# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1701 | The article deals with aspects of education as a social technology, some issues of integration of general and professional education in historical perspective, review, system-continua are marked to facilitate the implementation of education as a social construction of a technology person. Keywords: education, education as social technology a backbone continuum, integration of the general and vocational training | 1211 | |||||
1702 | The paper focuses on the participation of the Selkups in the Great Patriotic War. The main emphasis is on establishing of the Selkup pre-war population in the area of Narym and the number of their casualties in the war. Following analysis the author concludes that the large casualties of the Selkups at the front have led to high-quality demographic changes and became one of the reasons that caused irreversible cultural change in the postwar period. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, demography, military casualties, cultural change | 1211 | |||||
1703 | This article investigates the nature, characteristics of corporate ownership and corporations as an economic entity, taking into account the achievements of the modern concept of economic sociodynamics, institutional theory, theory of property. The state is seen as a strategic coordinator of the activity of the market, key functions, which – maintain a positive structural and institutional economic reforms to achieve the objectives of society, increasing the public domain. Keywords: corporation, corporate ownership, the implementation of state-owned, public goods | 1211 | |||||
1704 | The traditional folk songs are being investigated from the viewpoint of identifying the moral family values and perfect marriage ideas. The process of subject, image and motif inheritance and transformation associated with the family theme in the literature song of the 19th century are under study. Keywords: folk songs, literary songs, the lyrics of the 19th century, folklore | 1211 | |||||
1705 | The article deals with the targeting of the modern research in the field of upbringing in the context of social situation in Russia. The contradictions between the goals of upbringing and values of society are revealed. The author shows necessity to change the purpose and content of the ethical and legal education on the basis of the provisions of the modern research in the field of morality and law. The author suggests updating the forms and methods of ethical and legal upbringing taking into account organizational unity in the structure of self-government public educational institutions. Keywords: social situation, the goals of upbringing, value orientations, ethical and legal upbringing, ethical and legal education | 1211 | |||||
1706 | The article considers the necessity of economic education for school children, its main directions, struc¬ture and ways of improvement. | 1210 | |||||
1707 | The ways of formation and organization of the inner world of a man may be observed at the level of spiritual contents of a man where a dialectic unity of soul and consciousness is revealed. The ways of formation and organization of the inner world of a man of a social level is actualized in a «system world». Here different forms of spirituality and non-spirituality are revealed. The historical experience shows that the carnation people is possible not only in gene engineering, but also by the social reorganization, by the souliessness of people in the capitalist society of general consumption. This very problem caused the environmental disaster of the planet. It was settled that the spirit of a man is a form of synthesis, it binds together the highest senses of the spiritual life and the consciousness of a man. It was found that one-sided development of one of the poles of the spirit leads to the formation of soulless highbrows on the one hand and senseless crowds of people living by instincts, archetypes of individual collective unconsciousness (the experience of fascism and stalinism) on the other. A man’s soul in predominant of the spiritual life of a man, being the main to determine the consciousness of a man. This constitutes the freshness of the work. The constructive role of a civil society is in its capacity for balancing the cooperation of the system world and «vital world». | 1210 | |||||
1708 | In the article author try to look at the culturegene-sis process from the position of synergetic as interdisciplinary trend of scientific research. Human society is difficult unlined multysystem, functioning according to principle of self-organization. Development runs from chaos to organized complexity through series of bifurcation points. The trajectory of culturegenesis arises as result of addition of multitude of different-direct trends. Application of synergetic methodology opens new possibilities in understanding of development mechanism of human society. | 1210 | |||||
1709 | In general the article is devoted to the study of financial budget structure, peculiarities of spreading the budget resources in the most difficult moment of Russian history. In 1921 Narkompros handed the school financing to the local budgets which were very poor and satisfied only the essential needs of education. There weren’t any means for school expenses, school building and redecoration, books and implements. Local budget had to find out off-budget means for school expenses. Moreover, the social role in the financial question of education is shown in the article. | 1210 | |||||
1710 | This article is devoted to attempts of adaptation of artistic and moral lessons of "the holy Russian literature" (T. Mann) in the works of some foreign writers of the XXth century. The works by K.Chapek, T. Wilder, M. Westmacott (A. Christie) are considered in the context of "Russian version" of the panto-Christian "myth" about fallen person rebirth. | 1210 | |||||
