# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1701 | The article is devoted to the analysis of methodical potential of the use of an axiological perspective of F. M. Dostoyevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” in the spiritual and moral education of modern schoolchildren. The solution of this methodical problem requires integrated approach and the appeal to the findings of psychology, pedagogy and philosophy. As the representative material illustrating theoretical understanding of the problem of responsibility as a significant aspect of spiritual and moral education in modern educational space serves the analysis of images of the novel’s heroes-ideologists – Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova, showing different world outlook and behavioural strategy of implementation of responsibility as the axiological base of the personality. The problem of responsibility is one of the most urgent for discussion of the novel “Crime and Punishment” at the lessons of literature, accomplishment of research and project work in extracurricular activities as, on the one hand, it corresponds to the age features of seniors, and on the other hand, is rather representative for this novel of the writer. The value-oriented approach to studying of the perspective of the novel allows to develop one’s own world outlook and to realize it further in forming of a vector of life with orientation to supermotivations. Educational potential of studying creative work of Dostoyevsky can be widely used in the educational process when studying other humanitarian disciplines (Russian, history, social science) and to promote implementation of priorities of national educational policy. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, “Crime and Punishment”, axiology, problem, responsibility, hero, Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova, spiritual and moral education | 1130 | |||||
1702 | The paper deals with the process of foundation of the Historical faculty of the Tomsk Pedagogical Institute on the basis of the Historical department and its history during the Great Patriotic War. The changes in the teacher's and student's staff are analyzed as well as in organization of educational process and research during the Great Patriotic War. | 1129 | |||||
1703 | In general the article is devoted to the study of financial budget structure, peculiarities of spreading the budget resources in the most difficult moment of Russian history. In 1921 Narkompros handed the school financing to the local budgets which were very poor and satisfied only the essential needs of education. There weren’t any means for school expenses, school building and redecoration, books and implements. Local budget had to find out off-budget means for school expenses. Moreover, the social role in the financial question of education is shown in the article. | 1129 | |||||
1704 | The place of sacral-religious knowledge in language and conceptual world picture of M. Cvetaeva was studied in the article. We examined that lexemes which correlate with religious notion and contain sacral component in its semantics are of great importance in language world picture of the poet. In contrary these lexemes carry out background function and belong to presupposition that is to knowledge which does not depend on poet’s vision and moral principals. | 1129 | |||||
1705 | The article deals with one of the aspects of text study in communicative stylistics – associative aspect. The two ways of textual associations and associative text structure study had been shown. The so-called «from the text» and «personal» approaches reveal interdirected motion from a text to a reader and vice versa. | 1129 | |||||
1706 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the special kind of symbols – icons. Such icons as baked beans, pudding, roast beef, fish and chips are taken as examples. | 1129 | |||||
1707 | The article is dedicated to the problem of the name of word-formation part in the Modern Russian language. The author examines the borders of this science, that have not a definite description. The author tries to connect the question of such name with the level organization of a language. | 1129 | |||||
1708 | The end of this century is characterized by a tendency to unification. Great number of social, economic and political contacts results into cultural and linguistic interaction. This work is devoted to the problem of interrelation of culture and language under the influence of cultural contacts. | 1129 | |||||
1709 | Playing sports the teenager develops will, character, and studies to accept the decisions. Formation of motivation of children and teenagers to physical culture is possible to decide with help of employment karate. Karate renders positive influence on the level of uneasiness, on the decrease of aggression and the development of communicative abilities | 1129 | |||||
1710 | The article gives different ideas of making special programs for teachers to improve the process of education presented by different scientists. New programs and new requirements are needed to solve modern global tasks of gifted and talented children education. Thematic interdisciplinary integration can solve these problems. The examples of High School “Constellation”, Moscow and Akademitchesky Lyceum, Tomsk are presented in the article. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1129 | |||||
