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351 | The reason the lasting success of Arbuzov`s plays in Russia as well as for exceptional popularity in European, Asian, and American countries lies in their characters which rest on the traits of human nature quit in Shakespeare1s traditions. It is the nature of the characters which gives birth to their ideas. The discourse of the ideas is the core of his plays but it never leads to the hostility. The possibility of a friendly, amiable or amorous dialogue is often determined by a love plot of Arbuzov`s plays. Keywords: A.Arbuzova's plays, problem of reception, natural characters, dialogue of consciousnesses | 1314 | |||||
352 | In this article author defines the pedagogical essence of social responsibility and exposes the peculiarities of its forming in students’ society, the most promising social group in the system of public and social service. Keywords: activity, initiation, social responsibility | 1314 | |||||
353 | In solving the problem of improving the quality of higher technical education, special attention is paid to arranging students’ self-study work. The paper reviews some approaches based on creation of pedagogical conditions to planning and arranging students’ self-study in learning foreign languages for specific purposes. The importance of a good command of English for IT specialists is also emphasized. The author underlines the importance of following the balance in the development of teaching materials between what students need and how they can get it. Keywords: professional training, students’ self-study in learning foreign languages, pedagogical conditions, project method, information educational platform | 1313 | |||||
354 | The analysis of "dialogic language" theory of art underlying the concept of synthetism of E.I. Zamyatin allows delimiting it from genetically and formally close to it symbolist and vanguard concepts of synthesis. "Neorealism" of Zamyatin is considered in the wide cultural context of the epoch. | 1312 | |||||
355 | Shatin Yu. V. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 148-150 - | 1312 | |||||
356 | It was studied a group composition of the organic matter from representative peats of the Western Siberian taiga zone. For its characteristic were selected 6 types of peat. The group composition was defined using the Instorf’s technique. It was found out that the Western Siberian peats have a difference from the European peats in the content of water-soluble and light-hydrolyzing substances and humic substances. Keywords: peat, group composition, organic matter, peat deposit, types of peat, bitumen, humic acids, water-soluble and light- hydrolyzing substance | 1312 | |||||
357 | The article is devoted to the content of professional preparation of teachers of foreign languages in methods of teaching at pedagogical university. In this article the main components of professional and methodical preparation, the ways of forming methodical competence of teacher of foreign languages are considered. Keywords: professional and methodic training, methodic competence, professional skill, content of professional and methodic training, integrative approach, competent approach | 1312 | |||||
358 | The notion of mistake or error is often central in translation teaching methods, as can be seen in the way teachers assess students’ work: their role often consists entirely in correcting mistakes. Some specialists in didactics point out, learners may be anxious by the fear of committing mistakes. An error may be a valuable educational tool in translation training, a teacher will often be able to help students make progress only if he/she is aware of the type of errors students are prone to making so that they understand the source of their errors in order to avoid their recurrence. The article also reviews Russian and foreign concepts of errors, their status and assessment for teaching purposes. Keywords: mistakes in translation, mistake status, translation evaluation, student translation, translation training | 1312 | |||||
359 | Based on the theoretical study of using the state-of-the-art Geoinformation technologies in professional training, application of Geoinformation Systems in professional training of Geoecology students is considered in this article. Keywords: Geoinformation System, GIS-technologies, training of geoecology students. | 1312 | |||||
360 | In the article the new approach to school education is introduced and the ways of its realization in technologies of integrated education are exposed. The first approach is characterized by the analysis and singling out of mental and perceptible actions as individual creative achievements of pupils. The conception and a short description of these phenomena are given here. The second approach is integrated education. The author considers the conception of this type of education, its tendencies, the possibility of working out of the integrated course of some subjects and appropriate textbooks on the basis of the new school subject «The history of culture». In the context we find the description of subject «The history of culture» for primary school and the fifth grade, content and methods of productive teaching. | 1311 | |||||
361 | The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.P. Gaidar's birth. His latter works, such as "Drummer's Fate", Chuck and Geek, Timur and his Squad are considered in the context of two trends of depicting childhood in Russian literature originating from S.T. Aksakov (description of the idyllic and happy life of a child in a noble family) and from A.I. Gertsen (narration about a child aware of social problems). | 1311 | |||||