1711 | The article is devoted to the problem of juridical and social-economic status of Siberian indigenous population. The «yasak» was the specific form of taxation of «Siberian foreigners» from the close of the XVIth century. The author comes to the conclusion that the idea of including «yasak’ people» in the staff of developing peasantry class, possessing government leaders’ minds in the first quarter of the XVIIIth century, hasn’t got the practical realization in Siberia. This task had been solved at the time of M.M. Speransky’s reform applying to the «osedlye inorodtzy» («settled Non-Russians») category. Nevertheless under influencing total factors of social and economic order until the beginning of the XXth century there was still the difference between juridical and factual status of those part of Siberian aborigines which were included in the state peasantry class. | 1210 | |||||
1712 | The article analyzes the change in the sphere of financial-industrial groups in the transition period and the period of structural transformation of the Russian economy. Integrated business groups are considered as probable participants of high-tech and infrastructural projects of national importance | 1210 | |||||
1713 | True article is devoted to functioning of an author's metaphor in art texts Mayakovsky, Block, Yesenin, Prishvin. Use of names of fauna in structure of a metaphor is old tradition of Russian poetry and prose. Animistic metaphor is especially active in poetry of the beginning of XX century. Special a particular this type of a metaphor in poetry Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Block differs. In prose Prishvin use animistic metaphors with other semantic filling proceeds. Keywords: Metaphor, animism, the name, rate, semantics, poetry | 1210 | |||||
1714 | The article reflects preliminary results of studies of the particularities of the psychological reaction on situation of involuntary unemployment. It reveals gender differences between unemployed and working in the structure of psychological defenses and in choice of coping-behaviours strategies. Keywords: unemployed, gender, coping behaviour, psychological defense | 1210 | |||||
1715 | In article on the basis of the questioning of the heads of educational establishments the problem of definition of requirements to graduates of pedagogical high schools on a specialty «pedagogics and psychology» is considered. It is determined, that requirements to professional competence of graduates have practical-guided character with obligatory knowledge of rule-legal bases of activity of the teacher and necessary theoretical knowledge on pedagogics and psychology. While passing to two-level system of preparation of experts it is necessary to generate a precise structure of requirements within the framework of professional competence graduates. Keywords: requirements to quality of preparation of teachers-psychologists, professional competence of the teacher-psychologist, two-level system of preparation | 1210 | |||||
1716 | The study revealed that the physiological mechanisms of the regulator function of the cardiovascular system in athletes during the urgent adaptation depends not only on age but also on the original tone of the vegetative nervous system and determine the nature of adaptive changes in the machine circulation under the influence of factors the external environment. Keywords: cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, active orthostatic test, athletes | 1210 | |||||
1717 | The article examines the role of social politics and social partnership in motivation of organization staff. One analyses the problems principles of social politics, instruments and forms of its realization. Keywords: motivation, social politics, staff, social partnership | 1210 | |||||
1718 | The article deals with the French tourist discourse that is one of the kinds of the institutional discourse. Its complex discursive nature generates a variety of speech genre forms. The speech genre is considered to be an analysis unit. Keywords: tourism, discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1210 | |||||
1719 | The paper considers the phenomenon of teacher professional autonomy through defining relation between teacher autonomy and administrative control of university teacher activity within the context of the transformation of contemporary higher education in Russia. The article defines a complex of intrinsic and extrinsic conditions, which are able to ensure an optimal correlation between teacher autonomy and administrative control of teacher’s activity in Russian higher education. The revealed extrinsic conditions make the core of autonomy-oriented type of administrative control, which allows teacher’s being a self-regulating actor through taking control of his professional activity and developing positive type of perceived teacher autonomy. Keywords: higher education, university teacher, positive type of teacher autonomy, administrative control, autonomy-oriented type of control | 1210 | |||||
1720 | This is meant to be a continuation to a series of the author’s publications devoted to the problems of teaching English as a second foreign language in a linguistic university (after German). The basic message which comes across from them is that there is a high correlation between the two foreign languages, what makes third language acquisition different in all aspects of teaching and learning processes. Here, we also briefly summarize the findings of a few studies that we have carried out, and take them a step further. This time we look at a fundamental problem for language pedagogy – principles that are applied in teaching a second foreign language. Hence, we refer to other writing on this subject, i.e. the existing classifications of basic principles viewed though through the component structure of professional competence of the linguist-teacher. So in surveying the factors determining the process of teaching and learning English after German (the peculiarities of the linguistic and ethnographic material; the peculiarities of the target group; the conditions of teaching and learning a second foreign language) we have tried to work out some principles that are supposed to be specific for the analyzed conditions: the principle of foundation and complementary connection with the first foreign language; the principle of constructive cooperation of the teacher and students; the principle of the spiral progression that implements the idea of intensification and extensification of third language acquisition. Keywords: principles of teaching, second foreign language, linguist-teacher | 1210 | |||||