1711 | The article analyzes the approaches to valuing the level of forming of professional competence; the results of research of the components of professional competence such as academic and research competence, information and subject competence, organizing and methodical competence, communication competence, social and legal competence, personal and professional competence are presented. Keywords: young specialist, competence, professional competence, components of professional competence, competence approach | 1129 | |||||
1712 | The article considers genesis of Russian pilgrim tradition and gradual formation of national geography of Holy sites. The analysis of literary reflexion of these processes offered by the author in works of the religious writer A. N. Muravjev allows to describe semiotics aspect of sacral geography of Russia and shows a technique of interpretation of the spatial organization of literary works with religious artistry modus. Keywords: the pilgrimage, Russian literature, the art space, the semiotics, the literature of travel | 1129 | |||||
1713 | The paper presents a view of order and disorder in the system of a natural language and its role in the system’s development and functionality. It is shown that the disorder level (entropy) of a natural language can both increase and decrease, which, in turn, speaks for self-organization processes occurring in a language. Keywords: determinism, chaos, entropy, self-organization, natural language, syntax, lexicon | 1129 | |||||
1714 | The article deals with the use of proverbs in the texts of descriptive and communicative types. Some texts help to expose the primary intention which has been put into every proverb while others contribute to revealing the psychological condition of a person with the help of proverbs. Keywords: proverb, intention, speech situation, indicator, psychological condition | 1129 | |||||
1715 | Translation is not only a speech act but also an act of cross-cultural communication. Translation is determined by the system and norm at least of two languages and two cultures. The conflict between the cultures in translation is overcome by making the strategy based on principles and rules, background knowledge, skills and habits. These knowledge and skills are taught in creative linguasociocultural environment which maximum is near by the natural foreign environment. Thus, the author’s main attention has been focussed on working out in greater detail the system of skills. Then it is shown how these skills are practically taught in Japanese linguasociocultural environment (on the example of tea ceremony and other national, historical, geographical, religious and cultural realities). Keywords: creative linguasociocultural environment, background knowledge, skills and habits, abilities, equivalence, adequacy, strategy, Japanese, tea ceremony, lingua franca | 1129 | |||||
1716 | This article is devoted to the organizing experience of pedagogical support of distance learning on the basis of National research university “Belgorod State University”. The authors show peculiarities of interaction between teacher and student and organization of teaching material in the distance course of discipline “Foreign language” at National research university “Belgorod State University”. Keywords: distance learning, pedagogical support of distance learning, interaction, distance course “Foreign language” | 1129 | |||||
1717 | The traditional folk songs are being investigated from the viewpoint of identifying the moral family values and perfect marriage ideas. The process of subject, image and motif inheritance and transformation associated with the family theme in the literature song of the 19th century are under study. Keywords: folk songs, literary songs, the lyrics of the 19th century, folklore | 1129 | |||||
1718 | The article deals with the theoretical issues of distant learning. It describes the approach to online teaching schoolchildren that is used by ISEDT RAS Science and Education Center of Economics and Information Technologies, specifies the types of organizational and methodological support for educational process. Keywords: distance teaching, economic education, online teaching, organizational and methodological support, ISEDT RAS SEC Economic Internet School | 1129 | |||||
1719 | One of the leading directions of research in contemporary Russian and foreign linguistics is the study of discourse. In this article we are talking about a scientific discourse that differs from other types of discourse and has its clear characteristics, requirements and design. Scientific discourse, according to most researchers, is objectified, but as a sphere of human activity, it can not escape the influence of the author’s personality. The primary stage in the creation of a scientific text is the choice of a theme that reflects the title of the text, i.e. already at this stage a pragmatic aspect may appear. Creating the scientific text, the author puts his subjective view, evaluation on the subject of research, also focuses on the reader who will perceive the text, and therefore the position and opinion of the author of the text, agreeing with it or not agreeing, but provoking a reaction and receiving a response to the text. To test this hypothesis, a content analysis of theses on the specialty “General History (of the corresponding period)” was conducted for the period from 1980 to 2010 and revealed the relationship between the choice of the topic of the dissertation and the socio-political situation. Keywords: pragmatics of scientific text, pragmatic aspect, historiographic source, thesis abstract, content analysis | 1129 | |||||
