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551 | This article is devoted to the analysis of two main scientific approaches to the steady verbal-nominal combinations of modern Russian: semantic and functional. Classifications of the verbal analytical units developed with use of these two approaches are offered. The question of a ratio of the steady units with a rod verbal component and the free phrases is considered. Keywords: the free phrases, the steady verbal-nominal combinations, the synlexes the phraseological units, the turns of speech, the belletrizm, the terms, nominative structure of language | 1259 | |||||
552 | To perform evaluation in logistical systems the complex of techniques and parameters is required. Methods of valuation of logistics costs are a substantial part of this complex. Existing approaches to the account of expenses do not allow to allocate and control many essential kinds of logistics costs completely. It results in understating totals of expenses and wrongful management decisions | 1258 | |||||
553 | This article deals with a 5-th year students' questionnaire upon the problem of creating Elementary school teacher professional competence. The types of independent activities in learning process are proposed. They permit to focus your attention on creating key, basic and special competences composing foundation of professional competence for Elementary school teacher. Keywords: professional competence, teacher's professional competence, key competences, basic competences, special competences, independent activities | 1258 | |||||
554 | The questions of formation of life values and orientations during education are considered in the article of Z.A. Skripko. The author addresses to historical development of axiology, and gives special attention to the analysis of formation of moral orientations for the youth during training of natural sciences. | 1257 | |||||
555 | In the article the author gives the concept of personification considerations of Russian history by academician A.D. Sakharov. The article is written on materials of the A.D. Sakharov’s Public archive. It is interesting that the author considers that the KGB and the CC of CPSU recognized the society right to opposition judgments of events occurring in the country as it would be a mistake to think, that this thinking might seriously threaten the political formation of the country. The political opponent of the Soviet government was close to the public opinion in the country. Otherwise these people would not have had the prestige of “the ideological opponent” of bureaucracy. | 1257 | |||||
556 | The present article reviews the issues of improvement of quality of the pedagogical and psychological research in conception of praxeology and riskology; 2 levels of teacher's research activity are distinguished. In the opinion of the author, the main mechanism of improvement of the quality of the pedagog's research work is creation of risk mitigation program of the pedagog's research activity. Keywords: research activity, praxeology, riskology, risks ofpedagog's research work, risk mitigation program | 1257 | |||||
557 | In article are considered questions of the teaching to religions with standpoint culturology approach. They Are Shown possibility and advantage the phenomenology for teaching the theories and histories to religions. They Are Considered also main problems of the study to religions in rural school in social and cultural aspect Keywords: teaching in a rural school, religious studies, cultural studies, aphenomenological approach to religion | 1257 | |||||
558 | The author examines the effects of modern communication means in development of the Russian language. The phenomena, observed in the speech of Internet users, are considered in the context of two opposite and interrelated trends to formalization and deformalization. Keywords: Russian language, modern trends, Internet, communication | 1257 | |||||
559 | The article discusses the question of modeling of an individual educational route (hereinafter IER) for a child with disabilities (HIA) as a tool for accompanying children of this category in the educational process. The terms ”modeling”, “inclusive competence of the teacher” are clarified with the purpose of more accurate description of the author’s material in this direction. The stages of modeling IER as a means of the child’s most effective comprehension of the educational program and the system organization of inclusive space in the educational organization are described. Modeling of IER as an open joint reflexive action (according to E. D. Fayzullaeva) is the coordination of the interests and tasks of all participants in accompanying the child with HIA and the construction of a system of joint actions included in correctional, developmental, rehabilitation and other activities for the child. 