362 | The article describes the technique of teacher's creative self-development and its facilitation. The technique is based upon scheduling the individual way of teacher's self-development which becomes clear in the course of self-analysis and diagnostics of educational work and level of development of personal qualities. The stages of process of teacher's creative self-development are identified. Keywords: teacher's creative self-development, self-analysis, diagnostics, stages of teacher's creative self-development | 1311 | |||||
363 | The results of investigation of intrapersonal conflict and interpersonal problems in patients with neurotic disorders in general and in their individual types (hysterical, obsessive-phobic, neurasthenic) show moderate intrapersonal and interpersonal difficulties. In patients with neurotic disorders there mainly dominate intrapersonal conflict of inadequate self-concept, adaptive conflict and uncertainty, compliance in the interpersonal sphere were revealed. The differences were found in expression of intrapersonal conflicts and interpersonal problems between the types of neurotic disorders. In addition we have revealed the relationship between intrapersonal conflicts and interpersonal problems and the impact of the severity of the intrapersonal conflicts in social avoidance. Keywords: neurotic disorders, intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal problems, hysterical type of neurotic disorder, neurasthenic type, obsessive-phobic type | 1311 | |||||
364 | The article deals with the question of demonstrating teacher’s competency which defines the specificity of a childadult interaction - realization of an open style of pedagogical communication. It demonstrates the results of studying the issue of preschool teachers’ professional difficulties in the sphere of communication with the participants of the educational intercourse. It provides the characteristic of an open style of pedagogical communication in the form of describing emotional and behavioral manifestations of an adult. The most significant in the demonstration of the open pedagogical communication style is the focus of an adult on the needs of a child. The article presents the examples of implementation of the open pedagogical communication style with the focus on the child’s actual needs: the need for love and acceptance; the need for impressions or cognitive need; the need for activity (physical, psychological); the need for cooperation and communication with the others; the need for self-realization and self-presentation. The described in the article manifestation of openness/closedness of children can be used as indicators when organizing children observations with the aim of identification of the sphere of communication difficulties, and for modeling constructive methods of child-adult interaction. Keywords: child-adult interaction, teacher’s professional competencies, open style of pedagogical communication, preschool education | 1311 | |||||
365 | The article addresses changes in the fauna of the river Tom basin in the last 90 years, starting from the last century’s second decade in this work data on areas of distribution, certain size, weight and reproductive characteristics are shown. The authors discuss disappearance of pydschjan and tugun from the area. As a result of planned acclimatization efforts in the river Ob, at least 5 species were introduced to river Tom’s ichthyofauna. While in the dawn of research, salmonidae fishes were dominant species, in the present time, the basin is heavily populated by cyprinidae and percidae. Keywords: river Tom, ichthyofauna, introduced species, changes in fish population, distribution of species | 1310 | |||||
366 | There are studied microsocial stressful influences on 140 patients with forming personality disorders at 12–18 years ago. The term “gender role” is connected with degree of the person takes and follows the forms of the behaviour, the culture ordered to him or her. There are discussed the problem of “gender identity”, “gender stereotypes”, influence microsocial environment on forming behavioural disorders. Essence of the deviating behaviour on gender level is considered as serious interpersonal conflict, being hindrance to organizations spiritual space of personality. The violations of sexual identity (masculinity-felinity) in sphere deviating behaviour, non-acceptance sexual roles are enough slim indicator in sphere deviating behaviour of teenagers. | 1309 | |||||
367 | The article is devoted to the analysis of structure of a modern printed museum guide-book as a mediator between the museum and audience of Russian museums. It reveals the peculiarities of structure of a traditional and interactive museum guide-book and also main characteristics such as text, illustration, schematic plans of halls, supplemental information. However an interactive museum guide-book has acquired one more characteristic – cognitivecommunicative that is questions (or tasks). Perfection of interactive museum guide-books especially in work with children’s audience presents itself perspective. Keywords: interactive museum guide-book, structure, cognitive character of museum guide | 1309 | |||||
