# | Article | Downloads | |||||
201 | Article dedication teaching conditions influence rise efficiency aesthetic education and search new pedagogic condition have an influence on improvement aesthetic education children. That conditional constantly growing requirements society in the good breeding young people 21 century, citizen Russia and citizen the world, be able see and create the beautiful around. Keywords: teaching conditions, aesthetic breeding, training Russianness, supplementary education | 1398 | |||||
202 | The purpose of this article is to study the historiography of the problem of the specifics and evolution of marriage and family relations in Russia in the XVI century. The author concludes that the problem is urgent, as this century was a watershed between two different models of the relationship. However, the formulation of the problem was for a long time prevented, on the one hand, by a lean source base, and, on the other hand, by peculiarities of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet historiography, which, for various reasons, did not put this kind of problems in the spotlight. At the same time, in the period prior to 1917 the collection and systematization of the facts on the subject were performed, and in the Soviet historiography, although mainly in the framework of related and supporting disciplines, many important findings were get, which still have not lost their significance. In the post-Soviet historiography traditional research areas were developed, but they are now supplemented by a more in-depth study of the social and cultural context of the problem. During all three periods this theme has been studied mainly indirectly, or in a broader context, but not independently. From the author’s point of view, though the historiography of the problem is not extensive, it is nevertheless a solid basis for the formulation and solution of this problem. Keywords: Russian state, 16th century, evolution of marriage and family relations, historiography | 1395 | |||||
203 | The article deals with different aspects of culture (the mental aspect and the situational aspect) from the view of the role played by communicative behavior in it. In this way the author proves that it is necessary to single out the category of communicative behavior in foreign language teaching and that it is important to know communication norms observed in different cultural and language communities, and in intercultural communication. Keywords: culture, national mentality, language and cultural community, communicative behavior, kulturemy. | 1394 | |||||
204 | The paper is devoted to one of the most tragic pages in history of the Tomsk artillery school, namely: the period of repressions in the pre-war 1930-s. As a result of repressions, the Tomsk artillery school has lost a great number of experienced commanding officers and lecturers. Repressions in the army have led to heavy casualties during the first weeks and mouths of the Great Patriotic War. | 1393 | |||||
205 | The article is devoted to the description of social pedagogic development since the end of ХIХ century to 20-th years of XX century. Special attention is paid to the discusses of German philosophers and educational specialists about social pedagogic generation problems. Social pedagogical theory and practice interaction in Russia and abroad is accentuated in this article. Also contradictions of social pedagogic development in the first years after October Revolution is uncovered. Keywords: social pedagogic, pedocentrism, sociogeneticism, pragmatical pedagogy, social upbringing, liberty upbringing, pedology | 1393 | |||||
206 | In the dung of different animals on the pastures of Altay 7 species staphylinids of genus Tachyporus (T. nitidulus, T. abdominalis, T. chrysomelinus, T. obtusus, T. pulchellus, T. pusillus, T. solutus) are discovered, three of which (T abdominalis T pulchellus T solutus) earlier for the dung were not indicated. The conclusion is drawn that the dung attracts Tachyporus with the topics properties, but not as a place of concentration of potential food. Keywords: insects’ ecology, coprophilous insect, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporus | 1392 | |||||
207 | Redaktsiya . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 76-77 . | 1390 | |||||
208 | The article gives consideration to psychological and didactic educational approach which serves to solve effectively the problems of developmental education. The subject matter and the principals of the said approach are described and revealed in the article. The application models of psychological and didactic approach in the educational process are represented in the following article as well. Keywords: psychological and didactic approach, system of psychological and didactic educational principals, cognitive education | 1390 | |||||
209 | The article presents an analysis of theoretical-methodological bases of formation of such components of professional competence of a teacher as a legal competence. Gives the characteristic of the content of legal competence of a teacher, based on the requirements imposed by the state and society. Considers current methods of legal training and education on their effectiveness in the formation of legal competence of future teachers. In the course of the analysis of theoretical bases of formation of legal competence and implemented educational programs for pedagogical universities, the lack of consistency, continuity and consistency in the legal preparation of future teachers has been revealed. To solve these problems, it is necessary to find the best methods and means for forming legal competence of future teachers. Formation of legal competence is contingent upon compliance with system of created pedagogical conditions of realization of legal education throughout the period of study, in training and professional, scientific, socio-cultural activities and activities during practice. Together with the system of legal training it is necessary to develop the program of legal education, which will be implemented throughout the period of study at a pedagogical University. It is revealed that the legal education of future teachers should be systematic and consistent. The basic directions of improvement of modern legal training of future teachers are proposed. Keywords: legal competence of a teacher, legal training of future teachers, legal education, legal upbringing | 1390 | |||||