7 stages of modeling IER are described: 1) installation-reflexive; 2) organizational; 3) meaningful; 4) reflexive; 5) transforming; 6) expertanalytical; 7) reflexive-projecting. Each stage reveals the specifics of the work of adults with the child, detailing the contribution of each participant in the joint activity. At each stage there is solving of various tasks for all participants in joint activities: work with the IER concept; realization of a systematic approach that implies a holistic vision of the child included in the common space of life (in which there is an inclusive educational space of the institution, microsocieties - the group and the family, as well as the external space - additional educational institutions, medical and specialized institutions, etc. along with public places of common use); actualization of the partnership positions; implementation of pedagogical actions aimed at correcting and developing the child, increasing his or her social adaptability. These stages are the joint activities of adults involved in the life of the child (parents and teachers) and reflect the realization of their inclusive competence. Presented are the results of research activities (focus groups and approbations) on the procedure for creating IER by all subjects of the educational process, including corrective, developmental, rehabilitation and other measures for the child with disabilities. Positive effects of this work were noted, which manifested themselves in the form of the phenomena of decentration; actualization of communicative, research, managerial, and reflective competencies among participants in joint activities on the compilation of IER; conscious interaction of all specialists with a deeper understanding and a responsible attitude in working with children with disabilities. Keywords: individual educational route, inclusive approach, modeling and IER, open joint reflexive action, child with disability, support for children with disabilities | 1256 | |||||
560 | The problem of the reflection of the natural and spontaneous culture code in Russian and Chinese linguocultures is considered with the example of phraseological units with the element fire from the point of view of the linguistic and cultural approach that allowed analyzing linguistic material in the context of analysis of language and culture in a synchronous aspect. The characteristics of the aggregate of Russian and Chinese phraseological phrases are given, based on the study of linguistic parameters proper (the linguistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness, the features of the lingual complex), which made it possible to distinguish and compare the semantic meanings of phraseological units with the element fire as a natural spontaneous code of culture, as a sign of the “language of culture” in cultural connotative meanings, highlight the similarities and differences in their historical and sociocultural content in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The specifics of the natural-elemental culture code, which includes the natural-landscape code of culture, associated with the main elements (in Russian - fire, water, air, earth, in Chinese - metal, water, wood, fire, earth) is described. These examples allowed us to state that in both linguocultures the natural-spontaneous code of culture preserved the oldest notions, which is fixed in the semantic sense of the phraseological turns with the element fire. Keywords: linguoculturology, culture code, phraseological units, the element fire, language, linguistic consciousness, culture | 1256 | |||||
561 | The history of the Edinoverie parish, discovered in the Elanskaya volost of Tyukalinsky district of the Tobolsk province at the beginning of the 20th century, is analyzed. The previously unknown archival documents, stored in the State archives of the Omsk region, revealing features of the inner life of the youngest in Western Siberia Edinoverie Parish. In the historical period under review, its territory was located at the junction of the Tobolsk and Tomsk provinces and dioceses, in the conditions of an ethno-confessional intersection. Relations between Orthodox, cobelievers and old believers are considered. The theoretical significance of studying this problem is important in the conditions of the revival of the Old Believer parishes within the framework of the Russian Orthodox Church. The practical importance of the study is determined by the high interest of Russians and residents of other countries to identify their ancestors, compile genealogical trees and family histories. The main attention in the work is given to the analysis of the metric books of this parish, comparison of the tasks of the existence of the same faith and real practice on the example of particular parish. The facts and conclusions reflected in the article are a part of the work already carried out by the author on the integration of the data of Edinoverie, Orthodox and Jewish registers relating to the territory of the Elanskaya volost. Keywords: Edinoverie, Old Belief, Orthodoxy, parish registers, rituals, baptism, wedding, guidance, genealogy, Siberia, Tobolsk province, Omsk diocese, anti-schismian mission | 1256 | |||||
562 | The article reflects the ideas of development of creative potential of students‘ personality in the process of their professional training. The state of the studied problem in pedagogical theory and practice is studied, perspective approaches to its solution are defined, the conceptual apparatus of research is specified. The state of the problem of students’ creative potential is analyzed. In the process of its development, we have identified the stages in the logic of the main trends. Ideas about creative potential of students’ personality are developed. The aspects of development of creative potential of personality of students are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, creation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. There was conducted the survey and testing of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute. The results of the study of the creative potential of students in the process of training in public and private universities are presented. These surveys and tests allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not significantly affect the proportion of students with explicit and empirically fixed creative potential. A survey of students of different courses, as well as a repeated survey of the same panel