368 | The article analyses issues of the English language teaching concerning foreign language mastering and considers the ways to organize listening, ESP reading and develop the skills of writing. The paper focuses the reader’s attention on exercises classification to develop these skills and highlights the main differences in delivering the English language to the students who study linguistic and nonlinguistic subjects. Nowadays it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the English language for the students of nonlinguistic specialties because only if they know English they can communicate with foreign colleagues and share their best practice. The authors stress that it is necessary to use discursive analysis while teaching students of nonlinguistic specialties because it helps to receive the information about nonlinguistic factors. Moreover, teachers have to apply individual and differentiated approach because students of nonlinguistic specialties usually have different level of knowledge. And in this case the entry test can be useful but it is important to remember that entry test is not the best means of estimating students’ English level and it has some deficiencies. At the same time one of the most important thing during working with future translators and teachers of English is home reading which allows to give the information not only about language but also about culture and history. Keywords: student of linguistic and nonlinguistic specialties, English for specific purposes, discursive analysis, individual and differentiated approach, axiological approach, home reading, Content and Language Integrated Learning | 1309 | |||||
369 | They consider that the main cause of bad quality of teacher’s psychological training is its out of date content and methods. Authors of the article don’t deny these factors but give their our point of view on this problem, trying to find objective causes of it. On of them disbalance between basic structural elements (subject and professional training). This fact causes low status of teacher’s psychological training. Authors of the article came to the conclusion that its necessery to have got a project complete structure of professional-pedagogical education. Necessery stage of its preparation is forming professional subject’s complex. Psychological preparation must the be trained from the position of the professional pedagogical and psychological practices. | 1308 | |||||
370 | We studied the influence of UV radiations of low intensity on the morphogenesis, accumulation of photosynthetic pigments and synthesis of ascorbic acid Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Wild type Ler and a mutant hy4, having infringement in synthesis cry1. Light adaptation of plants to their irradiation UV light is shown at the initial stage of the ontogenesis through synthesis and accumulation of ascorbic acid, change of dynamics of level of photosynthetic pigments. It is reflected in inhibition reactions of grows, in the slowed down development of reproductive bodies of plants and in lengthening of terms of vegetation. Among plants Ler these processes lead to decrease in real seed efficiency, among plants hy4, having infringements in synthesis cry1, changes is not revealed. The assumption is made, that the basic role in the course of adaptation to action of UV radiation of low intensity carry out not only photosynthetic pigments, but photoregulation pigments. Keywords: arabidopsis thaliana, wild type Ler, a mutant hy4, UV radiation of low intensity, morphogenesis, efficiency, photosynthetic pigments, ascorbic acid | 1308 | |||||
371 | The article is the result of theoretical and practical research of training practicum role in formation of basis of students’ professional competence in system of higher professional education. Basis and conditions typology of the formation success are considered. Keywords: professional competence, training practice | 1308 | |||||
372 | The institution of preliminary hearing in Russian legal proceedings appeared comparatively not long time ego. Being an intermediate stage between preliminary investigation and court examination, it plays a role of a filter, which is to reveal all the violations, preventing from considering the case in judicial sitting. The article, on the basis of practice, examines some questions of using the institution of preliminary hearing in examining concrete criminal case. | 1307 | |||||
373 | Some events occurred during different stages of the development of Selkup ethnos are viewed in the article. The dichotomy up//down is on the basis of the global image of the world. Etymological analysis of the components of the coordinating compound words affords to reconstruct the initial meaning of the ethnicon. Analysis data showed that the dual structure of the ethnos finds its expression in the language on the deepest level - on the semantic level. Within every area dialect there are ‘the upper’ and ‘the lower’ Selkups. | 1307 | |||||
374 | The article views I.A. Goncharov’s ironic interpretation of one of the basic romantic motives that proves the reconsidering of the traditions of Romanticism | 1307 | |||||
375 | The article is devoted to the problem of creation of successful brand in conditions of a strong competition among them. The theory tape allows to slightly open secrets of deep motivation of the consumers and to use this knowledge in creation and development of successful brands. The conformity to individuality brand certain tape is recognized by a key component successful of the companies in the market. Socionic opens perspective opportunities for marketing at segmentation of the consumers and development of brand. The theory of socionics gives the complete characteristics to 16 types of the person, which personify all consumers. The expert should know types of each segment, develop and create the stamps of the goods and their image, advertising campaign, effective methods of stimulation separately for every group. With competent use of theoretical development of socionics the experts in the field of marketing are able fully and effectively to satisfy needs of the consumer | 1307 | |||||