1720 | In this article an attempt is made to correlate an average number of thunderstorm days per annum with an average number of lightning discharges to the ground for each landscape. This is based on comparing visual lightning observations aver¬age multiannual values of thunderstorm activity and the data of a density of lightning discharges to the ground, obtained with a multistation system locating thunderbolts to the ground. The results can be use for estimation of dangerous from thunderstorm in regions without instrumental lightning observations | 1128 | |||||
1721 | The main purpose of the present research is the development of new forms and pedagogical technolo¬gies of professional training of physical culture tea¬chers with the use of nonconventional effective peda¬gogical and physiological methods of effect. The re¬search was carried out on the students of Institute of physical culture. The check bunch was engaged with the use of traditional pedagogical methods; the edu¬cation of experimental bunch was carried out with the use in addition of complex of nonconventional physio¬logical procedures. The obtained outcomes allow to justify the new forms of professional training of physi¬cal culture teachers; an effective contents and optimal combination of pedagogical, physiological methods of effect. The comprehensive approach includes a com¬bination of pedagogical and physiological methods of effect, and as assumes construction of complexes with the count of an individual levei of health, sports spe¬cialization and level of sports preparation of the stu¬dents. | 1128 | |||||
1722 | The article is devoted to the issue of cross-cultural communication and important role of a person in searching for the ways to resolve appearing controversies in the process. Having analyzed modern tendencies cf language interaction, the author describes the main components of cross-cu4ural competence and underpins necessity of its development. Understanding of the paradoxical demands of modern times: coexistence of diversity and uniformity, and rethinking of educational values allow the author to highlight a new educational goal and regard development of cross-cultural competence cf a person as a lop priority of comprehensive education. | 1128 | |||||
1723 | The article provides an overview of a possible approach to the creation of pedagogical conditions, facilitating the development of the metacognitive competence of the students. Approach to the development of a set of diagnostic measurements, which allow evaluation of the efficiency of these conditions in real educational practice, is offered. Based on the analysis of the results of the manipulation with the pedagogical conditions, the author shares her vision of the existing issues and possible ways of increasing educational efficiency under conditions of distance learning. | 1128 | |||||
1724 | The article is devoted to the problem of the dialogue between the Russian state and the church in the interpretation of N.M.Karamzin. The author pays special attention to the most considerable of his work «The history of the Russian state». The church is сconsidered as not only the important element of the system, but as the institute of the civil society | 1128 | |||||
1725 | This article observes the special aspects of the semantic border between reality and illusions (dreams, memories about the past) functioning in the structure of Georgy Ivanov’s poetic world. A number of corresponding artistic signs elaborated in his early lyrical poetry are revealed and analyzed | 1128 | |||||
1726 | The article is devoted to the problem of the usage of the modern domestic pedagogical technologies centered on the level and quality increasing of the professional education. The author presented professionally centered pedagogical technology of the development of the foreign communicative competence of a teacher. Keywords: pedagogical technology, professionally centered pedagogical technology, professionally centered pedagogical technology of the development of the foreign communicative competence of a teacher, competence,foreign communicative competence of a teacher, de | 1128 | |||||
1727 | The article presents the methods of students’ interaction with the educational text. The use of the complex of methods is regarded as the main condition of forming the educational text activity of students. The characteristic feature of the methods is as follows: they are aimed at the education of students’ cultural creative abilities while working with the text. The presented complex of methods is characterized by integrity and universality. A new interpretation is offered in the description of some known methods. The list of methods is supplemented with the authors methods published for the first time. Keywords: the educational text, forming the educational text activity of students, the complex of methods, the methods of students’ interaction with the educational text, cultural creative abilities, reading strategy, reading tactics, arts of reading, standard of w | 1128 | |||||
1728 | The authors prove methodical bases of management by process of achievement of results of the competently-orientated educational programs. They designate basic elements of methodical instrument for estimation forming competences as results of education. Necessity of actualization of the method of studying of activity's products is shown at realization diagnostic components of the competently-orientated programs. Examples of indicators for estimation forming competences are resulted. The data of the empirical research reflecting productivity of competently-orientated educational programs are presented. Keywords: the competently-orientated educational program, competence, an index, an indicator, the estimation of the results. | 1128 | |||||
