# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1 | The article presents a brief comparative study of the medieval texts’ features: “The Song of the Nibelungs” and “The Tale of the Heike”. The author identifies similarities and differences in the language, form, structure and content of these texts. The author tries to establish the reasons for the detected similarities and differences, and to compare them. Keywords: “The Tale of the Heike”, “The Song of the Nibelungs”, comparative analysis, medieval literature, heroic epic, military estate | 5912 | |||||
2 | In the paper the author treats the problem of interconnection of man with nature. The author shows the necessary conditions for ecological consciousness formation. The author proves the necessity of teaching ecological culture for securing the balance between economic activity of man and condition of nature | 3395 | |||||
3 | In work results of studying of the characteristics of coping behaviour in adolescence are submitted. The interrelation of the coping styles (emotional dominant, sociotropic, mobilizing, problem-oriented) and the intellectual control is shown. Keywords: social waiting, particularities to personalities, estimation itself, realization their own resource, entering in labor activity | 3192 | |||||
4 | The authors consider psychotechnical approach in pedagogical practice as central to shaping of psychological competency of a teacher. Psychotechnical openings, which could be applicable in pedagogical practice, developed and was formed within the pedagogical practice. In the first place these achievements the authors connect with the names of A. S. Makarenko and A. V. Sukhomlinsky. The article describes concrete psychotechnical experience of A. S. Makarenko. The internal picture of mastering by a teacher psychotechnical means is opened. Keywords: psychological literacy of the teacher, psychological, psychological approach in pedagogical practical person, psychological instrument, psychological action | 3123 | |||||
5 | The article presents an analysis of sacred texts used in the Abrahamic religions, and characterizing the first images of women – Lilith and Eve. Lilith and Eve have a long history and are reflected in the religion and culture of different nations. Being referred to in Sumerian mythology, as the images of the first women in cultures that are affected by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Lilith and Eve may also underlie the archetype of the Great Mother. The data obtained as a result of comparing and analyzing images of the first women to form a basis for interpreting the themes of family and motherhood in the history, culture and art; and to understand the historical changes in the role of women in society. Below is the analysis of ancient texts, materials which allow you to recreate the mythological biography of Lilith and Eve. It should be noted that the emphasis is on the ancient sources, modern academic and reference publications with a conscious disregard of the many romanticized notions emerged in the late XIX – early XX centuries. in fiction and poetry. Results of the study complement existing psychological, philosophical, theological presentation of the image of women, allow us to offer modern interpretations of themes of family and motherhood in the history, culture and art; appreciate the dynamics of social and psychological status of women. Keywords: abrahamic religions, Lilith, Eve, woman, child, baby, family | 3051 | |||||
6 | The Article privy to particularity of the procreation of the russian womans. The Accent is made in factor of the birth child. The Broughted results of the own studies. Keywords: sexual behaviour, mother, social portrait, woman | 2938 | |||||
7 | The paper discusses the research problems of this ambiguous psychological phenomenon, as loneliness. There are main approaches to understanding of this condition and some of the psychological mechanisms related to its formation and development. The article contains information of the own research, the results of which can determine how effective psychological treatment and identify areas for further study of loneliness, as an important social and psychological problem. Keywords: loneliness, isolation, social exclusion, identity, intrapersonal conflict, phenomenology | 2927 | |||||
8 | Emphasizes importance of studying of motherhood, as socially-role function of the woman. Are considered interrelation caused by features of the person of systems valuable orientation and reproductive installations. The urgency of the given direction of psychological researches for understanding of mechanisms of regulation of a mental condition of the woman is marked during pregnancy and after sorts, and as development of complex programs of correction of mentality and rahabilitation programs. | 2863 | |||||
9 | The author emphasizes importance of studying of motherhood, as socially-role function of the woman. Are considered interrelation caused by features of the person of systems valuable orientation and reproductive installations. The urgency of the given direction of psychological researches for understanding of mechanisms of regulation of a mental condition of the woman is marked during pregnancy and after sorts, and as development of complex programs of correction of mentality and rehabilitation programs. | 2825 | |||||