376 | The article describes a working concept of an integrated evaluation of the effectiveness of physical training. It is proved that the positive effect of training is achieved in case of the balance of the factors that determine physical activity, by means of physical culture. The conclusion is that the health benefits of physical training can be assessed only at the highest possible balance of physical development parameters with the parameters of hemodynamic and autonomic provision of physical activity, taking into account their involvement in the implementation of the regulatory systems of the body. Keywords: physical culture, evaluation of functional reserves | 1307 | |||||
377 | In the article L. Sysoeva «K.R. Popper, F.A. Hayek, G. Soros: Trree Points of View at the Open Society» the authors consider the evolutions of points of view at this important problem of present day life. K.Popper developed the phenomenon of the open society and main principles of movement to him theoretically – democracy and social engineering of democratic institutions. F.Hayek manage to develop the theory of advantages of marketing spontaneous economy in comparison with planned in the conditions of communist alternative convincingly. As for G.Soros, he developed the ideals of the open society in global evolution when the ideals democratic union, corporations and concord of open socienties. | 1305 | |||||
378 | This paper focuses on the problem of forming of self- regulation and its influence on the development of child’s potentialities, including intellect. The article attempts to analyze the process of metacognitive self- regulation which is provided by inner psychological mechanisms. The forming of metacognitive self-regulation favors the intellectual development of a child, stimulates self-dependence, self-control and self-appraisal, the abilities to correct intellectual activity and enrich child’s personal experience by means of special exercises. The author gives the examples of training texts on such an important subject of school course of mathematics as «function». The article is meant for psychologists, teachers, students and all those who are interested in actual problems of education. Keywords: cognitive activity, self-education, self-knowledge, self-regulation, metacognitive experience | 1305 | |||||
379 | The history of learning freshwater of molluscs of Siberia is considered. The items of information on a modern species composition of molluscums and their allocation on provinces of Siberia are reduced. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, allocation, province, zoogeography | 1304 | |||||
380 | This paper examines the role and place of content using the concept of “professional development of the personality of the teacher”; through the analysis of the stages of professional development in the context of a variety of resources for its development, personality traits, skills-oriented activity. Keywords: stages of professional development of the personality of the teacher, resources, professional development, competence | 1303 | |||||
381 | The question of personal and professional development of teacher’s qualities is considered as a manner of response to an innovative development. Applying to route maps for work with young teachers and using the project method in management can be mechanisms for professional self-development. The use of these mechanisms at school # 3 in Tomsk has promoted the development of teacher’s professional competence and a successful realization of innovative educational practice. Keywords: innovative educational practice, professional environment, mechanisms of self-development of a teacher, project approach, route map of self-development of a teacher | 1303 | |||||
382 | The question of the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia was considered as a third group of symptoms, different approaches to the study of national and international scientists, medical psychologists were examined in regard to neurocognitive deficits, there were discussed attempts to define the differential criteria in the evaluation of cognitive deficits in various neuropsychiatric disorders, there were noted no coherent thesaurus in the description of the phenomenon of national medical psychologists and psychiatrists. Keywords: schizophrenia, neurocognitive deficits, neuropsychological syndrome | 1303 | |||||
383 | The article considers the specific nature of blog as the new mass-media genre in the regulative aspect. Usual and individual author text peculiarities of three representatives of elitist and substandard literary types of culture of speech are revealed. It is stated that the personality of blog author is the key style and genre constituent factor in the regulative aspect. Keywords: blog, genre, idiostyle, regulativity | 1302 | |||||
384 | The article is devoted to the problems of reсonstructing of the staff work in the system of enterprise management. It examines the problems of improvement of the mechanism of staff work organization, aids of realization of personified motivation and reglamentation of management staff activity. Also it analyses economic, organic and humanitarian approaches to the management in business market economics. Keywords: normative regulation, regulations, staff management, work regulations, indices of regulation activity, personified motivation | 1302 | |||||
385 | This article discusses self-injurious victim behavior. It selects the species and describes the types of adolescents with self-destructive behaviors. The author considers the dependence of suicidal motivation with aссentuate of personality and willed disorder. Keywords: self-injurious victim behavior, adolescence, self-inflicted violence, willed disorder, aссentuate personality | 1301 | |||||