210 | In this article holiday is represented like a historical cul¬tural tradition. Celebrations convey cultural wealth coming from foundation of life of a person. The holiday time for a person is a possibility to open and express himself. Philosophy of a holiday is a way to promote an interest of people with each other. Forms of holidays can be differ¬ence but they must attract and return a person to radical basises social being. Celebrations must serve to elevated intentions of human essential that are to the universe of ideals. | 1389 | |||||
211 | In this article the ways of development of social policy of Russian Federation in aspect of the analysis of the main Government of Russian Federation pro¬gram documents on intermediate term and long-term perspective are described. | 1389 | |||||
212 | The article analyses social and economic aspects of education. The role of education as an institute sa¬tisfying vital needs of society is pointed out. The author gives possible criteria of the level of possessing edu¬cation. The questions of the cost of educational institu¬tions and the benefits expected from them are also discussed. | 1389 | |||||
213 | The article shows that primary aspect of deciding the problem of finding the own Russian’s culture unique in modern philosophy is comprehension of general system - making mental dominants of Russian culture. According to the author’s opinions they are absolutism, asceticism, kindness, cathedral, humility. Russian culture is embodiment of these mental dominants. These cultural dominants form in the process of the comprehension of Christian ideas by ancient Russian culture according to its mentality. | 1389 | |||||
214 | The fact that the majority of the archives of the orthodox communities disappeared on the territory of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth makes it very difficult to study the history of the communities. The Ukrainian communities are in the better situation: only the archives of the Lviv Assumption, the Lutsk Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and the Kiev Epiphany Communities were published densely. The archives of other communities have only separate groups of documents available. The author of the article searched and analyzed types of the published historical sources to study the orthodox communities in Byelorussia in the period of the 2nd half of the 16th – the 1st half of the 17th century. Keywords: the orthodox communities, historical sources, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the history of Byelorussia of the 2nd half of the 16th – the 1st half of the 17th century, archaeographical volumes | 1389 | |||||
215 | In the work in the context of the quality assessment of professional pedagogical activity, in particular – various models of certification of teachers – the question of pedagogical stereotypes is considered; the mechanism of formation of modern thinking of the teacher is offered. Keywords: pedagogical stereotypes, professional pedagogical activity, assessment of the efficiency of pedagogical activity, certification of the teacher | 1389 | |||||
216 | Introduction. The study presents an analysis of the novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky’s attempt at reproducing/imitating the speech of a teenager suffering from an emotional distress. The aim of the article is to unveil major linguistic principles of organizing a posttraumtic discourse. Material and methods. Charlie’s letters to a stranger are approached from a psycholinguistic perspective. The fictional text is viewed as a psychosemantic element, thus not only general psychological symptoms (such as emotional distraction, hyper-arousal, avoiding thoughts of the traumatic event, etc.) are taken into consideration but also its linguistic features. The research is rooted in the idea of the potential of certain figures of speech (for instance, metaphors) to both manifest cognitive processes and hide inner tribulations, either conscious or subconscious. Results and discussion. The research has revealed the following linguistic indicators of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder): 1) “A strange object” affects the theme and rheme development and is a binding factor for associative chain of thoughts. 2) Compulsive syntactic parallelisms result in a cyclical nature of an utterance. 3) Avoiding thoughts of a traumatic event is achieved through cutting down the sentences, once becoming run-on sentences are finished abruptly by Charlie himself saying he no longer remembers what happened next. 4) The tension of the signified translates to tension in syntactical structures making up the signifier (it can be revealed by means of a growing number of negative sentences in one and the same paragraph; or in a constant use of the conjunction ‘and’ at the beginning of sentences). 5) Almost no metaphors are tracked in Charles’ speech, which might be a sign of predominantly metonymy-based cognitive processes, or other deep mental structures. Conclusion. The analysis of linguistic data at the syntactic, semantic, and structural level of the text makes it possible to identify predictors of PTSD, which can be used in psycholinguistic studies and training sessions on the interpretation of the text. Keywords: psycholinguistics, posttraumatic discourse, syntax, semantics, structure | 1389 | |||||