10 | The article considers the questions connected to the formation of preprofessional image of the world among the students of various forms of training. The research has shown that personal -professional becoming in the conditions of real ability to live of a person is shown in designing of preprofessional image of the world. Revealed typologies allow focusing educational practice in the direction of the decision of tasks on sense and value of carried out activity. | 2803 | |||||
11 | The article presents feature of the psychological picture of late stages of pregnancy, discusses questions, connected with forming of readiness to childbirth. It also presents the results of the own studies of the psychological particularities of the expectant mothers, offers the scheme of psychological preparation to childbirth. Keywords: psychology, pregnancy, parenthood, woman, child, personality, emotional sphere, psychological help | 2799 | |||||
12 | The article deals with the notion of a function of language, gives a brief review of the existing approaches to the number and composition of the principal functions of language. In view of the important role of the study of language in cognitive researches and the interpretation of language in cognitive science, cognitive function is considered one of the principal functions of language. The article presents its definition and essence and reveals its interrelation with the other basic functions of language. Keywords: functions of language, linguistic functionalism, cognitive function, cognition, communicative function | 2786 | |||||
13 | . | 2786 | |||||
14 | The purpose of the present work was studying psychological laws of formation of social expectations, personal features at modern graduates of the higher school and their gender distinctions. In inspection took part 100 young men and 100 girls trained on the senior rates of Tomsk state pedagogical university, the Siberian state medical university and Tomsk polytechnical university. The carried out research has shown, that in social expectations, students of the senior rates has not been revealed essential distinctions. Both girls, and reception of the supreme vocational training connected young men not to material welfare, and with purchase of the high social status. Keywords: gender, social waiting, particularities to personalities, estimation itself, realization their own resource, entering in marriage, labor activity | 2745 | |||||
15 | Paper is devoted to properties of ethnic stereotypes, features of their formation and dynamics. Results of own researches of ethnic stereotypes of modern Russian women are resulted | 2740 | |||||
16 | Gender linguistics is a new branch of Russian humanities. It is focused on the researches based on socially and culturally marked gender specificity. The aim of the given article is to view the rise and development of gender linguistics in Russia and abroad. In the article one can find main stages of gender theory, differentiation of the terms used in gender approach and also the tendencies of modern gender studies. Keywords: gender, sex, feminist linguistics, asymmetry, gender stereotypes, masculinity, feminity, social roles, opposition, androcentrism | 2724 | |||||
17 | The article presents the results of study to determine the role of age factors in shaping personality traits and mental state of pregnant women with the installation of child birth in the present circumstances of socialization. The study was conducted in antenatal maternity clinics of Tomsk within 2003–2007 years.Psychological examination of 102 healthy pregnant women aged 19–37 years, awaiting the birth of their first child was conducted. The study results complement the existing theoretical understanding of the psychological aspects of female reproductive function, allows us to offer solutions to a number of important scientific and practical and social problems. Keywords: personality, female, reproductive behavior, pregnancy, children, family | 2722 | |||||
18 | Research is devoted to influence of the person on various aspects of motherhood, such as social-to-role function of the woman. Mechanisms of occurrence of the neurotic conflict caused by a competition of values, by defects of installations or inadequate motivation to birth of children are considered. The urgency of the given direction of psychological researches for understanding of mechanisms of regulation of a mental condition of the woman is marked during pregnancy and after sorts, and as development of complex programs of correction of mentality and rehabilitation programs. | 2718 | |||||
19 | The analysis of the literature and empirical researches the author have shown, that the school pathology is formed in group of chronically disturbing children and represents result of failure of adaptation in the most loaded in educational process systems of an organism of the child. A parameter of trouble and the leading factor of pathological processes is chronically increased level of the general school uneasiness. Relative stability of the increased level of uneasiness of younger schoolboys is connected to fears and the experiences arising in a situation of school training and has direct connection with the teacher, his individual and personal features. Keywords: school uneasiness, health of younger schoolboys, influence of individual and personal features of teachers on uneasiness of schoolboys | 2718 | |||||