with minor sample losses showed that the number of students with the author’s analyzed criteria of creative potential varies between 25–35 percent. No more than 10–12 percent of respondents in both universities have all the necessary qualities. Half of respondents express these qualities poorly or asymmetrically, the fifth part of the surveyed students focused on noncreative study and professional career, shows obvious conformism. The grounds for the conclusion about the development of the creative potential of students in General is not enough, as evidenced by the specific weight of creative personalities in different courses. The author sees the reasons in the fact that, firstly, the basis for such development is laid earlier, before entering the University, and secondly, some students with creative potential are eliminated from the educational process for various reasons: lack of money for education, conflicts with the administration, etc. in a private University, despite the action of various circumstances, the proportion of students with creative potential remains quite stable, and in a state University there is a tendency to reduce the number of such students.The article reflects the ideas of development of creative potential of students‘ personality in the process of their professional training. The state of the studied problem in pedagogical theory and practice is studied, perspective approaches to its solution are defined, the conceptual apparatus of research is specified. The state of the problem of students’ creative potential is analyzed. In the process of its development, we have identified the stages in the logic of the main trends. Ideas about creative potential of students’ personality are developed. The aspects of development of creative potential of personality of students are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, creation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. There was conducted the survey and testing of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute. The results of the study of the creative potential of students in the process of training in public and private universities are presented. These surveys and tests allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not significantly affect the proportion of students with explicit and empirically fixed creative potential. A survey of students of different courses, as well as a repeated survey of the same panel with minor sample losses showed that the number of students with the author’s analyzed criteria of creative potential varies between 25–35 percent. No more than 10–12 percent of respondents in both universities have all the necessary qualities. Half of respondents express these qualities poorly or asymmetrically, the fifth part of the surveyed students focused on noncreative study and professional career, shows obvious conformism. The grounds for the conclusion about the development of the creative potential of students in General is not enough, as evidenced by the specific weight of creative personalities in different courses. The author sees the reasons in the fact that, firstly, the basis for such development is laid earlier, before entering the University, and secondly, some students with creative potential are eliminated from the educational process for various reasons: lack of money for education, conflicts with the administration, etc. in a private University, despite the action of various circumstances, the proportion of students with creative potential remains quite stable, and in a state University there is a tendency to reduce the number of such students. Keywords: creative potential of students personality, risk tendency, conscious choice of interesting and developing activities | 1256 | |||||
563 | During the last ten years the development of demographic processes in Russia have been characterized by such tendencies as wide spreading of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers, increasing adolescent pregnancy, out-of-wedlock chiidbirths and abortions. In this connection the investigation of the psychological mechanisms of adolescent reproductive behavior formation is actual and timely Present-day research methods, such as questionnaires and surveys, need to be reviewed. The obtained data will help in identifying directions of preventive and rehabilitative measures on the state level. In this article the importance of developing a genderrearing educational program for adolescents with the regard for ethnocultural traditions of our society is emphasized and possible trends of further investigation are marked. | 1255 | |||||
564 | Philosophy traditionally has been interesting such phenomenon as religion. In this articles we give general representation of religion as transform phenomenon, to indicate the social context of such transformation and define criterion of analysis of religion from social structure point of view. In the second part of this article we give shot introduction to the religious transformation by Christianity. | 1255 | |||||
565 | The article reveals lexical means of representation of concepts in fiction from the position of communicative stylistics. These lexical means include words, «overwords» units, lexical microstructure of utterances, series of utterances, textual paradigms of different types, associative-notional fields, lexical macrostructure of texts. There was established a connection between the type of concept and means of its lexical representation | 1255 | |||||