1729 | The article reveals peculiarities of the autobiographical book «Vremena» (1938 - 1955) by M.A. Osorgin, which is determined by the time conception, its structure and semantics. Keywords: literary of Russian abroad, fiction by M. A. Osorgin, autobiographical prose, the time conception | 1128 | |||||
1730 | The study revealed that the physiological mechanisms of the regulator function of the cardiovascular system in athletes during the urgent adaptation depends not only on age but also on the original tone of the vegetative nervous system and determine the nature of adaptive changes in the machine circulation under the influence of factors the external environment. Keywords: cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, active orthostatic test, athletes | 1128 | |||||
1731 | The paper deals with the origin of two postpositions in Govorka (Taimyr Pidgin Russian): mera and mesto. It is argued that their use is due to the Dolgan infl uence and, therefore, are evidence of a Dolgan stage in the history of Govorka. Keywords: Govorka (Taimyr Pidgin Russian), dolgan, nganasan, contact languages, history of Taimyr, postpositions | 1128 | |||||
1732 | The article is devoted to the analysis of a secular (public and domestic) and religious knowledge in the process of socialization of children of medieval Russia. Special attention is paid to family-based care and education, as the centuries-old way of combining religious and secular aspects of knowledge. Parallels between modern attempts of introduction of religious knowledge in secular school and their historical forms of existence are drawn. Keywords: socialization, religious education, family education, school education | 1128 | |||||
1733 | The article considers the functions of euphemisms in the English language within the framework of the political discourse. The context analysis reveals specificity of the means of expression of euphemia in English: lexemes, collocations. Keywords: political communication, political discourse, euphemisms, functions | 1128 | |||||
1734 | The article is connected with one of the main problems of methodology of forming intercultural competence in teaching Russian language to foreign students-philologists – working out principles of selecting teaching texts. With the help of the analysis of common factors, that affect functioning of all pedagogical systems, we have worked out and systematized 8 particular principles of selecting teaching texts for forming intercultural competence. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching goals into account” we have put forward the principles of the communicative, intercultural, educational, informative and the developing value of the text. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching conditions into account” we have worked out principle of “the correspondence of the text with the profile of higher education for foreign students”. Basing on the factor of “taking into account the characteristics of students” we have put forward principle of the correspondence of the text with the students’ language level and principle of taking the native culture of foreign students into consideration. In the article we also described 12 criteria, which allow implementing these principles in the process of selection of educational texts. According to the principles and the criteria, it was confirmed that, Russian texts for children’s reading, which are regarded as an important means of popular pedagogy, can be used as teaching material. The system of the principles and criteria is presented in the form of a table. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, intercultural competence, principles of selecting texts, texts for children’s reading, national education | 1128 | |||||
1735 | . | 1127 | |||||
1736 | In work the opportunity of creation of the concentrator of x-ray radiation capable is shown to collect radiation from a source of the small size from a corporal corner close to 4 p and to concentrate it(him) in the field of smaller, than area of radiation. It is reached (achieved) by use of special geometry of surfaces, along which the x-ray quantums are distributed by repeated reflections, under small corners of sliding. | 1127 | |||||
1737 | In this article the results of the psychological study of ethnoses, living in Siberian region, are described. The ethnical identifity of separate ethnoses. the psychological distance between representatives of title ethnoses and Russian-speaking population. Substitutions of ethnical national attitudes in some ethnoses were noticed. The data on the national composition of numerically small peoples are presented. | 1127 | |||||
1738 | A method of analysis of linear noisy microwave circuits with arbitrary topology is proposed based on introduced topological scattering matrix. It allows the solution of two types of problems on the common basis: 1) analysis of networks consisting of multiport components; 2) de¬termination of scattering and noise wave matrices of networks while changing node currents and voltages. The method is implemented in CAD tool for symbolic analysis of microwave circuits, MICROSYMA, using the MapleV environment Examples of solving microwave circuit symbolic analysis problems with computer are presented. | 1127 | |||||
1739 | The paper reviews contemporary issues of modern education in the context of historical experience, which represents salient information for both understanding the historical problems and generating their innovative solutions. | 1127 | |||||