20 | The article is dedicated to analysis of psychological aspects of demographic situation in modern Russia. The accent on psychological and social factors influencing upon reproductive health of women is made, and complex of measures, directed on the decision of demographic problems in modern Russia is presented. Keywords: the demography, psychology sexual health, woman, mother, parenthood | 2669 | |||||
21 | The review provides multifold description of “Large Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by V.N. Teliya as a dictionary of new lingvoculturological type in the comparison with other lexicographical editions. | 2662 | |||||
22 | . | 2652 | |||||
23 | The questions of neurotic conflict for women, caused by the competition of traditional values (altruism, family and children) and values of capitalist society (individualism, career, high level of profits) are examined in the article. Results of independent research, sent to the study of features of neurotic conflict of students of higher educational institutions are brought. The data obtained allow increasing the efficiency of the organization of psychological help for this contingent. Keywords: personality, neurotic conflict, woman, psychological aspects of reproductive function. | 2625 | |||||
24 | Important prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms and laws governing the formation and implementation of the psychological aspects of reproductive function of the modern woman is to study the motives of continuing the pregnancy and childbirth. Motive (lat. Moveo – to move) is an ideal or a material object, the achievement of which is a sense of activity, in this case – procreation. Women as subjects of reproductive behavior, fertility motif subjectively represented by a complex of emotions associated with the preparation for the implementation of the parent function. Proceeding from the assumption that pregnancy and childbirth for women is the highly personal significance, influence on the subsequent development of a woman as the subject of reproductive behavior and family relations, the study of motivation reveals endogenous factors of intrapersonal conflict. The article presents the results of a study designed to determine the motives that save a woman from pregnancy and childbirth. The study was conducted in medical institutions of Tomsk, during 2002–2004. Psychological examination of 150 healthy pregnant women aged 19–37 years, of which 102 nulliparous and 48 multiparous was carried out. The results of the study complete the current theoretical understanding of the psychological aspects of female reproductive function, allows us to offer solutions to a number of important scientific and practical and social problems. Keywords: motive, identity, woman, pregnancy, childbirth, child, family | 2622 | |||||
25 | The article describes the factors affecting the formation of intrapersonal conflict in females between the ages of 20–35. The data for study is oriented to discovery contradictions in values, life priorities, social roles, reproductive attitudes of the modern women society. Keywords: woman, reproductive behavior, values, society, personality, intrapersonal conflict | 2612 | |||||
26 | In this article the main a problem is to define the plot of the psychologist service in the education. The transition to building of activity of a school psychologist is on the base of practical project of the plot on the professional education of a pedagog-psychologist and his personality. The aim of this structural building is to work out the principles of integration of the pedagogicale and psychological knowledge in education of pedagog-psychologist | 2600 | |||||
27 | The physiological sex as set of anatomy-physiological attributes of individuals of one kind and a gender as a social sex is considered. The review of the set forth above terms on the basis of which sexual identity of the person is formed, that is a special accessory to the certain sex, as result of difficult biosocial process connecting ontogenesis, sexual socialization and development of consciousness is done. | 2596 | |||||
28 | In this work the problems of reproductive behaviour of modern Russian women are disclosed. The questions of the Russian demography situation are touched upon. The data of research aimed at revelation of the role of socialization conditions of modern women in the forming of their personal and psychical sphere and «the corridor of social ability» in the realization of a life scenario as potential mothers are given. These materials are based on complex studies of 300 women of reproductive age Keywords: demography, fertility, reproductive behaviour, pregnancy, socialization, birth of a child, abortion, marriage, family | 2558 | |||||