217 | The article considers the image of the hero-creator in the Russian romantic prose of 30-ies of the 19th century. It is possible to mark out two types among these heroes: an amateur and a true artist. The basis of classification is the character’s attitude to the art. The features inherent the above types of hero-creator have been detailed. In order to describe a hero romance writers often turned to ecphrasis. Keywords: art, ecphrasis, artist, painter, amateur, improviser | 1388 | |||||
218 | The article considers the role and principles of diachronic analysis in lexicography, in particular, it concerns the study of a subject language. The article is the result of using the diachronic approach in investigating the radiant and plasma technologies sublanguage. Keywords: diachronic study, historical lexicography, primary and secondary texts | 1387 | |||||
219 | This article describes psychosomatic symptoms that are common among HIV-infected men. These symptoms are interpreted from psychological point of view, and the conclusion is: the illness duration is not related to the intensity of symptoms, and patients who were infected in the earlier age suffer from symptoms related to feeling of guilt, fear and intenseness. Keywords: HIV-infection, psychosomatic, psychological aid | 1386 | |||||
220 | The author undertakes an attempt to follow the process of origin and development of pedagogical education at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX centuries in Siberia both in general and in professional educational institutions (teacher's institutes and seminaries). | 1384 | |||||
221 | This work is an attempt making sense of the phenomenon of love in context of gender’s problem. Modern Russian society is charactered by changes in gender’s treatments. This situation refutes in an emotional culture of modern society (in sphere of love and sex) and it results in traditional family and marriage. | 1382 | |||||
222 | Clusters formation in today’s economy provides favorable climate for creating, conolitions for work and introducing high technologies. The author examines foreign practice of forming and developing regional clusters in Italy, France, Great Britain, the USA und Japan. Keywords: regional computability, regional cluster, cooperation | 1382 | |||||
223 | In the article there are examined and commented scientific-theoretical principles and practical results of the Collection of materials for description of the regions and tribes of the Caucasus in collection, systematization, publication and translation of folklore cultural layer. On the basis of the concrete facts there is traced the history of the editions of this collection; there was given detailed information about its structure, content of all its parts chapters, appendixes. The activity of this collection, its significance and contribution to ethnoculturology are emphasized. Keywords: CMDRTC, collection, folklore, edition, programme, typical, peculiarities | 1381 | |||||
224 | The student’s investigation competence should be considered as one of the most important components of his professional development. Its formation could be observed during student’s investigation activity. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of students – future teachers’ research competence development. As a method or methodology of the work, the activity-oriented and person-oriented approaches are chosen. The article analyzes the problems of students – future teachers’ research competence formation. The theoretical analysis of Federal state educational standards was held. It allows us to identify priority professional tasks within the framework of research activity. Considered formative stage of experimental work on formation of the research competence of students. Identified and justified the criteria for the formation of research competence. Identified characteristics of indicators and levels of formation of each criterion. It is shown that research competence presupposes the presence of creative abilities of future teachers, and includes obtaining of required skills, abilities, processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, methodological and theoretical bases of professional-pedagogical activity, the ability to creatively resolve pedagogical tasks, to perform the functions of a teacher through creative selfimprovement. The field of application of the study results is training of students – future teachers at university. Keywords: evaluation criteria, students’ research competence, scientific-research activity, formation, future teachers | 1381 | |||||
225 | In the article the author discusses different standpoint on nature of the human motivation and analyses approaches to study of the questions, in accordance with origin and psychological mechanism of the shaping of new needs and motives to activity. The approach to study of the motivation as process of the shaping motive and as particular structured formation of personality, being its profound nucleus is argued. Happen to the generalized results of the studies of the features of the process of motivation on schizophrenics and normal subjects and the role of activity and rigidity in this process. On base conclusion, logically resulting from these experiments, rises the question about need of the study not only dynamic, process aspects of motivations, but also profound analysis value-need nucleus of personality. | 1377 | |||||