1721 | This paper addresses the prospects and methodical issues of using video films for the purpose of primary prevention of drug addiction among children and youth. The concept “primary prevention of drug addiction” is studied with regard to its subject-matter. Objectives and tasks of “primary prevention of drug addiction” are determined. Based on the analysis of special literature and socio-pedagogical work the necessity of broadening of primary prevention methods of drug addiction is observed. The use of new sources of information in the work of educational establishments makes possible to consider the video method as one of them. Educational function of this method is caused by high efficiency of use of visual methods. The author presents Tomsk State Pedagogical University’s expertise in compiling a library of video films for primary prevention of drug addiction among teenagers and youth in Tomsk. The principles of work as well as administrational and methodical resourcing for the implementation of the video film library are substantiated. Empirical data reflecting the outcome of efficiency evaluation of the experimental background are presented. The author uses the method of published sources analysis, the expert evaluation method, survey, and a video method for the purpose of this paper. Keywords: primary prevention of drug addiction, video method, expert evaluation method, video film, video viewing | 1210 | |||||
1722 | The article deals with the question of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren in the context of solving the problem of achieving the intended outcomes of primary education in accordance with the requirements of Federal state educational standard of primary general education. In the article the authors draw attention to the shortcomings of the existing model of an individual trajectory of development of junior schoolchildren, and propose a new model where students take the subject position in relation to its educational results. The advantage of the new model is shown and the main stages of work are indicated. The results of approbation of new models of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren are presented. The key principles of the article underlying the productive models are the conditions of work of elementary school teachers with individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren: 1. to make each of the younger school student the protagonist of the construction of the trajectory of his personal development in the educational process of primary school; 2. to give the student an opportunity to evaluate the degree of mastering the subject and metasubject results of development of basic educational programs of primary general education; 3. to integrate the work of younger students with individual trajectories of development in the current curricular and extracurricular activities of the school of the first stage; 4. to organize systematic work of students with individual trajectories of development in academic cooperation; 5. to give younger students a choice of path, means and space for the development and formation of missing skills and ways of action. Productive model of case management was reflected in actual educational practice and can be recommended to solve urgent pedagogical problems of modern elementary school. Keywords: individual trajectory of development, junior schoolchildren, a model of organization of work, achieving the expected results, the organizational aspect | 1210 | |||||
1723 | The article addresses the usage of authentic advertising German texts and methods of applying them in teaching of German. | 1209 | |||||
1724 | Sociology of religion has been conceptually and theoretically isolated for a long time. The situation has changed at 70es with actualization of NRM theme. On the one hand, there were recruited new explanatory models from the adjoining sociological spheres – conflict theory, sociology of medicine, theory of the economic activity. On the other hand, academic community was polarized because of specific character of area of study on the strength of question about the religious phenomenon researcher’ professional ethics. The most part of the article is dedicated to the review of dominant interpretation systems in the sociology of religion. The key deduction of the article is a positioning of researcher’s state and potential level of the objectivity in religious studies as a central methodological issue in the sociology of religion. | 1209 | |||||
1725 | This article observes the special aspects of the semantic border between reality and illusions (dreams, memories about the past) functioning in the structure of Georgy Ivanov’s poetic world. A number of corresponding artistic signs elaborated in his early lyrical poetry are revealed and analyzed | 1209 | |||||
1726 | The article is focused on significance of E.G. Yudin’s methodological researches for technical aesthetics development in our country. It is a context of dramatic life history of this outstanding philosopher Keywords: recollections about E.G Yudin, methodology of activity, All-union scientific-research institute of technical aesthetics, methodological research of design, methodological research of ergonomics | 1209 | |||||
1727 | In the article the problem of recessionary condition in the process of formation of students' professional identity in the view of mental health stabilization is represented. Crisis situation is represented as the possibility of exhibition of personal creative ability, the factor of professional and personal formation, the period for development of basic sociogenic potentiality. Keywords: professional choice, educational identity, crisis, mental health, educational process | 1209 | |||||