566 | The article considers the phenomenon of human visual perception asymmetry being an Individual characteristic of his personality. It is said about the interrelations between separate structural indexes of intelligence and personality’s will. The concept “monodominating features of outstanding asymmetry men” is introduced that enables to describe such of them which are determined by functional brain asymmetry and are revealed in human activity. | 1255 | |||||
567 | This is an article about the analysis of color denominations in Gumilev’s lyric poetry connected with creative evolution of the poet. The author investigates the meaning of color vocabulary taking into consideration a famous division into periods of Gumilev’s works. The research has been done taking as a basis more than two thousand words denoted different color denominations revealed with the help of the method of solid excerpts from nine poet’s anthology. Keywords: color denominations, the poetic world’s picture, idiostyle | 1255 | |||||
568 | There have been analyzed the materials of the whole year round calculation of birds which were carried out within the limits of the administrative territory of the town of Lesosibirsk in Krasnoyarsk region from 2002 to 2005 (years) in four locations. With the help of classification of the regulated objects there were exposed the season periods of bird population in each location according to years and on the average for each location during all years of observation. According to the results of their comparison 7 general periods are determined and it is given their short quantitative characteristics. It is ascertained that according to years the number of seasons is more stable in taiga forests and in built up locations Keywords: . | 1255 | |||||
569 | The article describes methods of speeding the cognitive activity of students during the lectures by means of discussion. Discussion developing is stimulated by the problems which arise during provisional introduction of students to the studied material. Keywords: speeding, cognitive activity, summary, discussion. | 1255 | |||||
570 | In the article the contents of state soveregnty are examined through main attributes of state, its main characteristics are enumerated. The consideration is given to examination of the definition and essence of «federalism». On the basis of it there is the detection of the specifics of sovereignty in the federal state, its attributes and status, in particular, the nature of its (sovereignty) formation by division of sovereignties of early independent state formations, or another legal nature of origin. The conceptions of «sovereignty» and «federalism» are brought into correlation. The matter of impossibility of state sovereignty division is solved. There is a reasoning of possibility of coexistence, interconnection and interdependence of two split-level sovereignties. Moreover, in the article different theories of state sovereignty receive an assessment, the arguments for and against are given, the viability of these theories is proved. Keywords: federalism, state, sovereignty, subject of the federation | 1255 | |||||
571 | The article offers general criteria of the communicative and pragmatic analysis of the individual media discourse of a television journalist. These criteria reflect subjective characteristics of a journalist (for example, use of tropes and rhetorical figures, intonation, facial expressions, gestures, looks, etc.) and objective characteristics of television discourse and media discourse in general (for example, program format, graphic, sound and color design of the program, the model of interaction with the audience, etc.). Individual media discourse of journalist considered by the author from the standpoint of forming a complete image of a journalist in terms of his professional verbal behavior. Linguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic factors of formation of individual media discourse are described separately. Specificity of genre of weekly information and analytical program on domestic television are characterized. Weekly information and analytical program is seen as a particularly topical TV genre. This program is a “calling card” of channel, presenter of this program is a “face” of the channel. The individual media discourse of Dmitry Kiselev, “Rossiya 1” television presenter, will be described (on an example of the information and analytical program “Vesti nedeli”). Keywords: discourse, media discourse, individual media discourse of a journalist, information and analytical program, discourse testing, communicative and pragmatic analysis | 1255 | |||||
572 | This article discusses the factors that affect the efficiency of the process of teaching foreign students. Analized the educational process on specialties in Chinese universities for Russian students. Analysis of the learning process shows that the important role is played by the university educational system, where Russian students are trained in intercultural communication. The results show that the motivation of students and the process of adaptation in higher school play an important role in the effectiveness of the learning process. The main factors of Russian adaptation of students in Chinese universities are educational communication, educational and psychological and personalitycommunicative components. Based on the results of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of the educational process in Chinese universities were identified and the ways of solving the problems to improve the organization of the educational process were formulated. The current trend in the development of international educational space allows you to highlight the most important ways of improving the educational process. The article formulates solutions to improve the educational process. In the development