226 | Some methodological approaches considered to be the foundation in the solving the problem of social adaptation, improving the quality of lives are understudy. The main emphasis in solving the problem of handicapped and disability is shifted to rehabilitation based first of all on social mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. Rehabilitation of disabled people is an integrated, many-sided approach in of abilities of people for every day life, social, professional activity at the level corresponding to their physical, psychological and social potential taking into account peculiarities of micro- and macrosocial environment. Different peculiarities of communicative research of children with cerebral palsy are analyses and their features are considered that develop according to the following clinical-psychological, psycho-pedagogical and social-psychological directions where family plays the central role as an important institution of initial socialization of a disabled child Keywords: children | 1377 | |||||
227 | The aim of this work was the study of the problems of synonymy in medical terminology. The article discusses the problem of the correct use of various synonyms of medical terms. Reveals the meaning of the term in modern linguistics. Discusses the basic methods of nomination that are typical for a common language. Analyzing medical terminology of the German language, and also referring to research data in the area of terminology, the author claims that the terms reflect a certain part of the lexical-semantic system of the language and possess features peculiar to each semantically meaningful element of the language. For terminology is characteristic of the main ways of nomination, typical of a common language (semantic, lexical, morphological, and borrowing from other languages). Terminology is inherent in such system-semantic relationships as polysemy, antonymy, homonymy, synonymy and metaphorization. Trends of opposition to the terminology commonly used in the dictionary, or ignoring the differences between them, show that the form and content are difficult to find a significant difference between the term and the word commonly used by the non-specific language. According to the author, modern German medical terminology has so many synonyms that requires constant and systematic ordering. The circle of synonymic analysis can include not only a simple and complicated structure of the terms, but also terminological phrases and their abbreviations. The author comes to the conclusion that knowledge of terms, their synonyms and relationships between them is critical to ensure effective communication. In turn, the selection and theoretical justification of the objective existence of synonymic relations in the German terminology and the need for their description relies primarily on the recognition of medical terminology as a part of a whole (common language). Keywords: synonymy, medical terminology, terminology, semantic relations | 1377 | |||||
228 | The modern approaches to scientific text study are based on the theoretical and methodological principles of functional stylistics, which are related to the need to study the text in its systemic speech organization, due to extralinguistic factors of scientific communication. New promising approaches to the development of the theory of the scientific text are: activity, transdisciplinary, idiostylistic, cognitive-discursive and discursive-stylistic, evidencing the expansion of the problems of modern functional stylistics. The activity approach corresponds with the structure of the cognitive process reflected in the text, in the unity of the three elements: subject, object and cognitive activity of the subject. The transdisciplinary approach is conditioned by the interaction of stylistics with a number of related sciences: psychology, epistemology, logic, etc. This interaction makes it possible to reveal the mechanisms of the generation of a scientific text and its perception by the addressee. The idiostylistic approach is aimed at studying the individual style of the scientist, determined by the peculiarities of his thinking. For the cognitive-discursive approach, it is characteristic to identify text structures that represent the picture of the scientist’s world. The discourse-stylistic approach is expedient to use on the basis of similarity of concepts «style» and «discourse». The approaches considered provide new complementary knowledge about the scientific text. Keywords: scientific text, stylistics of scientific speech, new approaches to scientific text study, activity approach, transdisciplinary approach, idiostylistic approach, cognitive-discursive approach, discourse-stylistic approach | 1377 | |||||
229 | High sociohumanitarian technologies (Hi-Hume) are aimed to manipulating individual and mass consciousness. Among these Hi-Hume technologies the author can enumerate modern marketing and management technologies which accompany Hi-Tech-manufacture. Hi-Hume transform a modern person into a passive consumer of Hi-Tech. Hi-Hume cause increasing dependence of a person on techniques and technologies. Being an object of manipulation, a modern person cannot be free | 1376 | |||||
230 | In this article the influence of German romanticism and German philosophy on F. I. Tyutchev's works is described. Based on materials of researchers of Tyutchev's works S. Frank, D. Chizhevsky, Y. Lotman etc. analogies Tyutchev's poetry to philosophy of Schelling, to the poetry of German poets-romanticists (Shlegel, Eihendorff, Tic, Kerner) are analyzed. Keywords: F. I. Tyutchev, german romanticism, lyrics, philosophy | 1376 | |||||