386 | The article is devoted to the problem of defining the most important professional and personal characteristics of teachers working at elite schools. On the basis of the analyses of scientific sources and fiction the author comes to the conclusion that the quality of the teacher’s professional activity depends not only on the quantity of his knowledge in this or that subject, but also on the level of development of his emotional sphere and creativity. Keywords: The article is devoted to the problem of defining the most important professional and personal characteristics of teachers working at elite schools. On the basis of the analyses of scientific sources and fiction the author comes to the conclusion that the | 1301 | |||||
387 | Discusses the possibility of canistherapy in the development of communicative skills of preschool children with speech disorders. The author identifies the peculiarities of development of communicative skills in preschool children with different speech disorders: fuzzy diction; abnormalities in the development of dialogue and monologue; weak focus on the interviewee in the process of joint activity; low level of development of skills of cooperation, negativism, aggression, anxiety. Communication with dogs gives a pronounced therapeutic effect in nervous and mental diseases, mental rehabilitation of disabled persons and children with disabilities. The main conditions for canistherapy are, firstly, the child must love dogs, enjoy the pleasure of communicating with them (the more pleasure from intercourse with a dog, the higher will be the effect of canistherapy). Canistherapy promotes the development of skills to meet their emotional needs: social, emotional and material, gives you the opportunity to develop skills to initiate and maintain a conversation, expect the reaction of the interlocutor. Communication with animals provides the opportunity for the formation of communicative skills between children, and also allows the expression of positive emotions. Such experience gained in the process of сanistherapy gives an opportunity to transfer it to communication with children and adults. The clear structure of lessons (a certain sequence of actions, the pace, the rules of communication with the animal) enhances the effect of psychological and pedagogical influence on children and promotes the development of communicative skills. Keywords: canistherapy, socialization, children of preschool age, communication skills | 1301 | |||||
388 | In the process of teaching the Russian language, a considerable role is assigned to the formation, improvement and increase of the active vocabulary of the student. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a graduate of the school must possess rich vocabulary, and communicative competences should reflect a high level of proficiency in vocabulary. The article deals with the principle of interactivity, which influences the development of modern lexicography. Analizes a certain type of dictionaries - interactive, allowing users to interact actively with the dictionary articles themselves, editing them, discussing the selection of lexemes in a particular dictionary. Today the interactive dictionary is a way of communication and self-expression, an ever-growing resource, instantly reacting to the slightest changes in the world around us. The article reveals the characteristics of the basic, most popular in the school practice interactive dictionaries. The emphasis is on the specifics of using interactive dictionaries of different kinds in the process of teaching students of different categories: gifted children, children with limited health opportunities, and also those for whom the Russian language is not native. The novelty of the article is that interactive dictionaries and web resources are described from the point of view of the own pedagogical experience. Keywords: lexicography, teaching methods of the Russian language, the Federal State Educational Standard, web resources, interactive dictionary, various categories of students in general education schools | 1301 | |||||
389 | Cataclysmic superfloods in Modern History of the Earth were a universal and regular event. They were conditioned by the global climate changes. The traces of those floods have been ascertained geologacaly, and their hydraulic parameters have been calculated mathematically. The numerous legends and myths of the Universal Flood gained a trustworthy and objective documentary background at the end of the 20-th century. | 1300 | |||||
390 | The spectral-luminescent properties of humic acids, humic triplet excited states, its influence on organic ecotoxicants, using the luminescence biotests for study of detoxification the aqueous solution in the presence of humic acids are discussed Keywords: Humic acids, spectral characteristic, irradiation | 1300 | |||||
391 | The paper explains the need to develop a competency model of quality control specialist field in bilingual training and the use of the competency-based approach. The main provisions identified the appropriate competencies, their components, constituents and description of competencies through indicators of behavior are given. The division of competences according to the levels of competency formation (elementary, reproduction, system (production and creativity)) based on the matrix of educational results by I.S. Fishman built on the principles of Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy which includes six levels of achievement of educational outcomes is produced. Keywords: competency-based approach, competencies, indicators of behavior, the levels of competences formation, competency model, bilingual training, quality control | 1300 | |||||