of educational programs and the organization of the learning process for Russian students, administration and faculty must take into account the mentality of Russian students. Intercultural communication in the organization and in the process of teaching Russian students played a huge and one of the most important roles. For many Russian students the process of adaptation is difficult, there is the influence of both climatic conditions, and educational and communication factors. Successful adaptation depends on many factors of the environment and on the man himself. The more complex is the new environment, the more it differs from the usual environment for the student, the more difficult is the process of adaptation. Keywords: intercultural communication, adaptation, motivation, educational communication, educationalpsychological and personal-communicative approach | 1254 | |||||
573 | The question of the national problem in Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the period of the first ten years of its existence is analyzed by the author. When analyzing these documents the author proves that the Academy had the power which were ready and able to fight for the nation science in spite of luck of Russian scientists in the Academy. | 1253 | |||||
574 | The article is devoted to the originality of demonstrating the author's basis in the play “The Shadow” written by E. Schwarz. The material of the play is used to illustrate the artistic potential of the epic drama’s motive organization | 1253 | |||||
575 | - | 1253 | |||||
576 | We calculate the explicit expression of the effective potential in а »Ж4 theory at finite temperature in a static universe for arbitrary spacetime dimensions (2dDin R x SD-1 and R x HD-1. The phase structure of a »Ж4 theory is found by observing the minimum of the effective potential with varying temperature and scale factor. All the ring diagrams are resummed for De4 to improve the loop expansion at high temperature. For a conformaily coupled and a minimally coupled scalar field it is shown that temperature and positive curvature suppress the symmetry breaking, while negative curvature enhances it. The conformaily coupled scalar has larger curvature effects than the minimally coupled one. | 1252 | |||||
577 | The article focuses on general and specific skills necessary for engineering specialists to comprehend ESP audio texts, linguistic problems they encounter, and ways of dealing with those problems. Keywords: English for specific purposes, foreign language communication, specific auditive skills, tasks | 1252 | |||||
578 | The author of the paper analyzes the writer's prose and reveals the refined usage of floristic symbolism in its etiquette and everyday aspects in her works. The author draws the readers' special attention to stylized contexts rich with dense symbolic ciphers. Original texts and their versions in Russian translated in the XIX century are en¬listed and analyzed in the paper. | 1251 | |||||
579 | The article deals with the problems of genesis, reforming of pedagogical universities, diversification and the necessity of preservation of the native pedagogic education traditions. It also considers the main data of the demonstration of diversification in the system of higher professional education. Keywords: system of pedagogical education, problems of genesis, reforming, diversification | 1251 | |||||
580 | The article is dedicated to the specifics of intertextuality in “Pushkin House”. The study is focused on the meaning and correlation of references to Pushkin’s and Dostoevsky’s texts, which occur in the third part of the novel in the form of epigraphs, titles of the part itself and its chapters and specific allusions within the plot. Keywords: Bitov, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, postmodern, intertextuality, epigraph | 1251 | |||||
581 | The central problem of the given article is the definition of the following concepts: “competence” and “creative competences”. The authors analyse various interpretations of the named categories within the bounds of encyclopaedic, pedagogical and psychological literature. The authors expand and add the concept “creative competences”. Keywords: competence, creativity, creative competences | 1251 | |||||
582 | An experience of the development and introduction into practice of new techniques of medical exercise therapy for children with infantile cerebral palsy is shown in the article. A complex of exercises is performed in a special costume “Aerokombinezon”. For the first time, a technique of exercises in a neuroorthopedical costume “Ippo” is developed for hippotherapy. The data of empirical study reflecting the results of correction of the movement disorders of children with spastic form of infantile cerebral palsy are presented. Keywords: infantile cerebral palsy, medical exercise therapy, hippotherapy, neuroorthopedical costume “Aerokombinezon”, neuroorthopedical pnevmokostume “Ippo” | 1251 | |||||