1728 | In this article the linguistic analysis of the word-building unit “death” in Selkup dialects is performed. The author suggests that the word-building perfectly reflects cultural features of the concept “death.” Keywords: word-building, concept “death”, Selkup dialects | 1209 | |||||
1729 | Experimental researches of stability to asphyxia at preimaginal stages of malarial mosquito Anopheles atroparvus are presented. In experiments of larvae and pupae of mosquitoes were in vessels with water without access to atmospheric air. The stability depends on concentration of the dissolved oxygen in water in different temperature conditions. At alternative concentration of oxygen in water two opposite tendencies of speed of destruction of preimaginal stages of development are fixed. At concentration of oxygen of 0 mg/l in three set modes of temperatures (15 °С; 23 °С; 30 °С) stability of individuals to an asphyxia from I age to pupae is increased. In the water sated with oxygen at initial concentration of oxygen of 7–8 mg/l, on the contrary – larvae of younger age differed the raised viability in comparison with individuals of advanced ages. Keywords: кровососущие комары, преимагинальные стадии, регуляция численности популяции, асфиксия | 1209 | |||||
1730 | The paper deals with the analysis of opioid receptors, their endogenous and synthetic agonists in the formation of resistance to acute hypoxia. The article proves that stimulation of opioid receptors is normally accompanied by a neuroprotective effect in acute hypoxia. It also studies the role of different types of opioid receptors in the implementation of the adaptation protective effect to hypoxia. Mechanisms opioids activity, the role of cAMP, cGMP, nitric oxide, inositol triphosphate, K+ - and Ca2 + -channels in implementation of agonists effects of opioid receptors are analysed. Opioidergic mechanisms of the reactions that increase the resistance to hypoxia are described. Keywords: opioid receptors, opioid system, КАТР-channels, cAMP, cGMP, inositoltriphosphate, nitric oxide, hypoxia, adaptation. | 1209 | |||||
1731 | The tiered approach to normative and legal security’s formation in management of research activity of the teacher and its realization on the example of the municipal autonomous comprehensive establishment «N.D. Listman Gymnasium» of Tobolsk city is presented in the article. Keywords: research activity, innovative activity, experimental activity, activity standard legal support, normative legal acts, tiered approach | 1209 | |||||
1732 | The purpose of this article is to define the essence of respect, one of most important aspects of human relationship. The basis of respect for people is defined as an attitude towards person as the end in itself. On this first kind of respect it is grounded: respecting persons for their dignity what equalizes all people, for possibility of personal development. The second kind of respect is recognition of persons’ merits and achievements in different areas. On this type the feeling of respect is based which consists of feelings of admiration for talent and skills of another person. Next in the article the concept of self-respect is discussed and parallels between self-respect and respect towards other person are drawn. Keywords: Kant, respect for persons, dignity, personal development, self-respect | 1209 | |||||
1733 | The paper considers the names of bear in the Nganasan and Selkup languages. It outlines mythological data that shows the role of bear in the culture of Nganasans and Selkups. The article gives linguistic analysis, which helps develop nomination characteristics of the considered zoonyms. Keywords: the Nganasan language, the Selkup language, names of bear, mythology, nomination, nomination characteristic | 1209 | |||||
1734 | In the article results of research of different kinds of patient's autonomy in regard of definite cultures are reflected. Research have been conducted under support of RFH (project № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a Phenomenon of Selfconsciousness of Modern Culture”). Keywords: bioethics, autonomy of the patient, Confucian ethics, paternalism | 1209 | |||||
1735 | The article is devoted to a current problem of formation of readiness of future teachers for professional activity. The definition of “professional readiness of future teachers” is given. The authors analytically compare the position with the opinions of other scientists. According to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors identify active, cognitive and motivational components of the future teacher’s readiness for professional work. The authors trace formation of pedagogical subjectivity of students. The characteristics of educational motivation of students of pedagogical higher education institution are compared. Students come to higher education institution with external motivation. The role of innovative teaching methods, stimulating the development of their internal motivation, is emph asized. Justification of the fact that classroom and out-of-class independent work helps to create professional readiness for pedagogical activity is provided. By the time of entering into active practice, students have a lot of methodical materials and ideas, skills of creating educational games, elements of a fund of evaluation tools, useful experience of communication with the audience and desire to test themselves as a teacher in a real educational process in one of the educational organizations. Authors trace formation of students – future professionals in the conditions of real educational process in one of the educational organizations. The research is not only of theoretical, but also of empirical character, a large selection of students demonstrates the reliability of the results. Keywords: professional activity, teacher, preparation for professional activity, motivation of professional activity | 1209 | |||||
1736 | The management of modern economy demands important scientific substantiation especially from the point of view of the foundation theory. The author speaks about the base being weak and suggests treating the economic society in research as the management system. For this purpose one proposes using a synthesis of social, natural and exact sciences. They include the following blocks: the economic (central) one and additional ones - the humanitarian, technical, integration sciences united by a common philosophical methodology. | 1208 | |||||