231 | In article the image of the main heroine is analyzed to lead The Last Term, old Anna. This article is about addresses specific features of the literary presentation of a Holy Virgin type woman as one of the key characters in Valentin Rasputin's creative work. Main character of The Last Term, old Anna, is depicted with the recognizable elements of hagiographic tradition such as humble acceptance of death, asceticism and the miracle of imperishability inherent to reverend-like life. Keywords: Rasputin, modern prose, Russian type of the righteous person, Christian hagiography, myth | 1376 | |||||
232 | The paper analyzes culture-loaded words in the English language articles of the Russian newspapers. The use of semantic means of representing national peculiarities is seen as a method of preserving the Russian cultural context in the English discourse. Culture-loaded words are classified according to their national component. Keywords: culture-loaded words, national cultural context in a foreign language, Russian English | 1376 | |||||
233 | The article is the result of theoretical review of recently made folklore onomasticon studies applied to the folklore of Shors – one of the indigenous Siberian Turkic peoples. The article also dwells on nowadays’ theories and methodologies of onomastic research. We propose the ethnolinguistic approach to the Shor folklore proper names, aiming at revealing their cultural semantics with the differentiated proper name analysis according to the genre – that are heroic epos, fairy tales, myth and legends, songs, proverbs and riddles. Keywords: Shor language, Turkic languages, ethnolinguistics, onomastics, folklore. | 1376 | |||||
234 | . | 1374 | |||||
235 | Differences of visual and verbal texts are revealed in the article. There is proposed an information model of perception and understanding of culture symbols. The authour dwells on peculiarities of understanding and interpretation of senses in visual medium and in verbal images. | 1374 | |||||
236 | In modern conditions the special value has searching new approaches to increasing efficiency of organization of educational systems’ management. One of them is transition from the state (centralized) principle of management of full secondary educational system to regional. In a context of it we plan a problem of definition of methods of monitoring and the forecasting, which are similar to a task of efficient control a regional education system for modelling image of the desirable future and finishing quite precise, checked, operationally set purposes of functioning and developing educational system | 1374 | |||||
237 | The paper deals with the tool of this approach implementation, namely students’ project work organization. Keywords: Learner centered approach, intensive methods of learning, professional and personal development, self-organization, innovation, project work | 1374 | |||||
238 | The article examines the question of motivation of professional self-development of teachers in the use of interactive technologies, disclosed the system of preparation of the teacher for the use of the interactive dialogue in training activities, summarize the experience of Gorno-Altaisk State University on activization of educational process of the University through training of teachers. Keywords: education, motivation, teacher, self-development, interactive technologies, and educational resources | 1374 | |||||
239 | In this article we consider the components (culture of dialogue, a standard of speech, culture of appearance, culture of observance of norms of personal hygiene) and means of formation of younger schoolboys’ culture of behavior within the limits of physical training and sports. We give the results of an experimental research with the pupils of 3-4 classes and form the conclusions on the given problem | 1373 | |||||
240 | The image of the ideal student is an active, responsible, purposeful, honest, sympathetic person, with extensive multilateral interests, whose main area of interest: study and future career, he/she is successful in his/her studies. This image is composed of the combination of merits, the features of interaction with other people; focus on many areas, highlighting the priority of study and future careers, psychophysiological features. Keywords: ideal image, students, quality, identity, interaction, activities, areas of interest | 1373 | |||||
241 | The collection publications of materials of International Scientific Conference taking place in 2001 within the 5-th Pospelov readings. | 1372 | |||||
242 | Necessity of introduction proves in clause for the list of the basic results of vocational training of the teacher the self-control competence. The competence is defined concepts «The self-control competence of the teacher». The type is defined, the structure and the maintenance is described the self-control competence of the teacher is described. Keywords: quality of vocational training, competence, the competence, self-control, the self-control competence of the teacher | 1372 | |||||
243 | The article is devoted to the new classification of museum-edagogical forms of activity at Russian museums in museum study. The main criterion is the use of museum item or museum exposition. On the basis of this criterion lecture bloc could be singled out: lecture as a basis form and derivative forms. To the most important characteristics of lecture bloc one could refer the availability of museum item or museum exposition and also static character of the form. Keywords: museum-pedagogical form, basic form, derivative form, static nature | 1372 | |||||
244 | The article gives the model of education quality management in rural few complement schools, representing the results of education quality monitoring in rural few complement schools of Tomsk Region Keywords: education quality management in ruralfew complement school | 1371 | |||||