583 | The article contains different points of view of Russian scientists regarding the reasons of English words incorporation into the Russian everyday language space. A comparative analysis of the penetration degree of English loan words into the Russian everyday language is presented. A psycholinguistic experiment is conducted in two groups (students and teachers), using the method of subjective definitions and free association method. It showed differences in the under- standing of the Anglicisms of the thematic groups “Music”, “Information technology”, “Soft and computer games”. The respondents were to find the synonyms and give the definitions to the proposed words. The analysis showed that the first group of respondents had understanding of the represented thematic groups by 70%, the second group showed lower results - 56%. The obtained results demonstrated that the respondents of the first group interact less with such areas as modern music, software and computer games. The absence of the need to use these words in the speech explains the low entry percentage of studied English loan-words into the everyday language. The results of the experiment showed that the incorporation of Anglicisms into the Russian everyday language space is a natural and irreversible process connected with the needs of contemporary people to use words that denote new concepts, objects and phenomena in speech. Keywords: Anglicism, English loan-words, incorporation, Russian everyday language space, intercultural interaction | 1251 | |||||
584 | Social pedagogic in Russia was officially founded in 1989. and that's why it is a new sphere of scientific and practical activity. The appearance of social pedagogic here in Russia is conditioned by the crisis of the whole social system. However social pedagogic wasn't begun with the zero, it has deep historical roots, traditions in Russia. For many years different models of social, legal, psychology-pedagogical and different others prospects of help to people especially to children were worked out Form, Subject and methods of social upbringing of the rising generation of different categories of children were improved theoretical foundation of this scientific branch was laid. This article will elucidate the stages of formation of the social pedagogic in Russia. | 1250 | |||||
585 | In the paper the author reveals the treatment of the term «the understanding mastering of the subject» He chooses such aspects of the category «meaning», which are used to teach pupils the mathematical notions. The stages of eliciting semantic contexts of the notion in the process of its forming are described; the conditions, assisting the understanding mastering of the subject are defined and grounded. | 1250 | |||||
586 | The article is devoted to the study of the regional identity formation process on the level of ethnic state areas of the Russian Federation in the frameworks of the issue of the ethno political and ethno social stability to be preserved. With the Republic of Khakassia (1990–2000) used as an example we identify the conditions and mechanisms of the regional identity formation and it shows how the ethnic nationhood factor affects this process. Keywords: regional identity, ethnic nationhood, ethno political and ethno social situation, Republic of Khakassia, Khakas ethnos | 1250 | |||||
587 | Initiation and activity are considered to be the basic part of forming young people social responsibility, their attitude to life’s work (socio-political, civil, socioeconomical, educational, sociocultural, etc). Keywords: activity, initiation, social responsibility. | 1250 | |||||
588 | In the given article the Russian bank associations and the unions are considered, the purposes and problems of their activity, the role for national economy are in detail studied. The received results specify in a considerable role of bank associations and the unions both for regions, and for Russia as a whole. They represent itself as defenders of banks, intermediaries between the government, the Central bank, foreign countries and innovators. Keywords: Bank association, the bank union, the credit organization, the Сentral bank, economy, a role | 1250 | |||||
589 | The article considers the reasons for the construction of mountain plants in the region, the creation and development of a regional management model metallurgical industry of the Southern Urals in the 18th century. There are shown principles and methods of management, as well as the peculiarities of its functioning. The contribution of the leaders of central and regional governments to improve its management structure. Keywords: Mining industry, the Mining Board, mining bosses, mountain plants, the boss | 1250 | |||||
590 | The article presents the system-conceptual consideration of the interaction of artistic and religious consciousness in the synthesis of the genre of modern literature, such as traveling pilgrim. Understanding the cycle track AN Muraviev topical issues in the aspect of theoretical and historical poetics allows us to introduce in the context of the research strategy for the analysis and interpretation of literary works with a religious modus of artistic-oriented review of the specific manifest in these type of the worldview. Keywords: Russian literature, art space, art consciousness, pilgrimage, literature of travel | 1250 | |||||
591 | The method of investigation of the effect on the hydrogenation properties of titanium alloys by means of eddy currents in the range of frequencies from 10 kHz to 50 MHz. The developed method was the basis for determining the hydrogen content in the metal and the study of some properties of the hydrogen subsystem containing hydrogen. Keywords: hydrogen, titanium, eddy currents, high frequency | 1250 | |||||
592 | Interrelation of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism in English fiction is not infrequently accompanied by the phenomenon of defeated expectancy. The combination of twofold repetition – of those of morphemes and of syntactical structures – reciprocally enhance the rule and order they create. Unpredictable breach of the established rule leads to defeated expectancy on the part of the reader. This effect is never realized in full, since the unexpected changes enforced by the author do not radically affect or annihilate either morphemic repetition or syntactical parallelism. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, the effect of defeated expectancy, indexicality of repetition, unpredictable breach of the established rule | 1250 | |||||