29 | The article describes the methodological approach of reproductive behavior of women, which is studies as a systemic structural-level education, having an internal organization. Study of mutual of individual elements of the structure of reproductive behavior allows you to plan ways of reproductive health of woman; identify psychological mechanisms of finding a mate, as it is often called in modern European literature, “a partner for long-term relationships”; explore the variety of forms of human sexual behavior; explore matrimonial behavior; consider the maternal function of the modern woman; understand the mechanisms of deviant forms of maternal behavior and develop effective methods for their correction. Reproductive behavior, considered as the sex social function, aimed at procreation, has a narrower context – the maternal function. The maternal function is represented by a biological parent function level (the instinct of procreation), personal and social (family and ethno-cultural characteristics of upbringing and education of the child, social requirements and installation). These levels compete in the process of becoming a personality, because they are stereotypes of behavior – the so-called maternal instinct. Keywords: personality, reproductive behavior, maternal function, structure, woman, marriage, family, reproduction, installation, motives, needs | 2545 | |||||
30 | Сonception of social adaptation of modern young man is offered in the presented article. Specified, that adaptation of individual to the terms of environment is not only a process of biological assimilation and psychological adaptation but also meaningful part of process of socialization of personality. Keywords: social adaptation, Re-adaptation, socialization of personality, group norms. | 2530 | |||||
31 | The article presents the results of an empirical study on the development of attention of younger schoolchildren with the general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) of IV level enrolled in a comprehensive school. In the course of the study primary school children with ONR of IV level revealed fast exhaustion of attention and inability of prolonged concentration. This category of children is characterized by the reduction of the overall health and severe fatigue at the end of the assignment. In addition, younger students with ONR of IV level had individual difficulties when switching from one job to another. The author considered the average group indices of concentration and stability of attention in the time, recorded their decline by the middle and the end of the implementation of the proposed tasks. Cyclical fluctuations in attention is noticeable from the increase or drop in the number of processed characters and dynamics errors. These findings reveal younger students’ with ONR of IV level peculiarities of attention, which, in turn, are the cause of underperformance in educational activity. Keywords: attention, general underdevelopment of speech (ONR), junior high school students | 2510 | |||||
32 | The article discusses issues related to gender and personality characteristics of medical students. The study revealed that gender identity (with the characteristic features of the individual) is manifested in the design of future professional image. The data obtained allows optimizing the educational process and increasing motivation for learning among students of secondary and medical universities. The conducted empirical study by the authors showed that gender identity (with the characteristic features of the individual to it) appears in the design of future professional image. The data obtained allow optimizing education and increase motivation for learning among students of secondary and higher medical schools. Keywords: personality, gender, society, professional quality personal, medical schools, student | 2495 | |||||
33 | Analyzing concepts and experience of research of processes of adaptation as development by the person of social norms, it is judged, that social adaptation - will show significant, constant, triune process of the active adaptation of the individual to conditions of environment through mechanisms of assimilation, rеadaptation and socialization. Keywords: social adaptation, ^adaptation, socialization, group norms | 2467 | |||||
34 | This paper provides an overview of the primary sources, reflecting the development of philosophical thought, which is the basis of psychological science. There are major historical approaches to understanding the mental processes and phenomena. Keywords: primary sources, history, philosophy, psychology, development, science, the twentieth century | 2456 | |||||
35 | Different scientific approaches to the problem of pedagogical competence are dealt with in this article. The article show the importance of studying this phenomenon. Keywords: professional competence, competence, communication, information technology, theoretical approaches | 2447 | |||||
36 | The article presents the results of a comparative study of social competence of adolescents with normal mental development and their peers with learning disabilities (mental retardation). The study found that three of the four subtests as described in J. Guilford and M. Sullivan (“Stories with the completion”, “Verbal expression”, “Stories with the supplement”) adolescents of two groups show the same type of results. So, according to the sub-tests “Stories with the completion” and “Verbal expression” most adolescents have an average level of social intelligence, according to the subtests “Stories with the supplement” – below average. According the subtest “Group of the expression” adolescents with a normal level had an average level of social intelligence and adolescents with mental retardation – below average. Using the scale of A. M. Prihozhan it was found that adolescents with normal mental development have normative regulatory social competence. Adolescents with mental retardation show a lag in the development of social competence. And this is most clearly seen in the subscales: “Self confidence” and “Interest in social life”». Using the techniques of Thomas it was found that in conditions of normal psychological development of adolescents prevail two tactics of behavior in conflict situations: competition and cooperation. Adolescents with mental retardation in conflict situations use mixed styles of passive behavior: avoidance and adaptation. Keywords: social development, social competence, adolescent, mental retardation | 2445 | |||||