392 | The article covers the problem of identity construction in children, which defines Russian educational policy today, actuating the search for alternative ways to implement it. Special aspects of indigenous minorities of the North are described in the light of other regions of multicultural Russia. The author studied the regions of Russia inhabited by indigenous small peoples, as well as their distinctive features that have a significant impact on the process of identity formation in children of the North. As a result of systematization of analytical data from 19 subjects of Russia and analysis of academic packages, a problem in cultural disciplines’ courseware has been revealed. The relevance of the subject (course) “Culture of the Peoples of the North”, developed as a result of research at the Research Institute of National Schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), was substantiated here as one of the key educational resources in the process of comprehensive formation of positive types of identity. The research has been carried out within framework of a public assignment from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation starting since 2015. This article reflects the results of a research work on the development of a system aimed at formation of civil, regional, and ethno- cultural identity in children of the peoples of the North in form of a curriculum and teaching aids. Keywords: culture, spiritual values, indigenous peoples of the North, civil, regional, ethno-cultural identity | 1300 | |||||
393 | The article deals with versatility of bilinguism as an object of science and issues of bilingual education in the framework of professional education at linguistic faculties of Universities as well as goals and objectives of Russian bilingual education aimed at training pedagogical specialists by means of native and foreign languages. | 1299 | |||||
394 | The article discusses theoretical problems of modern management from the position of post-nonclassic methodology. A new concept “attractor management” is introduced into conceptual apparatus of management theory on the bases of the information synergetic treatment of self-organization aims of complex systems | 1299 | |||||
395 | Introducing of innovations in the work of a pre-school educational institution is an important condition for optimization and reforming of the preschool education system, as well as creation of a favorable domain-specific and developing environment for personal enhancement of every child. Innovations in the system of preschool education are aimed at selection of educational contents, planning of individual programs of children development, and formation of their creativity. The article defines a specific preschool educational institution that is being under development, which involves forecasting, long-term planning, special activity for innovation introduction, creating an experimental platform on the basis of the educational institution. Keywords: innovations, educational institution image, innovation management, project activity in the system of preschool education, experiment, experimental platform | 1299 | |||||
396 | Author analyses the terminology of archaeological ornamentology. The problem is in the different understanding of the structural levels of ornaments and their various designations. The author proposes his solving of this problem. Keywords: archaeological ornamentology, ornament, structural levels, motive, element, border | 1299 | |||||
397 | The article shows the relevance of the problem of adaptation of international students to the conditions of Russian universities. The authors have identified the main types of measurement procedures to solve the problem of estimating adaptation of foreign students, as well as formulated especially processing expertise and selected algorithm analysis of the results of expert evaluation, taking into account the type of measurement scale. To diagnose the level of adaptation, the algorithm based on the fuzzy classification method. Developed and put into operation information system of IMO, which is a universal tool for solving not only problems of evaluation of adaptation of international students to study in Russia, but also to identify groups at risk maladaptation? Keywords: social and psychological adaptation of international students, information technology in education. | 1299 | |||||
398 | The article considers the problems and trends of contemporary higher professional education, in particular, in training teachers. The were identified suggestions for the modern model of teacher education, on the example of the creation of the complex of continuous physical and mathematical education. Keywords: model of teacher education, continuous education, non-formal education, informal education, complex of physical and mathematical education | 1299 | |||||
399 | The article examines the stages and peculiarities of the system of professional development of teachers in Russia since its beginning up to present. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the data contained in the studies the author shows chronology stages in the evolution of professional development of teachers in Russia. The paper analyzes the characteristics of emergence, formation and strengthening of the current state and prospects of development of the professional development of teachers in Russia. Keywords: system of professional development of teachers, educator, teacher, development, improvement, stages | 1299 | |||||
400 | The question of developing professional competency of a specialist (in engineering) is raised in the article. On the basis of the study undertaken, the project technique is the optimal condition of this process. The author tries to reveal principles and rules of organization of project activity of students and to characterize the method in the terms of competency building approach. Great attention is paid to reflection which can be encouraged by means of the method in question. Keywords: project method, project technique, team working, professional competency, reflection | 1298 |