593 | Cognitive sphere of a personality is a dynamic, hierarchic organized system. The determinants of cognitive development and also sex and age individually psychological qualities of a personality have great influence upon the formation of the cognitive sphere of the primary students | 1249 | |||||
594 | The analysis of psychiatric and legal literature on limited ability and responsibility resulted in negative attitude of the author to the fact that in the Civil Code of Russian Federation there is no article about limited ability caused by psychiatric disorder. The main criteria are characterized: medical, psychological and legal. The author gives its legal determination. | 1249 | |||||
595 | This article considers peculiarities of non-linguistic specialists teaching of technical documentation translation. Technical translation is viewed as means of the foreign language acquisition, as the method to improve reading skills and as the efficient technique for the information understanding control. By translation teaching it is necessary to take into account psychological characteristics of students. Keywords: technical documentation translation, specialists of non-linguistic higher institution, lexical and morphological skill acquisition, patent description and maintenance guides translation, psychological peculiarities of adult students, semantic and normativ | 1249 | |||||
596 | In the article the linguistic analysis of the factual material, connected with the cult of mythic ancestors, i.e. gods, spirits, is presented. Reconstruction of the fragments of mythic worldview shows the way of formation of the Selkup world perception and its reflection in the language. The inner organization of the ethnos is based on cult objects. Tribal self-designations are connected with them. Keywords: mythic ancestor, intellectual culture, worldview, word morphemic structure | 1249 | |||||
597 | Discusses the issues of transition from children’s music schools, which are an integral part of the system of additional education, pre-professional programs in the field of art education, to further professional self-determination of graduates of art schools. Unfortunately, the ranks of graduates of art schools, in recent years, rarely fill up the number of students wanting to get an art education. After graduation many of the graduates, educated in a certain field continue professional training, and to act in the educational institutions of other profiles. This is due to the fact that the prestige of education in the sphere of culture and arts is not high. Among parents and children standing on the threshold of the school and are ready to choose a future profession, there is an unspoken ranking of “necessary and important” professions according to their prestige, “fashion” and material security. Low wages in the sphere of culture and arts does not allow it to rise to the same level as the more prestigious, according to parents and high school graduates, professions. The results of the analysis of the pre-professional programs are presented and the issues of their implementation are identified. The most significant were the increased physical and temporal workload, and a lack of motivation on the part of parents and children. The requirements for training in additional pre-professional programs are given, and the areas of responsibility of all parties in the educational process are selected. The conditions necessary for the formation of positive motivation and successful development, additional preprofessional programs are revealed. Among them are the following: the ability of the teacher to build the learning process so that heavy physical exertion associated with the development of choreographic disciplines, was seen as a requirement to achieve the learning outcomes; the interest of parents and their involvement in the learning process; the formation of students ‘interest in subjects of pre-professional programs. Keywords: additional education, pre-professional programs, motivation, choreography | 1249 | |||||
598 | Transition of an average comprehensive school to profile training dictates also necessity of outstripping development of vocational training. Increase of a professional level of teachers and formation of new structure of the pedagogical case corresponding to inquiries of a modern life, is considered as a necessary condition of modernization of an education system of Russia. In this article the basic directions of perfection of professional - pedagogical education are considered in view of realization of problems of profile training and the questions connected to the maintenance of invariance of such preparation | 1248 | |||||
599 | In the article the urgency of educational area “health and safety” is described, problems of the organization of out-of-class work in the course of “health and safety Basis” are considered, defi nition and classifi cation of out-of-class work by health and safety bases is resulted, the approximate maintenance is described. Realization of the basic approaches is described. Keywords: сourse of “Health and safety basis”, out-of-class work in the course of “Health and safety basis”, person-activity approach, integrative approach | 1248 | |||||
600 | In the article the author proves urgency in realization of the principle of situativeness in teaching communication in connection with methodic «insolvency» of traditional subject-concerning vocabulary and up-to-date necessity of speech situations in studying process. | 1247 |