245 | As a result of long-term investigations established the high population density of microorganisms of different physiological groups in the whole profile of studied peat deposits of eutrophic mire Tagan. Investigated the influence of redox conditions in the peat deposits on the population density of microorganisms. Agroforestry reclamation led to increase the intensity of microbiological processes of organic matter' decomposition of peat in the aerobic and anaerobic layers of the peat deposits. Keywords: Siberia, eutrophic mire Tagan, microflora, dynamics of microorganisms population, redox condition, aerobic layer, anaerobic layer | 1371 | |||||
246 | This article is devoted to the analysis of psychological-pedagogical aspects of successes in education. The author suggests the analysis of a clear understanding of the successes situation. In this article you can see author’s analysis of children’s successes in learning process | 1370 | |||||
247 | This article considers the level of communicative, psychological and personal pupils' development and the decision about possibility of intercultural foreign language communication readiness. Foreign language acquirement on the early stage can be classified as the general culture part mastering which will help schoolchildren to join the culture of the country of the foreign language as well as the world culture. Keywords: formation of readiness to intercultural communication, foreign language communicative skills development of primary school pupils on the elementary level, communicative development of a child, interlocutor's speech perception and understanding, developmen | 1370 | |||||
248 | The article reflects the general situation of linguistic expertise. Linguistic expertise of draft laws is based on the knowledge of the science of language and general principles of parliamentary activity. Therefore, the essence of the object-subject nature of the linguistic expertise of draft laws is considered in connection with different linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the aspect of the legal discourse. Special attention is given to the analysis of the relation between the concept of juridical discourse and the legislative discourse, law enforcement discourse, court discourse. Determines the difference between language and speech aspects of the linguistic expertise of draft laws. Measures on perfection of process of carrying out linguistic examination are offered. Provides the examples to confirm the practical significance of the linguistic expertise of draft laws. The material of the research is legal texts. The novelty and the findings of the author’s research are concluded in the opportunity to detect and classify an array of existing terms, which are applicable to the issue of texts of laws. Scientific article aims to discuss the problems posed by teachers, graduates and students. The conclusions reached by the author can be used to conduct further research on this issue and in the law-making process. Keywords: linguistic expertise, text, language and speech, draft law, genre, functional style, juridical discourse | 1370 | |||||
249 | This article is aevoted to the analysis of the problem of neuro-psychic asthenia applied to the conditions of a lengthy spaceflight. Psychogenic and somatogenic prerequisites for the development of the neuro-psychic asthenia under these conditions are being examined. The main attention is given to the analysis of fomatopsychic effects of weightlessness, conditioned by such factors as changes in cerebral hemodynamics, functional deaferentation, electrolyte and endocrine imbalance. Theoretical analysis is verified by results of investigating peculiarities of cerebral circulation and structural features of an astronaut's brain, obtained through the methods of magnetic resonance tomography (MR-scan) and transcranial ultrasonic-Doppler in early postflight period. | 1368 | |||||
250 | The history and current understanding of educational projecting, its nature, objectives, principles, functions, forms and levels are considered. The main theoretical problems and difficulties existing at the present stage of development of pedagogical projects are presented. The key future problems of classical design are shown. The current approaches to the development of the pedagogical project in modern science are presented. Analyzed and defined the nature, objectives, tasks, forms, methods and technologies of pedagogical design. The general description of the process of pedagogical designing of the educational content is given. The main characteristics of the levels of design of educational content are described. At the conceptual level orientation on professional and personal development needs of students, described in the author’s demand approach is provided. On the technology and process levels of the designing educational content, the technology and general development educational content algorithm are presented. Defined the aims, objectives and requirements to the content of training in the implementation of project technology of the educational content. In conclusion, the outcomes and the prospects for further research in the technology of pedagogical designing of the educational content are given. The technology helps to design educational content according to professional and personal demands of students and to develop educational demands through developing spiritual, moral, cognitive and information needs. Keywords: pedagogical design, educational content, needs and demands approach, educational content, project technology of the educational content | 1368 |