37 | This article is devoted of studying social-psychological problems of organ children and their parents in adopted families, living in countryside conditions. In terms of complex diagnostics reveal important factors, which defined a success of social-psychological adaptation of adopted children. Keywords: social-psychological adaptation of adopted children, adopted children, adopted families | 2433 | |||||
38 | The article is devoted to the study of morphemic repetition and inversion in English artistic prose. Either of these phenomena being a means of emphasis, they, when combined, produce a most powerful effect on the reader. In this article inverted sentences accompanied by morphemic repetition are analyzed from the point of view of the functional sentence perspective. Both root and affixal reiteration are subjected to analysis. As a result the following conclusions may be drawn. Closely connected and interrelated are such aspects as: a) the type of the recurrent morpheme (root or affix); b) the type of cohesion (chain-like or parallel); c) the communicative function of words with the reiterative morpheme (thematic or rhematic) The character of the actual division of inverted sentences and the type of cohesion largely depend on the type of morpheme reiterated. In case of root repetition the rheme of the first sentence expressed by the word with the recurrent morpheme migrates into the theme of the second utterance. More typical of root repetition is chain-like cohesion of inverted sentences. In case of affixal repetition the rheme of the preceding sentence, expressed by the word with the recurrent morpheme, does not usually change its rhematic character in the succeeding sentence. More characteristic of affixal repetition is syntactical parallelism. | 2410 | |||||
39 | The questions related to forming of gender identity and personality internalss in intercommunication with the professional choice of medicine, as spheres of professional activity, come into question in the article. The empiric research conducted by authors showed, that gender identity (with its typical individual features) shows up in formation of future professional character. The obtained data allow optimizing education and increase of motivation to train students of medical educational institutions. Keywords: personality, gender, society, professional becoming, education, medical educational establishments, student | 2400 | |||||
40 | The article considers modern methodological approaches in extended education of children. The author proposes a variant of development of the unified methodological base for children’s extended education on the ground of a comprehensive approach. Keywords: extended education of children, educational sphere, methodology, methodological approach, basic definition, context definition, methodological ground | 2336 | |||||
41 | The article reveals a comparative inquiry of the recent translation of «Gore ot uma», fulfilled in 2005 by a British translator Mary Hobson. Considering ways of translating the comedy's free verse, nationally, cultural and historical based units, names of characters etc., much attention is devoted to the key concept «um» transfer. Keywords: Woe from Wit (Gore ot uma), Griboyedov, translation, um, Mary Hobson | 2335 | |||||
42 | In given clause various approaches of researchers to definition of concept and structure of a self-estimation are considered. Definitions of concept a self-estimation in different psychological concepts, different researchers are given. The description of leading domestic and western theoretical positions defining the nature structure and development of a self-estimation is spent. Keywords: self-estimation, self-esteem, consciousness, persona, self-reletion | 2305 | |||||
43 | The article gives an overview of origin and development of the term “political correctness”, based on both linguistic and historical aspects, for the period from the 18th century to present. Having analyzed the data from several studies, the author offers a few published definitions for consideration and development of the term within centuries. Different interpretations and perspectives on the subject are also presented herein. The issue of political correctness effect on the contemporary English language tendencies is investigated; moreover, introduction of specific corrections to the language code due to PC are analyzed, as well as impact of the political correctness phenomena on culture and social life. Keywords: political correctness (PC), political literacy, linguistic tact, tolerance and feminism | 2295 | |||||
