political changes, which had a great impact on language personality of the Russian native speaker. The aim of the article is to research into the dynamics of thesaurus fragment, which is verbalized with words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar). The analysis is based on lexicographical and corpus data. Methods and material. The main material used for analysis is: data taken from explanatory dictionaries published from XVIII to XXI century, associative fields mined from associative dictionaries, and text fragments extracted with the help of The Russian National Corpus. These materials make juxtaposition analysis of lexical semantics dynamic processes possible. Results and discussion. Juxtaposition of explanatory dictionaries materials as well as “Russian Associative Dictionary” shows that ‘the mirror of associative dictionary’ is indispensable for studying particular fragments of reality. Interconnection between associative fields and systemic lexical semantics fields is obvious. The study directed from system to text shows the gradual changes in semantics structure of two synonyms. The research traces the establishment of their axiological specialization. The word rynok (market) develops a new meaning over time – “sphere of commodity exchange”, which is further reflected in the expansion of its lexical compatibility. Since the semantic component “noise” actualizes, the figurative meaning of word bazar (bazaar) emerges – “loud conversation”. Bazar (bazaar) in the native speaker’s mind is a space where one can be easily deceived. Rynok (market) on the value scale of everyday consciousness is also associated with theft, high cost and chaos, which is largely due to the influence of socio-economic factors on the language consciousness. Semantic differences between two synonyms and contamination of different meanings become the basis for creating language game. Conclusion. The meaning of words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) verbalize the crucial for person’s life fragment of reality. Throughout the long history of functioning, their semantics underwent significant transformation that can be revealed at various levels: structure of the meanings fixed by lexicography, associative and verbal level of language personality. The observations show that in the semantics structure of word rynok (market) the new meaning (‘system of exchange relations’) tends to prevail over the traditional one (‘place for trade’). Lexical unit bazar (bazaar) contains connotations in all meanings.
Keywords: lexicography, lexical semantics, associative field, connotations, synonymy
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 104 — 113
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