1737 | The author reconstructs a big quantity of semi-affixes and affixes with the semantics of space occupation and discrete space, container and fulcrum. Many of them have a lexical origin. A substantial number of original etimologies of many Yenissean words is made. The author comes to the conclusion that Yenissean languages had many typological reconstructions during their history. | 1208 | |||||
1738 | Means of regulativeness in Z. Gippius texts in connection with their genre specific are shown. Contrast is considered as the basic means of the organization of Z. Gippius’s poetic texts and as the peculiarity of her authoric style. | 1208 | |||||
1739 | In the article the structure and the contents of subject-specialized competences of graduates of pedagogical high school on speciality «pedagogics and psychology» are analyzed. The tool of an estimation of the level of formation in subject-specialized competence is offered. Conformity of the purposes of educational program and results of training are determined. Non-uniformity of formation in subject-specialized the competence among graduates and a low level competence, the received knowledge connected to practical application and carrying out of independent research work is established. Keywords: the competence approach in education, structure in subject-specialized competence among teacherspsychologists | 1208 | |||||
1740 | The article describes the experience of the informatization of foreign language education at the university. Five stages of this process resulted in the generated information and communication competence of teachers, development of e-learning courses based on different technologies and e-learning formats. The author shows that the computerization of education is a long-term, continuous and consistent process that requires systemic and stakeholder actions both on the part of the administration of the university and its faculty. In practice, it was verified that in a weak material and technical base the informatization of education can and should begin with professional development of teachers in ICT. In the course of this study it was also proved that hybrid or blended learning technology, combining traditional face-to-face classes with remote access to electronic educational resources, is preferable in teaching foreign languages. Keywords: informatization, E-learning, competences, lifelong learning, higher educational establishments | 1208 | |||||
1741 | Afanasyeva E. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 6-8 . | 1207 | |||||
1742 | Imekhelova S. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 51-55 . | 1207 | |||||
1743 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the first work of literature by famous Russian writer L. Leonov. The motif of brothers in the novel «The Badgers* is observed in the context of mythopoetic tradition. | 1207 | |||||
1744 | The article points out the actuality of the question of stu¬dents' pedagogical abilities development at a pedagogical university, their meaning for professional activity of future teachers. The author reveals, segregates and presents the condi¬tions of the development of professional abilities of the fu¬ture teachers within the framework of high school educa¬tional space. Keywords: - | 1207 | |||||
1745 | The paper reviews contemporary issues of modern education in the context of historical experience, which represents salient information for both understanding the historical problems and generating their innovative solutions. | 1207 | |||||
1746 | Chasovnikov S. N. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 1 (64). P. 66-70 For effective solving ecological problems the author suggests the use of economic tools instead of widely spread administrative methods. The author points out that for the effective functioning of the systems of rational nature use it is necessary to single out into a separate subsystem the economic tools of environmental protection, the elements of which are to be formed by local authorities | 1207 | |||||
1747 | Mikhaylova M. V. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 155-156 - | 1207 | |||||
1748 | New ideas on wave neuronal processes and only two neuronal constants, H. Berger’s and M.N. Livanov’s ones, which were included into a dozen of simple algebraic equations, permit us to explain interrelationship of many known quantitative regularities in psychology. New equations, which were derived deductively from neurophysiological data, permit to explain quantitatively a lot of psychological phenomena in a broad range of conditions, particularly, the speed of gain of information and the dependence of short-term memory span on the alphabet span of stimuli. Besides it was shown in experiments with hundreds of subjects that individual parameters of electroencephalogram permit to compute individual peculiarities of human behavior, in partial to compute MMPI psychological profiles as well as to esteem intellectual abilities of human being. The predictors were electroencephalographic parameters like amplitudes and frequencies of EEG waves as well as coefficients of correlation between activities at different brain areas in resting state of subject | 1207 | |||||
1749 | The article investigates the activity of Tomsk university professor S.I. Gessen, one of organizers of pedagogical courses in the summers of 1918 and 1919, the initiator of opening of Pedagogical institute attached to TSU, the creator of foundations of pedagogics as applied philosophy. Keywords: professor S.I. Gessen, pedagogical courses, Tomsk teachers, the system of pedagogic formation, pedagogical Tomsk | 1207 | |||||
1750 | Some theoretical and practical aspects of imposture problem in Russia are discussed on the material of 17th – first quarter of 18th century. Among sources there are unpublished archival materials. Keywords: imposture, czar power, charisma, crisis | 1207 |