44 | The article presents the interpretation of Bismarck’s social policy by Russian “Vestnik Evropy”, the leading Russian liberal publication of the 2nd half of the 19th century. The article central issue is in the comparative studies of the constitutional traditions and values of the liberal Russian circles and German public opinion regarding social welfare state reforms. The author states that the journal appreciation of Bismarck’s role in social welfare reorganisation of Germany in the last decade of the 19th century transformed from sharp criticism of his reforms to acknowledgement of his contribution into the state welfare system. Keywords: social policy, social insurance, “Bulletin of Europe” , O. Bismarck, Wilhelm II, the Reichstag, Reich Chancellor, reform, journalism, review, liberalism, conservatism, the working class | 2290 | |||||
45 | Socio-psychological processes substantially influence on disease development, maintenance, its positive or negative course. In their turn, socio-psychological factors affect together with other factors mitigating or maintaining disease | 2269 | |||||
46 | The article deals with the problem of the genesis and development of special education in Russia, its status at the present stage of the development of pedagogy of our country. It is given a step by step historic analysis of the national system establishment of special education. There defined the normative legal basis of special education. Keywords: special education, a handicapped person, a disabled child, legal basis, correctional and compensational educational institutions, an individual rehabilitation programme | 2261 | |||||
47 | In the article the author gives the results of diagnostics of a level of Internet-addiction among youth and studies the characteristics of the person of the students with Internet-addiction. The author describes the peculiarities of emotional, motivational and communicative spheres of the person this social group. The author describes the results of diagnostics a dynamics of personal characteristics the Interne-addiction students; compares of psychological characteristics of person the Internet-addiction students with the characteristics of the students who are not having Internet-addiction. Keywords: internet addiction; the Internet–addiction person; personal peculiarities the Internet - addiction of students | 2198 | |||||
48 | The article considers the technological aspects of the organization of independent work of students, which is the leading form of organization of modern educational process. It singles out the conditions of independent work activation, contributing to the formation of educational and professional competence. Keywords: independent work of students, technology of organization of students independent work, professional competence, learning strategies | 2154 | |||||
49 | Introduction. Taking into account the stylistic features of the translation of English-language newspaper and journalistic texts is important to preserve their targeted influence on the holistic perception of the text. The stylistic components of the utterance include its functional characteristics and emotional orientation. This article is aimed at considering and analyzing the stylistic features of translating newspaper and journalistic texts of the modern media published in English. Material and methods. A comparative analysis of the linguistic units of the articles of the modern English-language press has been carried out, and the functional characteristics of individual utterances bearing a stylistic and emotional coloring have been revealed. The heterogeneity of the choice of language means of translation of stylistically colored language units is shown. Results and discussion. The analysis showed a high percentage of the use of functional substitutions, transfers, metonymy, generalization, concretization. In each case, the traditions of explication of the translating language were primarily taken into account. The paper substantiates the use of translational transformations, including those that neutralize some stylistic elements that are not typical for newspaper and journalistic text, when an adequate transfer of a leading stylistic function requires certain shifts in the denotative meaning. The method of compensation, as well as stylistic transpositions, is widely used, and the functional role of these transpositions is a decisive criterion when choosing a translation method. The choice of stylistically colored translation equivalents is justified in most cases by their ability to convey the expressiveness and functional characteristic of the utterance. Conclusion. The authors conclude that taking into account the stylistic features of the translation of linguistic units determines not only an adequate understanding of the text, but also an emotional reaction, a perception of ideological attitudes, a psychological effect on the reader, and the most accurate transfer of the emotional coloring of the original is a necessary condition for an adequate translation. Keywords: stylistic modifications, comparative analysis, newspaper and journalistic text, functional characteristic of the utterance | 2078 | |||||
50 | The article considers the problem questions of correlation of concepts «crimes against property» and «property crimes». Various judgments and concepts for the given definitions are given and prospects of their further coexistence are analyzed. Keywords: the property, asset, crime, pilferage, criminal law | 2061 |