1740 | The cognitive potential of neologisms results from the fact that they record new knowledge of labor activity treated as an aspect of social life in Germany. Their cultural potential is one of the means of cultural presentation since they reflect all the actual trends in the sphere of labor. These trends are caused by a number of factors, such as globalization, demographic problems, and the increasing unemployment. New words concern such aspects of the present-day Germany labor activity as the future of labor and its new forms, part-time employment, job redundancy. | 1127 | |||||
1741 | The article views the history of the archaic plot that has become a “Russian myth”. Its interpretations by Russian writers, from Pushkin’s “Poltava” and Gogol’s “Terrible revenge” to works by V.V. Nabokov, B.L. Pasternak, L.M. Leonov reflect the process of artistic self-knowledge of Russian nation, its deep ideas about good and evil dialectics | 1127 | |||||
1742 | The article is focused on significance of E.G. Yudin’s methodological researches for technical aesthetics development in our country. It is a context of dramatic life history of this outstanding philosopher Keywords: recollections about E.G Yudin, methodology of activity, All-union scientific-research institute of technical aesthetics, methodological research of design, methodological research of ergonomics | 1127 | |||||
1743 | The article deals with the complex problem of the use of public resources in law education. The problem is analyzed with the account of law and economic culture, correlating with the notion “education”. Developed and tested qualitive criteria of law education effectiveness and their correlation with quantitive data are given in the article. Keywords: law education, social adaptability, law and education correlation | 1127 | |||||
1744 | In the article the author touches upon historic prerequisites (its similarities and divergences) of formation and development of multicultural society in the USA and Russia. The author dwells on tasks and objectives of multicultural education. The author also raises questions of necessity to study American experience for training competent educators who have to work in modern multicultural societies. Keywords: multicultural education, culture, race, nation, national, competence, society | 1127 | |||||
1745 | The article is devoted to the problem of synthetic interpretation of the Varangian question, to the problem of the value of foreign elements in the process of the early-medieval states formation. The author analyzed modern problems and prospects in solving «the Varangian question». The author analyzed the modern condition of «the Varangian problem» researching contemporary educational and scientific literature on Russian history. Keywords: xenocracy, the Norman problem, myth, self-consciousness, interdisciplinary approach | 1127 | |||||
1746 | This paper presents the analysis of the metaphorical models of the concept of fact from the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics. More specifically, we attempt to show how Lakoff’s theory of conceptual metaphor can help us refine an unclear deem nature of the concept of fact in Modern English, which can accrue from the frequent occurrence of conventionalized metaphorical expressions about fact in everyday language. Thus, metaphor is understood as a partial mapping between conceptual domains of experience, a source domain and a target domain. In this way, we intend to make this interesting construct more useful and cognitively plausible instrument for our linguistic analysis. Keywords: fact, concept, metaphor, metaphorical model, conceptualization, abstract phenomenon, thing. | 1127 | |||||
1747 | The article shows one of the possible ways of dealing with semantic derivation structure of nouns in Selkup as well as lexicographical representation of semantic data. Keywords: Selkup, semantic derivation, polysemy, semantic structure | 1127 | |||||
1748 | The article considers the work of Yenisei Government Statistic Committee in the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, discovers the typical features in its activity, evaluates the contribution Yenisei Government Statistic Committee in economic and social development of Yenisei province. Keywords: Yenisei Government Statistic Committee, scientific activity, the statistic investigations, the regional investigations, publishing activity | 1127 | |||||
1749 | This article presents an attempt to depict and to conceptualize the history of professional and private relations between L. Tieck and Novalis. The article is based upon correspondence between members of the Romantic circle. Keywords: Tieck, Novalis, Jena romantics, poetics, romantic concepts, friendship, illness | 1127 | |||||
1750 | The article is devoted to the diagnosis of professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the field of intellectual development of children. The logic of this article identifies and describes the competence, components, quality indicators and the degree of formation of panel СID. The urgency of professional competence is determined by social inquiry provide quality preschool education and modern landmarks of the Federal State Requirements for the basic structure of the educational program of preschool education in the process of intellectual development of pre-schoolers. Keywords: professional competence of the teacher of preschool educational institutions in the field of intellectual development of pre-schoolers, the competence of professional competence of teachers pre-school in this area, their components and indicators of quali | 1127 |